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¡ ----- …… mechanicai Structure of the Human

Body , 2?
: TABLE 1 -“'s* . f;
"3- Bad V D'Imansmns
- nf LL5. Civilian ¿r =. . eº-…» -,
Adults. FemaiefMaie, in mm
f 11Ii'.'¿ '
Percenlíies ¡(
5… 5th ;' 95“ SD
HEIGHT5 ¡--…
(fabu f ? _5¡ii1b3
Statur '
l.;e seat)
Eye ¡… h ¡"9 t ¡ 1,5213;1.5¿5…9 1,529.4¡1.?55.3 1,?313f1,366.5 53.5;55.3
3hnuldg ' _ ' 1,115.31,523.2 1,515.1f1.533.9 1£21.3…r1,7a2.9 52.5;553
heighí£ ¡ºcrºmrali 1,2….g;1,341,5 1,333.5¡1,442.5 1,a32.u¡1,545.5 519I62.0
Eib_ºw h?ightf 925.3;995.2 9919;1,n?2.5 1,n74.u¡1,152.3 44.8J48.1
rl5t he+ght* .: ?219I7?19 ?90.3F846.5 355…1;915.2 38.6M1.5
º"?tºh “?'th mo.m54.4 131.4;3312 s45.a;s1s.¿ 44.1¡45.2
Hºl9htlísmmglf ?55.3f354.5 352.wa13.9 91u.m*r1.s 34.955.s
Eve hanght Isattingl' ss¿m35.u ?38.?H92.0 ?94.3.»f343.0 33L2f34.2
Shlfl.lnc;1er [acromíall 509…1¡54a.5 555.535913 eus.srsw.3 23.5;29.a
Big t [Sittingl'
Elhuw height [sini ng]' 1?5.?3134.1 220.5¡2305 2544;2?33 15.31212
Thigh height (siuín__gjº 140.4n43.5 . 153.9;193.2 1502f13&9 12.1f12.5
Knee_ ,_he_¡gh_t [sítlfiñ'g'l-f ' -- 51545533 55025053 26.3f2_19
-. Poplitáa'iºhéígh ' _g_1 -' 339.u434.1 429.4¡4?5.3 23…?;2a.9
. 734…m0.3 195.maam 35.4;39.2
533.9¡B15.4 539.3f6514 29.5¡29.5
¡51335004 521?!5£5.5 25.5;25.5
432.5$24.2 2 …4.f23.3
2??.5.'293.r… 21.1,-º21.5
523.q520…5 34…w43.5
432.Ua11…a 212I25.2

570.5!553.5 14.5¡15.4
152.1;150.a 4.9;5.4
53.m1.u 3.5!3.1
25¿.&f292.n 12.2¡13.1
9w109.5 4.9r5.3
59.1na.a 5.3;5.5
290.3J230.3 3.5193
195.w21a.s 9.139.a
35.5;516 3.314.2
22.$'26.5 1.331.4
B4…B*;99…3* 13.a*¡12.5*

g'5lh- and 95!…rcant'rlu values are from

mm Ihwa uhmined by su htracting 1.55

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