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Lesson Plan


Class: IX-a A
School: Școala Profesională Specială nr. 3
Time of lesson: 45 minutes
Unit/Topic: Revision / Everyday People
Date :
Lesson aims:
 Make Ss describe people
 develop vocabulary skills
 discuss and express opinions

Skills: reading, speaking

Materials: handouts
Possible drawbacks:
 Ss may have some problems in using tenses
 Ss may be confused of some new words

ACTIVITY 1 (reading and speaking)

 raise Ss awareness of the topic
 develop vocabulary skills
 prepare Ss for reading activity
- the Ss are asked to read some questions and identify the correct answers;
- the Ss are asked to give their opinion about how to describe a person;
TIMING: 5 min

ACTIVITY 2 (reading and speaking)

 raise Ss awareness of how to describe people
 check the understanding of the text
 make Ss use adjectives describing people
- the Ss are asked to read the text at ex. 2;
- the Ss are asked to answer the questions at ex.3;
- the Ss must choose the adjectives from the text.
TIMING: 15 min
ACTIVITY 3 (speaking)
 make Ss speak about people’s appearance
 develop vocabulary and speaking skills

- the Ss are asked to do ex. 5;
- the Ss are asked to complete the compound adjectives (ex 6);
- the Ss must complete two texts using linking words and phrases (ex 7);
- T explains the new words
INTERACTION: Frontal, Pairwork
TIMING: 10 min

ACTIVITY 4 (speaking)
 raise Ss awareness adjectives describing character;
 raise Ss awareness of positive and negative adjectives;
 give Ss the chance to make own sentences
- the Ss are asked to match the adjectives with their definition in ex. 9;
- the Ss are asked to choose the positive and the negative adjectives;
- the Ss must make their own sentences the adjectives.
- the Ss are asked to do ex 10 and 11.
INTERACTION: Individual, Pairwork
TIMING: 10 min

Teacher gives home assignment: the Ss will have to write a descriptive sentence about a person
( friend, famous person, relative).

Teacher evaluates students’ contribution on tle development of the leson
TIMING: 5 min

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