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Palatial Estates

Housing Block for 12 Palatial Estates

44-tile inner road loop

No intersections
Good access for labor-seekers
Desirability adequate for Very Hard difficulty

The desirability and services shown will evolve the housing to Fancy Residence, even at Very Hard difficulty.
When you add more desirability and services (luxury good, Mortician, Library, Senet House and a third
Temple) the housing will evolve to Stately Manors.

At this point, you need to move the service roads back to allow room for Manors to evolve to Estates. This will
require additional desirability and services (second type of luxury good and third type of food). I provide a third
bazaar for this purpose. The third bazaar could well have been added for Manors.
(Instructions for developing this Housing Block are located in Replies #139 & #140.)
Housing Block for 15 Manors

44-road tile inner loop

Desirability good for Stately Manors at Very Hard Difficulty
Good access for Labor Recruiters

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