Grammar Translation Method

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A. Background
Grammar translate method is not new in language learning, at the
beginning of this method is called Classical Method because this method
was first used in teaching the classical languages, Latin and Greek
(Chastain 1988). Now, this method is used as a goal to help students read
and mengilingiasi foreign language literature. At the beginning of the
century, this method was used to assist students in reading and
understanding foreign language literature. This method is also expected,
students are able to learn or understand the grammar of the desired target
language through grammar learning from foreign languages, students
become familiar with their own language grammar and this familiar word
will help him to speak and write his own language correctly. Finally, this
method of teaching will make students grow intellectually; this teaching
method will also make students may never use foreign language that is
learned, but the exercises in this method will be very useful in the future.


A. History
Grammar translation method is one of the most traditional methods
derived from the Latin teaching practice. In the early 1500s, Latin was the
most widely studied foreign language known in government, academia,
and business. However, during the centuries the use of Latin languages
was reduced, and gradually replaced by English, French, and Italian. After
the fall of Latin, the purpose of studying at school changed. Whereas
previously students have learned Latin for communication purposes, but
then studied as a purely academic subject.
Throughout Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries, the educational
system was shaped primarily around a concept called faculty psychology.
This theory dictates that the body and mind separate and the mind
consists of three parts: the will, the emotions, and the intellect. It is
believed that the intellect can be sharpened enough to finally control the
will and emotions. The way to do this is by studying the classical literature
of the Greeks and Romans, as well as mathematics. In addition, adults
with such education are considered mentally prepared for the world and
its challenges.
Initially it was believed that modern language teaching was
useless for the development of mental discipline and therefore they did not
follow the curriculum. As modern languages began to emerge in the school
curriculum of the nineteenth century, the teachers taught them with the
same grammatical translation methods as those used for classical Latin
and Greek. As a result, textbooks are basically copied for modern
language classes. In the United States, the basic foundation of this method
is used in most foreign language classes and foreign colleges.

B. Definiton
Grammar translation method is a teaching method used to
improve students' ability to speak, read and write Latin. The main purpose
is students are able to read understand and translate the literature written
in a foreign language so that in teaching the students a lot of practice of
reading and writing in the form of a foreign language. If you can translate it,
then this learning is considered successful.

C. Advantages
1. A target language expression can be quickly explained. Translation is
the easiest way to explain meaning or words and phrases from one
language to another. Does not take time in explaining. Furthermore,
2. Learners gain some precision in understanding synonyms in the
source language and target language.
3. Teachers are easier because textbooks are taught through the mother
tongue media, teachers can ask understanding questions about texts
taught in the mother tongue. Students will have little difficulty in
responding to questions in the mother tongue. So, the teacher easily
assesses whether the student already knows what he has taught them.
Communication between teachers and learners does not cause
linguistic problems. Even teachers who are not fluent in English can
teach English through this method. That may be the reason why this
method has been practiced so widely and has lasted so long.

D. Disadvantages
1. The natural order of language learning is listening, speaking, reading
and writing. That's how children learn their mother tongue in the

natural world. But in this method the teaching of a second language
begins with the teaching of reading. Thus, the learning process is
reversed. This usually causes problems.
2. This method puts emphasis on reading and writing. It ignores speech.
Thus, students who are taught English through this method fail to
adequately express themselves in spoken English.
3. Correct translation is impossible. Translation, it is a difficult task and a
definite translation from one language to another is not always true.
Language is the result of the various habits, traditions, and ways of
behavior of a person and this tradition differs from society to society.
There are some lexical items in one language, which do not have
synonyms / equivalents in other languages. For example, the meaning
of the English word 'table' does not match the expression like 'table of
contents', 'number table', 'multiplication table', 'time table' and
'resolution table', etc. English prepositions are also difficult to translate.
Thus, the translation should be considered an index of a person's
ability in the language.
4. This method does not give practice pattern. A person can learn the
language only when he follows the patterns until they form his habit.
But the Grammar Translation Method does not provide such practices
to language learners.

E. Characteristics
1. Focus on grammar rules and their application in the language of the
2. The taught vocabulary depends on the selected text because there is
no continuity between groups or lists of vocabularies with each other.
3. Recitation and translation are prominent features of activity, ie
memorizing and translating vocabulary and grammatical rules.

4. Pronunciation is not taught or highly only on some aspects.
5. More emphasis on reading and writing skills of listening and speaking

F. Method
1. Translation of the Literary Passage (Translating the target language
into the mother tongue
2. Reading Understanding Questions (Finding information in a section,
making inferences and relating to personal experience)
3. Antonyms / Synonyms (Finding antonyms and synonyms for words or
sets of words).
4. Cognates (Studying appropriate spelling / sound patterns between
target languages)
5. Implementing Deductive Rules (Understanding their grammar rules
and exceptions, then applying them to new examples)
6. Fill-in-the-blanks (Fill in gaps in sentences with new words or items of
a particular type of grammar).
7. Memorization (Memorizing the list of vocabulary, grammatical rules
and grammatical paradigms)
8. Use Words in Sentence (Students create sentences to illustrate that
they know the meaning and use of new words)
9. Composition (Students write about topics that use the target

G. Procedures
1. Students read the text then asked to translate it.
2. Students are then asked in their native language if there is anything
they want to ask.

3. Teacher asks student to work on problem from text given earlier.
4. The teacher checks the student's work, if there is a mistake, the
teacher will ask the other students to give the correct answer, or the
teacher himself directly fix it.
5. Students are asked to translate new words from mother tongue to
target language.
6. Students are given grammar rules and memorize them.


The Grammar Translation method was developed to study the

"dead" languages and to facilitate access to the classical literature of the
language. That's how it should be. English is certainly not a dead language,
so any teacher who takes "approach to learning the dead language" into
English classes may think to follow Mathematics or Science. The rules,
universal and memorized principles apply to those disciplines - pedagogy and
communicative principles are not.



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