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 What main business problems/pain points are you trying to address?

What objectives can’t you meet today that should be answered by the solution?

 What is the value to your business of having a solution in place to address these?
What is it costing your business, to not have a solution in place to address these?
How much is it worth to your business to solve these problems?
How will the solution help your business be more efficient?

 Is there a solution that is in place today?

 What are some of the challenges you are having with your current solution?

 How would you define success, after implementation of a solution?

 Are there any regulatory or compliance constraints that you need to adhere to?

 Is there a data governance process in place?

 Who are all of the stakeholders who will be affected by the solution?

 Analytics / KPIs used currently, versus where you want to be?

(Descriptive / Prescriptive / Predictive analytics)


 What kind of features are you looking for in a solution?

 Who will be using the solution? (IT, or a mix of business and IT)


 Where is the data? (Sources)

How is the number of sources for data projected to grow over time?

 What is the nature of the data? (Structured / Unstructured / Applications)

 What is the volume of data?

How is the volume of data projected to grow over time?

 How often is the data updated?

 What business rules must be applied to support the desired solution?

 Is there any performance objectives that must be met?

 Is there any security objectives that must be met?

Is there anything else you think I should know that we haven’t covered during this discussion?

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