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In the next 15 years, I might work for the biggest design company and soon after that I hanker to open and own a company. I will live in one of
the biggest cities in Indonesia, Bandung, which has friendly peopled and a wintertime ambiance. I will have my own corporation and can
regulate myself and I will have employees so that I can welfare in this business and be able to thrive in this world of competition. I will not have
debt considering it can affect life difficult and I don't hanker to have debt for the reason that I know that debt is difficult personally, and for my
family. I will not disappoint my parents, I will try to be a more advantageous person because in this lecture I'm still financed by my parents, for
now, I have not opened a business because I'm still focused on college

11/27/2019 Paper Rater Proofreader Results


In the next 15 years, I might work for the biggest design company and soon after that I hanker to open
and own a company. I will live in one of the biggest cities in Indonesia, Bandung, which has friendly
peopled and a wintertime ambiance. I will have my own corporation and can regulate myself and I will
have employees so that I can welfare in this business and be able to thrive in this world of competition. I
will not have debt considering it can affect life difficult and I don't hanker to have debt for the reason
that I know that debt is difficult personally, and for my family. I will not disappoint my parents, I will try
to be a more advantageous person because in this lecture I'm still financed by my parents, for now, I
have not opened a business because I'm still focused on college

Analysis complete. Our feedback is listed below in printable form. Some of the items have
been truncated or removed to provide better print compatibility.


Spelling Suggestions
No spelling errors found.


Grammar Suggestions
No grammar errors detected.

Word Choice

Usage of Bad Phrases

Bad Phrase Score: 2.64 (lower is better)
The Bad Phrase Score is based on the quality and quantity of trite or inappropriate words, phrases,
egregious misspellings, and cliches found in your paper. You did equal or better than 64% of the people
in your education level.

Nice job - you scored higher than average, which means that you have a steady grip on
which phrases to use in your writing.

Usage of Transitional Phrases

Transitional Words Score: 90
This score is based on quality of transitional phrases used within your paper. You did equal or better than 1/5
11/27/2019 Paper Rater Proofreader Results

84% of the people in your education level.

Great job! Your usage of transitional phrases is well above average! You may not need to read
the info below, but you're such a meticulous
( writer that you probably will anyways.

One sign of an excellent writer is the use of transitional phrases (e.g. therefore, consequently, furthermore).
Transitional words and phrases contribute to the cohesiveness
( of a text and allow the sentences to flow
smoothly. Without transitional phrases, a text will often seem disorganized and will most likely be difficult to
understand. When these special words are used, they provide organization within a text and lead to greater
understanding and enjoyment on the part of the reader.

The following transitional phrases were found in your document:

and, for now

Consider using additional transitions where appropriate:

• consequently (
• moreover (
• nevertheless (
• notwithstanding (
• accordingly (
• conversely (
• ordinarily (

Transitional phrases may be used in various places in a text:

• between paragraphs
• between sentences
• between sentence parts
• within sentence parts

Consider this example:

She didn't like the pudding and, consequently, threw it all away.

The word 'consequently' contributes to greater unity or cohesion between sentences and allows the text
to flow more smoothly.


Sentence Length Info

Total Sentences: 5
Avg. Length: 30.0 words
Short Sentences (< 17 words): 0 (0%)
Long Sentences (> 35 words): 1 (20%)
Sentence Variation: 7.5 words (std deviation)

There is no 'best' sentence length. However, your average sentence length is within an
acceptable range. 2/5
11/27/2019 Paper Rater Proofreader Results

Line chart of the length of each sentence (first 50 sentences). A jagged chart indicates variation.

Helpful Resources:

Effective Use of Sentence Length (



Readability Indices

This feature is only available to premium subscribers.

Learn more...


Passive Voice
No passive sentences detected.

Helpful Resources:

Active vs Passive Voice (


Sentence Beginnings
Simple Sentence Starts: 0%
You did equal or better than 100% of the people in your education level. 3/5
11/27/2019 Paper Rater Proofreader Results

Nice work! The variety and complexity of your sentence starts is above average.

Variety is the hallmark ( of a good writer and

this is especially true in regards to sentence starts. Creatively arranging sentence beginnings breaks up the
monotony ( and choppy style associated with
a simple noun phrase followed by a verb. This does NOT mean that all sentences should begin with
prepositional phrases, transitions, or adverbial phrases, but it does mean that you should be certain to pay
attention to sentence starts and deliberately edit for variety if necessary. Starts by Part of Speech:

Adjective: 0%
Adverb: 0%
Article: 0%
Conjunction: 0%
Noun: 0%
Preposition: 20%
Pronoun: 80%
Verb: 0%
Other: 0%

Helpful Resources:

Sentence Beginnings - your sentences' first impression


Vocabulary Words

Usage of Academic Vocabulary

Vocabulary Score: 186.4
This score is based on the quantity and quality of scholarly vocab words found in the text. You did equal
or better than 44% of the people in your education level.

Vocabulary Word Count: 4

Percentage of Vocab Words: 4.41%
Vocab Words in this Paper (top 20):
regulate, advantageous, financed, welfare

You can do better. If you want the language in your paper to go from average to outstanding, take a look
at our Vocab Builder ( . Try to reach the
60th percentile after revising your text with a thesaurus. Next, keep going! Why not reach the
101st percentile? Is that even possible? There's only one way to find out...

Whether you are writing for a school assignment or professionally, it is imperative that you have a vocabulary 4/5
11/27/2019 Paper Rater Proofreader Results

that will provide for clear communication of your ideas and thoughts. You need to know the type and
level of your audience and adjust your vocabulary accordingly. It is worthwhile to constantly work at
improving your knowledge of words. To help with this task, please consider using our Vocabulary Builder
( to improve your comprehension and usage of words.


Auto Grader
Grade: 80 B

The grade above is NOT complete! We do not actually use a crystal ball to generate
your grade. Instead, this grade takes into account spelling, grammar, word choice,
style, vocabulary, and more; but it does NOT examine the meaning of your words, how
your ideas are structured, or how well your arguments are supported. We should also
mention that our automated grader doesn't always get things right. So, please
consider this grade to be one facet of your paper's overall grade.

3. Analyze yor written text by answering the following questions:

a). What kinds of active sentences did you write? Give the xamples

I might work for the biggest design company

b). What kinds of passive sentences did you write? Give the xamples!

c). What kinds of transitional phrases did u use? Give the xamples!

And for now

d).how did you start your sentences? Based on your current text , give the examples of sentences which begin from adjective , adverb , article ,
conjuntion , noun , preposition , & verb?

Adjective : -

Adverb : -

Article : -

Conjunction :

And for family

For now I have not openned a business because I’m still focused on college

Noun :
I might work for the biggest design company

I will have my own corporation

I will live in one of the biggest cities in indonesia

Preposition : -

Verb : - 5/5

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