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Know NOW Celebrity News!

Bringing the biggest celebrity news right to you! As soon as WE know YOU know!!

The EPIC Love Triangle!

BREAKING NEWS: Kelly Clarkson
and…The Skipper???
I know what you’re thinking…”Isn’t The Skipper old enough
to be Kelly’s father?” and the answer is YES! Kelly Clarkson
was seen canoodling with none other than The
Skipper! After the live recording of The Voice,
the two were seen exiting the back door hand
in hand. Sources say the two got close during
a cruise Kelly was on. The Skipper was the
captain and according to sources, The Skipper
showed Kelly special treatment and took a big
liking to her right away. Kelly was allegedly
spotted leaving The Skipper’s captain’s
quarters before dawn most mornings and would most times be wearing his
captain’s hat and even his blue collared shirt. Despite the vast age difference between
the two, they seem to be inseparable and can’t get enough of each other. But trouble
may be on the horizon for the new couple; The Skipper’s first mate, Gilligan, went on
record to say Kelly and he are in love and are getting married. We did not see that one
coming! More details to come

By: Maria Roush

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Snow White's’ new dwarves? Dinosaurs at the Kardashians!!

Last Thursday Breaking new this Friday night!
afternoon Snow White Dinosaurs from Jurassic Park have been
was seen in New
released into the real world. The
York’s Central Park
having a picnic….with Jenner’s are having a major break
who you ask? Kili, Fili, down as a triceratops was seen eating
Ori, Dori, Nori, Bofur their newly
and Balin from Thorin planted palm
Oakenshield’s trees. Kim
company! Has Snow
White moved on from her 7 adorable
dwarves to rugged, handsome ones? As has told
we all know, after the company of Thorin everyone she
Oakenshield managed to defeat Smaug has seen a
and claim back their home, Erebor, the pterodactyl
company has been sighted more and flying over
more! With no dragons to defeat, the
California. The government is advising
company will have more free time. Snow
White had been living with her 7 everyone to stay inside and ration your
dwarves until last September when she food and water until the situation can
moved into her own apartment stating be controlled. We do not advise calling
“the dwarves and I keep in touch animal control as they are not trained
everyday FaceTiming. I just needed for this type of situation at the moment
some space and wanted to venture out
and will most likely not show up at all.
and make new friends.” Could Snow
White be growing up and looking for Some safety tips we can give out is DO
more than friends? We asked for a NOT attempt take selfies
statement from the 7 original dwarves with the dinosaurs, DO NOT
back home and only Grumpy and Happy try and ride the dinosaurs,
spoke. Happy was more than content DO NOT name the
with the decision of Snow White saying
dinosaurs…You are not
he only wished the best for her and
knows the bond formed with them will keeping them as a new pet. And
always be strong. Finally…DO NOT feed the herbivores
Grumpy on the other your broccoli from dinner or they will
hand...let’s just say he want to stay and they do not fit in your
was the opposite of bed. I should know, there is one in the
happy and said some
newsroom sleeping behind the camera.
not so nice words. No
comment from the Stay safe indoors everyone!
company of Thorin By: Jacquelyn Rankins
Oakenshield just yet.
By: Gabriela Antunez
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Over the weekend We recently spotted

patrons of the Sip N' Slip Billionaire Tony stark
got to witness what some fighting Thanos solo.
may consider the brawl of The battle took place
the century. Doctors; in Time Square
John Carter, Abby Tuesday night and
Lockhart, and Doug Ross took several hours
were quietly enjoying some food and drinks ending with Thanos
after a long shift at County General Hospital in teleporting to another dimension. No
Chicago, IL. To the shock of everyone in the Sip casualties were reported, but millions of
N' Slip, in walked three doctors from Grey dollars in structural damage resulted. After
Sloan Memorial in Seattle over 2,000 miles seeing Iron Man fight solo, we can only
away. "You could feel the tension in the bar speculate that the Avengers have broken up.
grow thick" said Rita Levi, a patron at the Sip This comes with the recent events of Thor’s
N' Slip Saturday night. Alek Karev, Meredith alcoholic relapse. There are several reports
Grey, and Owen Hunt walked in and went that the God of Thunder has checked into a
directly up to the table where the ER doctors New York Alcoholic Rehabilitation Center. He
were sitting. An argument ensued between the has struggled with his alcoholic issues since the
two groups which grew louder and louder. Eye death of his nemesis brother, Loki. When
witness account tell us the argument was asked about his relapse, Thor denied the
about which hospital and which set of doctors report claiming that he can control his liquor.
were obviously the better of the two. This Also, we must not forget the recent reports of
continued on for several minutes only growing the incredible Hulk’s battle with depression.
louder and more heated. The whole ordeal Earlier last month, we had a chance to asked
came to a head when Alex Karev, known by Bruce Banner about why he hadn’t
many for his hot temper, picked up a pool stick transformed in over a year and he stated, “I’m
and to everyone's surprise challenged John finding my happy place”. With Iron Man being
Carter to a game of pool! He shouted "Winner the only healthy avenger, will he be able to
takes all" the bartender, Sam Malone told us. save us from Thanos? With rumors that Iron
The two groups of doctors headed to the pool Man has enlisted the help of other lesser
tables and started to play. Eyewitness named heroes, like Spider-man and Ant-man,
accounts tell us that they continued to play for it doesn’t raise the people’s confidence. But
hours and hours, taking turns between the six there is hope on the horizon with President
of them. "I think after an hour they all forget Donald Trump’s recent visit to Wakanda going
what they were even well. We can only hope for a U.S and Wakanda
fighting about", Leslie alliance. The Alliance would allow the Black
Knope told our reporter. Panther to join our side against Thanos. We
When asked what need peace in the world and with the help of a
happened all six doctors committed group of avengers, there’s hope of
declined to comment on accomplishing that.
the event. Stay tuned!
By: Adan Vences.
By: Amanda Burnside
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Madd Family Meanwhile, in Beverly Hills…

….and then there You’ll never

was light! The newest believe who just
celebrity couple was moved to Beverly
spotted in Brentwood, CA Hills! It looks like
leaving the house of Jay Mister Rogers
Pritchett and Gloria has a new
Delgado of The Modern neighborhood.
Family. Who is this Just next door to
delicious mixture of the Kardashians,
light/dark and crazy/fun he’s ready to
you might ask? None other than make Hollywood a kinder place. This
Wednesday Addams and Manny reporter witnessed Mister Rogers
Delgado. You would have to be living going over to offer Kylie some cookies
under a rock to not know who these – look out Jordyn! Looks like Kylie has
two are. Wednesday is the child of the a new BFF… and this one won’t sleep
unique, yet loving and supportive with her sister’s husband. After all, that
Gomez and Morticia Addams and wouldn’t be very neighborly. The
Manny with his chaotic extended Kardashians were even seen sporting
family of Jay, Mitchell, Cameron, Alex, some hand-knitted cardigans courtesy
Luke, Lily, Haley and Claire from the of Mister Roger's mother. Could
Modern Family. When TMZ reporters cardigans be
asked Morticia if they come out during the next
the day now and how she felt about her industry the
mini me blossoming out and possibly Kardashian
having a Gomez of her own in her in women
the near future, she responded with, dominate?
“Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatos Only time
Nunc” (We Gladly Feast On Those Who will tell.
Would Subdue Us) as she laughed
Keeping you updated on all the latest,
walking to her hearse. I don’t know
about all of you but I am all in trying to Ashley Huston
see what is brewing. More details to


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