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Hi, my name is Seila and I am going to be talking about the topic of plastic surgery. So,
as an introduction, I would say something like, Appearance is everything nowadays,
and there is a lot of pressure for people to stay in shape, and the media advertises this
kind of idea of perfection that many people aspire to. The fitness industry is booming
and becoming fit takes a lot of time and some people don’t have the patience to go
through that process so, people are increasingly taking drastic decision of going under
the knife. Now there are many different ways that people undergo plastic surgery. The
most common things that you can done are probably boob job. Sometimes you can
have breast augmentation which is the enlargement of the breasts and some woman
opt for breast reduction, so if some women have really big breasts, then it can be
uncomfortable and they choose to get them reduced. Breast implants are risky
business I think. Sometimes the implant can rupture and you can have all kinds of
problems. Maybe an infection or something which I am sure is no fun. Me personally I
have necer had the pleasure but I don’t really like the idea of playing with silicone, fake
tits. I think that it is good to keep things natural.
Another thing that people often get done is a nose job. People have their nose
narrowed generally, Obviously Michael Jackson went crazy along those lines and
totally ruined his appearance. Another cosmetic treatment that you can have done is a
tummy tuck (liposuction) so that is basically when they pump all of the fat out of your
stomach area and I think they pin the skin back and overnight you lose like 20
kilograms or something like that. It is not a natural way to do things and it is probably
better to do to the gym, but it is an option that is out there and it costs a hell of a lot
of money. Liposuction is another thing that you can have done to remove the excess
fat from your thighs and reduce the appearance of cellulite around the legs. A facelift
is also something that you can have done. And then we get into the extreme stuff so,
butt implants, are something that are relatively new on the scene nowadays,you can
get silicon implants in your butt. For me that is just pretty weird, it is not something I
would ever recommend to anyone. I think it is a bit crazy to be honest and then you
have the extremes which are probably gender reassignment where nowadays they can
do operations where they totally transform a man into a woman or a woman into a
man. They change the genitalia and they pump you full of hormones, testosterone if
you are man and estrogen if you are a woman and over a period of I don’t know how
many months you are completely converted into a woman or a man. The father of the
kardashians, the used to be a man and now he is a woman, I think that is pretty
extreme, you have to be very brave to do that. It is definitely not something that I will
ever do.
Botox is probably something that is less invasive in terms of cosmetic treatments, you
can have some kind of botox liquid injected into your face like around the lips,
eyebrows as well and that kind of fills out the skin and removes any wrinkles that you
might have had but I think it is not a permanent procedure so you have to have that
done maybe once every 6 months or once a year, something like that.

Sadly, there is no shortage of famous people who are going under the knife nowadays,
and changing their appearance. In many ways they are role models for the rest of
society, and I think they have greatly influenced the plastic surgery movement and also
we have got images of perfect women and men in magazines and I think we as a
society put ourselves under a lot of pressure to look similar. In many ways the fashion
industry and catwalk models are brainwashing us into having quite a distorted
perception of beauty and appearance. And obviously for some people is something
genetically, we have to bear in mind that many of the images what we see in
magazines are photoshopped so the finished product that we see in not a
representation of the person who was photographed initially. I think people are
becoming more concerned about appearance at an ever younger age, so nowadays
you have sixteen year old girls worried about the size of their butt of if their breasts
are big enough and things like that. This is quite concerning I think in South America I
have heard that very often kids get a present for their sixteenth or eighteenth birthday
and the present is a breast implant operation. I think that is crazy, it is best just to try
to accept yourself the way that you are. Sometimes it is difficult.

If I was to have anything done I would have maybe like a tummy tuck because I really
love eating, it is a pleasure for me, so it would be nice to eat without gaining so much
weight. I think that the only time that plastic surgery is totally justified and worth
undertaking is if somebody has a freak accident and their face is disfigured or if they
are born disfigured or maybe if you are in a fire and your skin gets burnt. I think that is
totally justifiable, I mean ultimately the choice of having plastic surgery rests with the
individual but I think , also, we need to focus on accepting ourselves the way that we
are and trying to find happiness within ourselves rather than outside.

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