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What is Spring and when will Spring be here?

Maria Roush
 (K) 2.2 (K) 2.3 (K) 4.2
 Students will be able to effectively comprehend the stories that are read and determine
importance and be able to recall details, identify characters, describe the setting, and
identify problem/solutions if any as well as follow design details for making a paper roll
spring flower craft.
 Students will be using poms, glitter, glue, scissors, craft paint & paint brush, craft paper,
and toilet paper roll.
 Books:
o When will it be Spring by Catherine Walters
o Seasons Spring by Ann Herriges
 I will read the books When will it be Spring and Season Spring and ask questions to
determine comprehension and split students into groups for arts and crafts to make a
paper roll spring flower.
 Students will listen to the books When will it be Spring and Seasons Spring and answer
comprehension questions and then split into groups for arts and crafts to make a paper
roll spring flower.
 “Ok boys and girls, now that we know what Spring is and when it will be here and have
made our beautiful flowers, we will hang them at the front of the class so we can enjoy
them until Summer is here”
 Bibliography
Things to Share and Remember
 When will it be Spring book by Catherine Walters
 Seasons Spring book by Ann Herrigas
 Comprehension questions
o What is Spring?
o What happens during the Spring?
o How can we tell Spring is here?
o Does Spring mean animals stay asleep or do they wake up?
o What is the weather like when it’s Spring?

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