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Someone people are always saying, “When people succeed, it is because of hard work.

” Luck
has nothing to do with success. I think in a completely different way as many people do. Luck
has nothing to do with success; otherwise, people with bad luck would not have been able to
survive in this society. In my opinion, success requires hard work, luck is just an extra life gives
to you.

According to many opinions based on scientific research, there are more successful people
that have studied a career or at least have studied something, than people who has not. For
example Indra Nooyi, one of the most powerful women in the world, she studied chemistry,
physics ,and mathematics in the University of Madras, and is the CEO of Pepsi now a days. She
studied hard throughout the years, she fought for what she needed and wanted, she never
gave up on chasing her goal, which was to became, as she said, “one of the most successful,
and happiest woman alive”. Luck did not take place in this situation. You never hear about
people that one day casually meet someone and suddenly becomes the president of America;
if so, there are some cases, but they are a one in a million. All the people you hear form in the
news, television, radio, etc., have achieved his goals throughout hard work, being constant in
doing what they need to do for achieving the best. Sometimes for some people it works,
sometimes it does not, but you just have to keep working and not giving up.

I fully agree with the claim that there is no relation between success and luck. Moreover, I
understand that success refers to someone’s ability to achieve the most important goal she or
he had ever had in his lifetime.

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