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Pollution has endangered more than 60% of the species on the planet, this type of
pollution usually occurs due to the different types of waste that are discharged into
rivers or seas, most of them are not biodegradable, so they will not disappear
easily, the use of insecticides and pesticides also pollutes water under the soil,
whose channels flow into the ocean.
The pollution in the water not only damages aquatic organisms, it also
contaminates all the food consumed by humans and generates diseases such as
cholera, serious infections and organ damage.
There are different very simple solutions that mitigate the damage caused to the
environment, here are some:
Use less chemical products in cleaning, since most of these, such as ammonia and
bleach, are highly toxic and end up being deposited in drains or rivers, so at some
point they will reach the seas, natural cleaners are just as effective and less toxic,
in the same way do not use pesticides or insecticides since they are very toxic. The
environmental protection agency (EPA) provides a list of green products that can
be used in many things, these products do not contaminate the water supply.
Chemical waste must be disposed of properly, products that are not completely
biodegradable should never be poured into the drain. If it is necessary to use any
toxic product (paint, ammonia, motor oil), try to dispose of it correctly. To know
where to dispose of it, you can check the website of the local government or with
the health department to know this type of waste where it can be discharged, in
addition, medicines should not be thrown away since they contain hundreds of
harmful components that affect water and all of the animals and humans that make
use of this.
Last but not least, avoid the use of plastics, since this is not biodegradable and
often ends up in rivers, lakes and oceans, also affecting marine life.

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