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31 강 The Pulled Groin Extrapolation

Leonard: Who wants the last dumpling?

Penny: Ooh, me.
Sheldon: Penny, a moment. We just had Thai food. In that culture,
the last morsel is called the krengjai piec e, and it is reserved for the
most important and valued member of the group.
Penny: Thank you all for this high honor.
Sheldon: I’ve seen pictures of your mother, keep eating.
Howard: All right, honey, if we’re gonna make the movie, we should
go. This may be hard for you to hear, but when I say honey, I mean
my fiancée. Yeah, well, now it means her.
Bernadette: It’s okay if he wants to come.
Howard: Fine. But next time, we get a sitter.
Penny: All right, I got to go to work. I’ll walk down with you.
Sheldon: Wait. Uh, which is closer to the new train store in
Monrovia, the movie theatre or the Cheesecake Factory?
Howard: Neither of them are close.
Sheldon: Oh, well, then I guess it doesn’t matter which one of you
drives me. Let’s play a fun guessing game to see who gets to take
me. All right, this four-letter word describes either a printer’s type
size or a compulsion to eat dirt.
Penny: Okay, I’m not driving him.
Sheldon: No, Penny, don’t give up, you can get this.
Leonard: Aren’t you going with Sheldon?
Amy: No, I have no interest in model trains, stores that sell them,
nor their heartbreaking clientele.

dumpling: (고기 또는 야채)만두

ex. herb dumplings 허브 덤플링
morsel: (특히 음식의) 작은 양[조각]
ex. a morsel of food 음식 약간[한 조각]
reserve: 남겨[떼어]두다, <좌석·방 등을> 예약해 두다
ex. reserve money for a rainy day 만약의 경우에 대비하여 돈을 저축해
valued: 존중되는, 귀중한, 소중한
honor: 존경, 공경, 영광(스러운 것)
ex. a great honour 대단한 영광
fiancée: 약혼녀
sitter: (=babysitter) 아기보는 사람
walk down with you = walk along with you
neither: (둘 중) 어느 것도 …아니다
ex. Neither answer is correct. 어느 대답도 옳지 않다.
get to~: ~하게 되다
ex. get to know her better 그녀를 더 잘 알게되다
four-letter word: 네 자로 구성된 말. (네 글자로 된) 욕설, 육두문자
ex. He used a four-letter word on TV. 그는 TV 방송에서 육두문자를
type size: 활자크기
compulsion: 충동
ex. a compulsion to tell her 그녀에게 말해 버리고 싶은 충동
give up: 포기하다
heartbreaking 가슴이 미어질 듯한, 가슴을 미어지게 만드는
ex. heartbreaking news 애달픈 소식
clientele (집합적)의뢰인[고객]
ex. a high-class clientele 상류층 고객

32 강 The Pulled Groin Extrapolation

Leonard: Oh. Well, I have some work to do, so…

Amy: I can’t imagine that would disturb me. Carry on.
Leonard: Okay. Wouldn’t you be more comfortable at home?
Amy: Not really, no.
Leonard: All righty then. Guess I’ll just get started.
Amy: Leonard, please. I don’t need the running commentary.
Leonard: Amy?
Amy: Yo.
Leonard: You okay?
Amy: Oh, sure.
Leonard: I thought you were reading.
Amy: I was. Now I’m thinking about what I read. You all right,
Leonard? You seem very uncomfortable.
Leonard: I, I’m fine.
Amy: Should I go? I’ve been told sometimes I overstay my welcome.
Leonard: What, who told you that?
Amy: Well, most recently my gynecologist.
Leonard: Well, you stay as long as you’d like.
Amy: I’m glad to hear you say that, because I’m having a wonderful
time. Hmm, I said the same thing to my gynecologist.
Bernadette: What are you going to get at the train store, Sheldon?
Sheldon: Oh, I’m not buying anything. They’re having a lecture. It’s
H-O gauge railroading. Half the size of O-gauge, but twice the fun.
Very controversial topic.
Howard: Which side do you come down on?
Sheldon: I’ll let you know after tonight. Unlike some people, I’m
going in with an open mind. Who am I kidding? Of course we all
know it’s O-gauge or no gauge.
Howard: Can you believe grown men sit around and play with toy
Bernadette: That’s pretty big talk for a man with a closet full of
magic tricks at his mother’s house.
disturb: 방해하다
carry on 계속하다
ex. Carry on with your work while I'm away. 내가 없는 동안 공부
get started: (어떤 일을 하기) 시작하다
ex. It's nearly ten o'clock. Let's get started. 거의 열 시가 다 되었어요.
running commentary: (특히 해설을 곁들인 스포츠 경기의) 중계방송
ex. give a running commentary on the game 경기를 중계 방송하다
commentary 논평, (라디오・텔레비전의) 실황 방송
ex. a sports commentary 스포츠 실황 방송
overstay 더[너무] 오래 머무르다
ex. They overstayed their visa. 그들이 비자 기간보다 더 오래 머물렀다.
overstay one’s welcome 너무 오래 머물러서 폐를 끼치다
gynecologist 부인과 의사
* gynecology 부인과 의학
ex. go see a gynaecologist 산부인과에 가다
HO 모형 철도 스케일
gauge 측정기, 게이지, (선로의) 궤간
ex. a narrow gauge railway 협궤 선로
railroading 모형철도 만들기, 철도 부설 사업[작업, 공사]
controversial 논란이 많은
ex. a controversial topic 논란이 많은 주제
come down on one side of the fence or the other 양자택일을 하다
ex. You must come down on one side or the other. 당신은 양자택일
해야 한다.
* come down on somebody ~를 나무라다[벌하다]
ex. Don't come down too hard on her. 그녀를 너무 심하게 나무라지
* come down (on the price) (가격을)깎아주다
ex. Can you come down (on the price) a little? 조금만 (가격을)
Who am I kidding?: 내가 뭔 소릴 하는 거야? (= Who am I trying to
deceive? It is me, and I know myself very well. I have to be honest with
big talk: 허풍, 호언장담
ex. His big talk isn't reliable. 그의 허풍은 믿을 수 없다.
* talk big 허풍 치다, 잘난 체하며 떠들다
ex. Though he often talks big, I love him so much. 그가 종종 허풍을
치긴 하지만 나는 그를 매우 사랑한다.
closet 벽장
ex. a walk-in closet 사람이 서서 드나들 수 있는 벽장
trick: (사람들을 즐겁게 하는) 마술, 트릭

33 강 The Pulled Groin Extrapolation

Howard: First of all, they’re not tricks, they’re illusions and, secondly,
when we get married, they’re all going up in the attic so you can
have that closet for clothes.
Bernadette: Why would I keep clothes at your mother’s house?
Howard: Well, don’t think of it that way. Once we move in, it’ll be
our house.
Bernadette: Is she moving out?
Howard: Why would she move out? It’s her house.
Bernadette: Hang on. You seriously think I’m going to live with your
Sheldon: Howard, I think I can help here. Yes, Bernadette, that’s
exactly what he thinks.
Howard: Why not? It’s a great house, plenty of room, and if we have
kids, Mom’s there to help. You know, when she tells the Three Little
Pigs story, she actually has hair on her chinny-chin-chin.
Bernadette: I’m not gonna live with your mother. Not now, not ever.
Howard: Wow, someone obviously has some mommy issues.
Bernadette: Raj, take me home.
Howard: Don’t listen to her. Go to the movie theatre.
Bernadette: Take me home now.
Howard: Movie theatre.
Raj: Mmmmmm.
Sheldon: Okay, everybody calm down. There is a simple solution
here. Raj, take me to the train store, and then I don’t care what you
people do.
Amy: How was your shower?
Leonard: It was good, good. Just out of curiosity, what time do you
usually go to bed?
Amy: Oh, I’m up all night. I’m like a possum. Boy, you were not liked
in high school, were you?
Leonard: Not really. Is that my yearbook?
Amy: Mm-hmm. Dear Leonard, you’re really good at science.
Maybe one day you’ll come up with a cure for being a dork.
Leonard: Well, it wasn’t spray-painting a lightning bolt on my
briefcase, I can tell you that.

first of all: 우선[다른 무엇보다 먼저]

ex. First of all, let me ask you something. 우선, 질문이 있어요.
illusion: 환상, 환각
attic: 다락(방)
hang on: 잠깐 기다리세요
plenty of~: 많은 ~
chinny-chin-chin: (=chin) 턱
ex. Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin. 내 턱에 있는 털 끝만큼도
안돼.(즉 절대 안돼.)
have issues with: ~와 문제가 있다, 불화 하다
ex. He has issues with his mother. = He has mommy issues.
calm down 진정하다, ~을 진정시키다
ex. Look, calm down! We'll find her. 이봐요, 진정해요! 우리가 그녀를
찾아낼 수 있을 거예요.
ex. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. 그는 마음을
가라앉히기 위해 심호흡을 몇 번 했다.
curiosity: 호기심
* out of curiosity 호기심에서
ex. She asked out of curiosity. 그녀는 호기심이 나서 물었다. .
be up all night: 온밤을 꼬박 지새우다
ex. I was up all night, studying. 나는 공부하며 밤새웠다.
possum: 주머니쥐
yearbook: 연감, 연보, 졸업 앨범
come up with~: (해답.돈 등을) 내놓다
ex. come up with a new idea for increasing sales 매출 증가를 위한
새로운 아이디어를 내놓다
cure: 치유하는 약, 치유법, 해결책
ex. the search for a cure for cancer 암 치유법 연구
dork: (다른 사람의 비웃음을 받는) 얼간이
spray-paint: 페인트를 (분무기 등으로) 뿌리다
lightning bolt: 번개, 번갯불
briefcase: 서류 가방

34 강 The Pulled Groin Extrapolation

Amy: If it makes you feel any better, the only person who signed my
yearbook was my mother.
Leonard: Aw.
Amy: Dear Amy, self-respect and a hymen are better than friends
and fun. Love, Mom.
Sheldon: Well, you can add Jerry’s Junction to the list of train stores
Sheldon Cooper will never set foot in again.
Leonard: Rough night, Casey Jones?
Sheldon: You don’t know the half of it. It was billed as a lively give-
and-take on the merits of model train sizes. But it was actually a set-
up to intimidate weak-minded spineless rubes into buying H-O
starter sets.
Leonard: What’s in the bag?
Sheldon: I don’t want to talk about it. But it’s not a spine, I’ll tell you
Amy: Well, I had a delightful evening, Leonard. We should do this
again sometime.
Leonard: Ah, sure. That’d be nice.
Amy: Glad to hear it. I need someone to accompany me to the
wedding of Dr. Moranelli and Dr. Gustufson this Friday. They’re kind
of the Brad and Angelina of the primatology department.
Leonard: Wouldn’t you rather bring Sheldon?
Amy: I would, but the last wedding we went to was a disaster. He
behaved like a child the entire time.
Sheldon: Not my fault. You said there’d be other scientists there my

self-respect: 자기 존중, 자존심

hymen: 처녀막
junction: (도로・선로의) 교차로, 나들목
ex. the junction of City Road and Old Street. 시티 로드와 올드
스트리트의 교차로
set foot in ~에 발을 들여놓다[들어서다]
ex. I never set foot in the place again. 나는 그 곳에 다시는 발을
들여놓지 않았다.
rough: 고르지 않은, 거친, 힘든, 골치 아픈
Casey Jones: (1863-1900) 철도 사고에서 승객을 살리고 죽은 미국 철도
기관사(이를 추모하는 노래도 있음)
the half of it: (부정문에 쓰여) 말도 말아라(어떤 상황이 보통이 아님을
ex. “It sounds very difficult.” “You don't know the half of it.” “그거 아주
힘들겠는걸.” “말도 마[힘든 정도가 아냐].”
bill: (~을 ~로) 홍보[묘사]하다]
ex. They billed it as Britain's best museum. 그들은 그것을 영국의 최고
박물관으로 묘사했다.
ex. She was billed to speak on Korean tradition. 그녀가 한국의 전통에
대해 연설을 한다고 홍보되었다.
give and take: 서로 주고받다, 서로 양보하다, 교환, 타협, 의견 교환
ex. learn to give and take 서로 양보하는 법을 배우다
intimidate: (시키는 대로 하도록) 겁을 주다[위협하다]
ex. intimidate people into voting for them. 자기들에게 투표를 하도록
사람들을 위협하다.
merit: 장점, 가치
set-up: 계략, 모함, 누명
ex. He didn't steal them. It was a set-up. 그는 그것들을 훔치지 않았다.
그것은 누명이었다.
* set ~ up: ~에게 누명을 씌우다, 뒤집어 씌우다
ex. I didn't do it. I was set up. 누가 뒤집어 씌운 거라고.
ex. She claims she's innocent and someone set her up.
intimidate A into ~: A 에게 ~하도록 위협하다
weak-minded : 마음이 약한
spineless: 척추가 없는, 줏대[기개]가 없는
* spine 척추
rube: (순박한) 시골뜨기, 풋내기, 멍텅구리
starter set: 초보자 세트
accompany: (사람과) 동반하다, 동행하다
ex. accompany him on the trip. 그 여행에 그와 동행하다.
Brad and Angelina: 브래드 피트과 안젤리나 졸리
primatology: 영장류 동물학
would rather~( than…) : (….하느니) ~하는 게 낫다, 차라리~하겠다
ex. I would rather go to the movies than drink alcohol. 술을 마시느니
차라리 영화를 보러 가겠다.
disaster: 참사, 재난, 재해
ex. an air disaster 항공기 참사
behave: 처신[행동]하다
ex. behave badly 돼먹지 못하게 처신하다.

35강 The Pulled Groin Extrapolation

Amy: Doesn’t matter. You’re out, he’s in. No date to the prom, two
dates to a wedding. Hmm, how times change!
Sheldon: Ha-ha, you have to go to a wedding.
Howard: I’ll get it!
Mrs Wolowitz: Could you get it?
Howard: I said I’m getting it!
Mrs Wolowitz: Fine, I’ll get it!
Howard: I got it! Oh, hi.
Bernadette: Hey. I don’t want to fight. I was just surprised when you
sprung the whole living-with-your-mom stuff on me.
Howard: Yeah, well, I’m sorry I didn’t run it by you first.
Mrs Wolowitz: I don’t know who you’re talking to, but in or out! We
don’t need bugs!
Howard: The bugs only come here because you’re their queen!
Listen, how about this. Before we make any kind of decision about
where we live, we have a trial run. You know, stay here for a
weekend, see what it’s like.
Bernadette: Your mom would be okay with that?
Howard: Sure she would. Ma, do you mind if Bernadette stays here
this weekend?
Mrs Wolowitz: Hey, if she’s willing to give the milk away for free,
who am I to say no?
Howard: See? She’s good with it.
Mrs Wolowitz: Frankly, after all your sleepovers with the little brown
boy, a girl is a big relief!
Sheldon: All these years, I’ve been so wrong. The tinier the train, the
more concentrated the fun.

36 강 The Pulled Groin Extrapolation

Penny: You’re a brain scientist. Can you explain to me why a brilliant
man likes playing with toy trains?
Amy: Not without cutting his head open, no. How about making my
eyes like Cleopatra?
Penny: Really? For a wedding?
Amy: Perhaps you’re right. My cheekbones and beckoning pelvis
already have a certain Hello-sailor quality to them.
Leonard: Ready.
Penny: Aw. So handsome. Like James Bond.
Sheldon: Better than James Bond, because he’s tinier.
Amy: I got you this to give to me.
Penny: Oh, sweetie, guests don’t normally wear corsages to a
wedding. That’s more of a prom thing.
Amy: I never went to my prom. My mom paid my cousin to take
me, but he just used the money to buy drugs.
Penny: Put the corsage on her.
Leonard: Amy, this is for you.
Amy: When you’re done copping a feel, that goes on my wrist.
Sheldon: All aboard! Woo-woo! It’s official. I’m an H-O trainiac.
Howard: So, dinner went nice.
Bernadette: Yeah. Yeah, I guess. Does your mother always cut your
meat for you?
Howard: Only when it’s fatty. Well, don’t be jealous, babe. Someday
you’ll get to cut it for me.
Mrs Wolowitz: Bernadette! I found the extra head for the Waterpik if
you want to use it!
Bernadette: I’m okay, Mrs. Wolowitz.
Mrs Wolowitz : You sure? I just squirted half a brisket outta my
Howard: Hey, Ma, how about a little privacy?
Mrs Wolowitz: Oh, I know what that means! Hubba-hubba!
Bernadette: Oh, God.
Howard: Relax, it’ll be fine.
Bernadette: Okay.
Mrs Wolowitz: Let me know when you’re done canoodling! Mommy
needs a foot rub!

cheekbones: 광대뼈
ex. high cheekbones 툭 불거져 나온 광대뼈.
beckon: (오라고) 손짓하다, (손짓으로) 부르다, 유혹의 손짓을 하다
ex. He beckoned me to come nearer. 그는 나에게 더 가까이 오라고
ex. The prospect of a month without work was beckoning her. 한 달 동안
일을 안 한다는 생각이 그녀에게는 아주 매력적으로 보였다.
pelvis: 골반
hello sailor: 직업 여성들이 선원들을 유혹하려고 하는 말
I got you this to give to me: 이거 줄 테니 다시 나한테 줘.
* put this on my dress'
corsage '코르사주(행사 때 여성이 옷에 다는 작은 꽃 장식)
'ex. pin a corsage on '…에 핀으로 코사지를 달다.
'more of~: '오히려~
ex. I was more of disappointed. 오히려 난 실망했다.
be done ~ing: ~을 마치다
'ex. I’m done with cooking. '요리 다 끝냈다.
* be done with ~을 마치다' ['다 쓰다]
ex. I’m done with that magazine. 그 잡지 다 봤다.
ex. I am done with you now. 이젠 너랑 끝이다.
'cop a feel '상대방의 젖가슴[엉덩이 등]을 만지다[더듬다]
'ex. cop a feel of his muscles '그의 근육을 만져 보다
'all aboard '('승객에게) 전원 승차[승선]해 주세요! 전원 승차[승선]
'official '공무[직무]상의, (직책과 관련된) 공식적인[공적인]
'ex. an official decision '공식 결정
'trainiac '(train + maniac) '기차 메니아
* maniac '미치광이(의), 매니아
'fatty '지방이 많은; 지방으로 된
'ex. fatty foods '지방이 많은 식품
'Waterpik '분수식 치아 세척기
'squirt '('액체'・'가스' 등을 가늘게) 찍 짜다[내뿜다/뿌리다], 찍
'ex. squirt water on the flames '그 불길에 대고 물을 뿌리다
'brisket '('특히 소의) 가슴살
'hubba-hubba'좋아 좋아!
'relax '안심[진정]하다
'canoodle '두 사람이 애무하다( to kiss and hold each other a lot)
'ex. He was canoodling with his new girlfriend.
foot rub '발마사지

37 강 The Pulled Groin Extrapolation

Amy: Would you like to dance?

Leonard: No, thank you. I’m really not much of a dancer.
Amy: You’re not exactly winning any trophies as a conversationalist,
Leonard: I’m sorry. The bride and groom seem happy.
Amy: Why shouldn’t they be? They have a feverish night of socially-
approved copulation ahead of them. In some cultures, we’d stand
outside of their bedroom cheering as they achieved orgasm.
Leonard: That sounds like a late night, and I have work in the
morning, so…
Amy: Leonard, you may not have noticed, but I am being a delight
here. And you’re not holding up your end of the evening.
Leonard: Oh, sorry. This wedding just reminds me of my kinda-sorta
girlfriend 9,000 miles away.
Amy: I have a kinda-sorta boyfriend who’s playing with a model
train right now. You don’t hear me bitching about it. Leonard, a
word of advice, moody self-obsession is only attractive in men who
can play guitar and are considerably taller than you.
Leonard: I’m not moody. I’m fun.
Amy: You have any evidence to support that statement?
Leonard: Well, hey, I’m just as much fun as you are.
Amy: Really? Are you willing to draw a moustache on your finger as
a conversational icebreaker? I am.
Leonard: Okay, fine, what do you suggest?

not much of ~: 대단한 …은 아니다

ex. He is not much of a singer. 그는 노래를 잘 하진 못한다.
trophy 트로피
ex. win a trophy 이겨서 트로피를 받다
conversationalist: 좌담가
ex. a good conversationalist 화술에 능한 사람
bride 신부
groom 신랑
feverish 열이 나는, 몹시 흥분한
socially-approved 사회적으로 공인된
approved 인가된, 입증된
ex. The plan was approved. 그 안은 승인되었다.
copulation 성교, 교미
delight (큰) 기쁨[즐거움], 큰 기쁨[즐거움]을 주는 것, 크게
기쁜[즐거운] 일
ex. the delights of living in the country 시골 생활이 주는 큰 즐거움들
hold up your end of the bargain[the deal]: 본분을 다하다, 자기가 할
일을 다하다
hold up: 쓰러지지 않게 떠받다
ex. pillars holding up the roof 지붕을 떠받치고 있는 기둥들
remind A of B: A 에게 B 를 생각나게 하다, 상기시키다
kinda-sorta (= kind of, sort of) 약간, 어느 정도
bitch 암캐, (개 같은) 년, 불평하다, 투덜거리다(about~)
ex. She bitched about the bad food. 음식이 형편없다고 투덜거렸다.
moody 기분이 안 좋은[침울한]
self-obsession 자기 집착
obsession 강박 상태, 집착
ex. have an obsession with[about]~ ~에 대한 강박관념에 시달리다
attractive (특히 성적으로) 매력적인
ex. an attractive woman 매력적인 여자
considerably 많이, 상당히
ex. He has aged considerably. 그는 눈에 띄게 나이 먹었다.
moustache 콧수염
ex. grow a moustache 콧수염을 기르다
conversational 대화의
ex. learn conversational Spanish 스페인어 회화를 배우다
icebreaker (사람들이 처음 만났을 때) 어색함을 누그러뜨리기 위한
* break the ice: 서먹서먹한[딱딱한] 분위기를 깨다

38 강 The Pulled Groin Extrapolation

Amy: We just had a lovely meal, the band is on fire, and you’re
sitting next to a beautiful woman wearing whorish makeup. Why
don’t we head out on the dance floor and see if I can sweat through
these dress shields.
Leonard: Once again, I, I’m really not much of a dancer.
Amy: Don’t worry, I’ll lead.
Bernadette: Howard?
Howard: Ready for bed?
Bernadette: No. I need to brush my teeth, but your mother’s been
in the bathroom for, like, an hour.
Howard: Oh. Yeah, she sometimes has problems doing her
business. Hang on. Ma, give up! Tonight’s not your night!
Mrs Wolowitz: You don’t know that! I just sat down!
Howard: Come on, take a break! Bernadette needs to brush her
Mrs Wolowitz: She can come in and brush her teeth! I’m not
Howard: Problem solved.
Bernadette: No, it’s not. I’m not going in there.
Howard: Oh, come on, honey. She’s just sitting in there reading a
You can’t see anything. I go in all the time.
Mrs Wolowitz: Ha! The eagle has landed!
Howard: And we have splashdown. Wait here, I’m gonna go light a
And then we make passionate love.
Amy: There we go, last floor.
Leonard: I just can’t figure out what happened. I put my left leg in, I
took my left leg out, I put my left leg in, and something just
Amy: The hokey pokey is a young man’s game.
Leonard: I did have a great time. Thank you for reminding me it’s
okay to have fun once in a while.
Amy: You’re welcome.

be on fire 불타고 있다
ex. The house was on fire. 그 집에 불이 났었다.
next to~: ~바로 옆에
whorish 매춘부의[같은], 음탕한
* whore 매춘부, 음탕한 여자
ex. whorish behavior 음탕한 행동
makeup 화장
ex. wear makeup 화장을 하다 / wear a beard 수염을 기르다[수염이
head out~: ~으로 향하다[for]
ex. She headed out for school. 그녀는 학교로 향했다.
dress shield 땀받이 ((여성의 속옷 겨드랑이 밑에 대는))
* shield 방패
have a problem ~ing: ~하느라 애먹다
ex. have a problem finding it 그것을 찾느라 애먹다
do one’s business: 볼일을 보다, 《완곡적》 용변을 보다
be not one’s day: …에게 운이 없는 날이다
ex. Today is not my day. 오늘 일진 안 좋다.
take a break 잠시 휴식을 취하다.
ex. Let's take a break. 좀 쉬었다 하자.
embarrass: 당황스럽게 만들다, 곤란[난처]하게 만들다
* embarrassed 어색한, 당황스러운
splashdown: (우주선의) 착수(着水), 여기서는 똥이 물에 떨어졌다는 뜻
passionate 열정적인, 열렬한
ex. passionate words 정열적인 말
figure out: 계산하다, (생각한 끝에) ~을 알아내다
ex. I can’t figure her out. 그녀를 이해할 수가 없다.
snap: 딱[툭] (하고) 부러뜨리다[부러지다], 찰깍[딱]하고 소리가 나다
ex. The wind had snapped the tree in two. 바람에 그 나무가 딱 하고 두
토막이 나 버렸던 것이다.
ex. The door snapped open. 문이 덜컥 열렸다.
hokey pokey 어린이들이 즐겁게 따라서 할 수 있는 춤 동요의 제목
once in a while 가끔[이따금]

39 강 The Pulled Groin Extrapolation

Leonard: And also for breaking the head off the ice swan so I could
hold it against my pulled groin.
Amy: I excel at spatial reasoning, and I had a hunch that the
graceful slope of its neck would cradle your genitals nicely.
Leonard: Well, okay. Again, thank you.
Amy: And again, you’re welcome.
Leonard: Want to come in, have a cup of tea?
Amy: No, thanks. I’m gonna head home.
Leonard: Okay. Well, good night.
Amy: Good night.
Penny: Ames, hi. How was the wedding?
Amy: Great. Until I accidentally made Leonard fall in love with me.
Penny: Come in, let’s talk. Do you want a glass of wine?
Amy: Wine is one of the reasons I’m in this fix. That and this dang
Penny: Okay, I’m sorry, what exactly happened?
Amy: The inevitable, he was lonely and vulnerable from missing his
girlfriend, while I was charming, supportive and, let’s face it, in this
dress, the perfect combination of Madonna and whore.
Penny: Oh, God, did he make a move on you?
Amy: No, but it’s only a matter of time. How could I have not seen
this coming?
Now I’m gonna have to break the little sad sack’s heart.
Penny: Yeah, I’m sure he’ll be okay.

ice swan 얼음 으로 만든 백조
pull (근육 등을) 삐다[접지르다]
ex. pull a muscle 근육을 삐끗하다
groin 사타구니
ex. give a kick in the groin 사타구니를 걷어차다
excel: 뛰어나다, 탁월하다
ex. He excelled at music and art. 음악과 미술에 뛰어났었다.
spatial 공간의, 공간적인
reasoning 추리, 추론
* spatial reasoning 공간 추론
hunch 직감, 육감
ex. have a hunch that~라는 직감이 들다
graceful 우아한
ex. a graceful bow 우아한 절
slope 경사(도), 기울기
ex. a slope of 45 degrees 45 도의 경사
cradle 요람, 부드럽게 잡다[안다]
genitals: 생식기
accidentally 우연히, 뜻하지 않게(by chance)
ex. accidentally meet 우연히 만나다.
fix 곤경
ex. get in a fix 곤경에 빠지다.
dang: damn (을 완곡하게 표현한 것)
ex. It's just dang stupid! 그저 지독히 멍청하군!
pelvis 골반
inevitable: 불가피한, 필연적인
* the inevitable 필연적인[불가피한] 것
ex. You have to accept the inevitable. 불가피한 것은 받아들여야 한다.
vulnerable (~에) 취약한, 연약한(신체적・정서적으로 상처받기 쉬움을
ex. be vulnerable to attack 공격에 취약하다
charming 매력적인, 멋진
ex. She's a charming person. 그녀는 매력적인 사람이다.
supportive 지원하는, 도와주는, 힘을 주는
ex. a supportive family 지원을 아끼지 않는[힘이 되는] 가족
let‘s face it: 사실을 직시하자, 솔직히[까놓고] 말해서(frankly)
Madonna 성모 마리아
whore 매춘부
make a move on somebody: (성관계를 갖기 위해) ~에게 수작을 걸다
ex. He made a move on me at the party.
sad sack 요령이 없는 사람, 요령 없는 멍청이
ex. a hopeless sad sack 어쩔 도리가 없는 멍청이.

40 강 The Pulled Groin Extrapolation

Amy: Oh, Penny, much as I would treasure knowing that the two of
us had been defiled by the same man, Leonard just doesn’t get my
motor running.
Penny: So, um, what are you gonna do? Do you want me to talk to
Leonard, let him down easy?
Amy: No. I’ll let him have tonight. Then in the morning, I’ll send him
an e-mail letting him know this body is never gonna be his
wonderland. I mean, frankly, you’ve got a better shot than he does.
Sheldon: Leonard. Check it out. I bought an N-gauge locomotive.
Half the size of H-O. Look, it fits in my mouth.
Leonard: Sounds like you had a great night.
Sheldon: I did. How was yours?
Leonard: Not bad. I had a lot more fun with Amy than I thought I
Sheldon: What exactly do you mean by that?
Leonard: Well, it turns out she really knows how to help a guy
loosen up and have a good time, although, truth be told, my groin’s
a little worse for wear.Ow! Why did you do that?
Sheldon: To send a message. She is not for you.
Leonard: What?
Sheldon: Not for you!
Bernadette: Good morning, handsome.
Howard: Morning, Mom.
Bernadette: It’s me.
Howard: Yes, it is, and you’re so pretty in the morning.
Bernadette: Your mom and I made you breakfast.
Howard: Oh, wow. So you guys are getting along?
Bernadette: Yeah, I guess. We’re very different people, Howard, so
communication’s a little tricky.
Mrs Wolowitz: Does he like the pancakes?!
Bernadette: He didn’t try them yet!
Howard: Is there any butter?
Bernadette: It’s butter-flavored syrup.
Howard: Oh.
Mrs Wolowitz: So, what’s the word?
Bernadette: He wants butter!
Mrs Wolowitz: It’s butter-flavored syrup
Bernadette: I just told him that!
Howard: I don’t need any butter.
Bernadette: If you want butter, I’ll get you butter.
Howard: Well, I guess I’ll cut these by myself.

treasure 보물, 대단히 귀하게[소중히] 여기다

ex. I treasure his friendship.나는 그의 우정을 대단히 귀하게 여긴다.
much as I would treasure~: 내가 ~을 매우 소중히 여기겠지만
* 형용사(or 부사, 무관사 명사) + as 절 : 양보
ex. (As) Rich as she is, she is not happy. 그녀는 부유하지만 행복하지
ex. (As) Fast as she ran, she couldn't get there on time. 그녀는 빨리
달렸지만 제시간에 도착할 수 없었다.
ex. (As) Amateur as she was, she won the LPGA Championship.
defile (신성하거나 중요한 것을) 더럽히다
ex. defile a holy place 성지를 더럽히다
get one’s motor running (흔히 성적으로) 남을 흥분시키다, 흥미를 끌다
ex. It is not easy to get one's motor running. 남의 흥미를 끌게 하는
일은 쉽지 않다.
let someone down: ~을 실망시키다
ex. I’m going to let her down easy. 그녀를 살짝 만 실망시킬 것이다.
wonderland 동화의 나라. 신나는 것이 가득한 곳
shot 시도
ex. give it a shot. 그것을 한번 시도하다
* a long shot 거의 승산 [가능성] 없는 것
ex. It's a long shot, but it just might work. 그것은 가능성이 거의 없어.
하지만 또 효과가 있을지도 모르지.
locomotive 기관차
ex. electric locomotive 전기 기관차
fit: (모양・크기가 어떤 사람・사물에) 맞다, 들어맞다
ex. That jacket fits well.그 재킷은 잘 맞는다.
loosen up 긴장을 풀다
ex. loosen up and enjoy yourself 긴장을 풀고 즐겨라
truth be told 사실을 말하자면(특히 남들에게 알려져 있지 않은 사실을
말할 때 씀)
worse for wear: 오랫동안 또는 심하게 사용해서 상태가 안 좋은
ex. Eventually, every machine becomes worse for wear, you know.
send a message 메세지를 보내다
get along (with somebody): (~와) 잘 지내다
ex. She gets along with her sister. 그녀는 언니[여동생]와 잘 지낸다.
communication 의사소통, 연락
ex. good communication skills 의사소통 기술이 좋은
tricky 힘든[까다로운], 곤란한
ex. a tricky question 까다로운 질문
pancake 팬케이크
flavored …맛이 나는, …맛의
ex. lemon-flavored sweets / candy 레몬 맛이 나는 과자/캔디
What’s the word? 어떻게 됐어? 무슨 일이야?

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