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Power Play

Name - Ashish Chauhan

Roll no - 6
Batch – PGPM –PT April 18

This article tells the importance of power to advance in organization, it can be in form of
position, access to information or capability to influence others. In the article author
gave various real life examples of diverse back ground how people smartly used the
power play tactics to achieve their goals with minimum conflicts and having people on
their sides. For ex Laura Esserman MD, MBA director of carol franc buck breast care
wanted to create setup to deliver intergarted care at one place for patients increasing
comfort and faster recovery. But as she has little say is many decisions it was difficult
achieve and people has mentality to work in silos. To achieve her goal there was need
of power to influence people and get the things done. In case of Lalit modi author tries
to emphasize how power helps an individual to gain control by having right people on
your side.Article also touched organizational politics , defined as activities to gain power
and use that to achieve desired results. Influencing power is the key to organizational

Author highlighted these ways to exercise power meaning ability to have things your
way. It is individual effort and skill and powerful people use these to advance their

1. Mete Our resources

2. Shape behaviors through rewards & punishments.
3. Advance on Multiple fronts
4. Make the first move.
5. Remove rivals – nicely, if possible
6. Don’t draw unnecessary fire
7. Use the personal touch
8. Persist
9. Co-opt antagonist
10. Make important relationship work no matter what
11. Make the vision compelling

Over all this article explained the importance of power , how to gain access to power,
various method to exercise power and how the effectiveness of each method will vary
according to organization , situation and targeted goals.

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