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Translation Strategies Monica Indriyani P

19211144009/ Sasing A
Translation Strategies is one of the translation procces.
Loscher(2005) said that “strategy is used as a procedur by translator to solve the translation problems.
There are some 3 Translation Strategies:
1. basic structure
2. expanded structures
3. complex structures

1. basic structure.
Basic structure consists of:
a. The recognition of problem
b. Additional phase of searching for a solution
c. Additional verbalization of the translational problem
d. Both an additional phase of searching and verbalization
e. splitting-up structure

2. expanded structure
Expanded structures consist of a basic structure which contains one or more expansions. Expansions are
defined as additional elements of a strategy itself.

3. Complex Structures are built up of several basic and/or expanded structures.

Comparative research about Translation Strategy that Jaaskelainen(1993) did is separated in 3 , which is:
1. Proffesional Translator
2. Semi Proffesional Translator
3. Non professional Translator

Proffesional Translator and Semi Proffesional Translator tend to do the translation in systemathic way and
and uses global strategy.
Non Proffesional Translator tend to do the translation in a messy way and ugly.
The difference between those 2 can be seen by the strategy that they’re using. In order to do the
translation, people have to use the strategy in the professional way.
The good research result also give a good impress to the people who reads it.

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