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Tomoc, Emmanuel C.

Mr. Ronald Hennessy Esguerra



The Significance of the Gilingang Bato

Every successful person has a story of their first major victory, the victory where it all

began. Lebron James high school performance, Manny Pacquiao’s first US fight against

Ledwaba, or Marcelito Pomoy’s Pilipinas Got Talent stint. The point is, there is this one thing

that made it all began on the road to the goal we wanted. In the story, the goal of the mother was

to help her children graduate and along the difficult process she held on to her gilingang bato to

make kakanin for a living. Like what I said earlier, the giligang serves as the symbol of the

family’s victory, a road to a better life. As said in the story, making kakanin using the gilingang

bato was the source of living of the family, the tool that help themselves out of poverty. The

significance of the gilingang bato is quite inseparable with the significance of the mother of the

story because without the mother’s skill they would also not have a better life today. Analyzing

its significance, I would say it brought out the best of the children. The best in a sense that it

allowed them to not be dependable on a single parent for income, they became independent

children that are strong enough not to complain too much about how hard their life is even

though it is a life that is really difficult to begin with. Furthermore, I believe that it made the

mother more resilient to strive for her goal. It made her more resilient because she is able to

overcame a life without a husband, she did not go insane nor depressed. She became a perfect

model of what a parent should be, someone that will always be there for the family. Lastly, I

think it also made her happier even though life was hard. The reason is because she is able to
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practice a thing that she is passionate about, being capable of doing that on a regular basis gives

a person joy, a joy that not any money can buy. A joy that even though life is hard, you still feel

fulfilled everyday because you know you create something that came from your heart. The

gilingang bato therefore, was the pioneer of the family’s victory.

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