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Write speech outline on the selected topic in order to guide you in the speech delivery.


Title: Public Speech

Topic: Primary Education Children Should Not Wear Uniforms To School

General Purpose:To persuade

Specific Purpose:To persuade my audience that primary education children should not wear

school uniforms



-Greeting the audience,introduce myself and take the time to thank the audience for giving me
a chance to deliver my speech.

2.Attention getter

-Grab the audience attention by asking a question.

-Should school uniforms be required in public schools?It will increase education and the cost
will be lowered.This is question that has created debates in several different schools.

-Some say that school uniforms represent discipline and obedience while others say uniforms
takes away from children creativity.

-Will wearing uniforms improve education in school?

-In my opinion,students should not wear school uniforms.

-Support the statement by bring my reasons why.


1.Uniforms can take away students individuality.

-Nowadays,it`s important to express one`s unique individuality.

- Clothing is a very effective way to show our uniqueness and personality.

- If students wear school uniforms,they can`t show their individuality.

- In my opinion,school should acknowledge the fact that students want,and should be able to
show their individuality.

2.School uniforms are expensive as well.

-School uniforms are the biggest worry for 88% of parents who experience financial stress
when buying appropriate clothes.

-The survey reveals some families have to cut back on many areas like food,power use and

-Uniforms were poor quality.

-Some poor families don`t have enough money to buy school`s dress code because it is too

3.School uniforms are uncomfortable to wear and impractical for learning.

-Uniform may be made out of uncomfortable material.

-Students will claim also that they are better off wearing their own clothes.

-Student will learn better if they feel comfortable.

-It is reasonable to argue that school should allow students to pick their own clothes.

4.School uniforms reduce chances for self-expression.

-Self-expression is a very important aspect of child development.

-Introduction of school uniforms will be detrimental for children.

-Postpones their transition to adult life.

-Have a rather negatives impact on the development of high-school students.


-Confidence is a huge part of life especially for teens.

-Uniform look different on everyone.

-Uniform can be quite distracting during the day because of all restrictions.

-Uniform deprive students of the opportunity to choose the most comfortable clothes.

-Because of this feeling,they worry all day long about what everyone else is thinking of them.

6.School uniforms do not effect student`s academic achievement.

-Studies show that uniforms actually have negative effect academically.

-Students will be bored to wear same clothes every day.

-Students should be able to choose what they would like to wear to school and not have to
wear the same outfit every day.

-Main point of school is to be educated and learn,and if uniforms are affecting that
negatively,then what`s point of having them?


-But,some people who support school uniforms might argue that school uniforms can provide
a sense of unity,and so can prevent bullying.

-However,for me this is absolutely contracdictory.

-News articles about bullying are popping up almost every day,and a kid commits suicide every
three days in Korea.

-But,most schools in Korea wear school uniforms.

-This means that school uniforms have no actual effect on bullying.

-They also support that school uniforms help students focus in studying.

-Whether a students studies hard or not depend on the student`s attitude,not what the student
is wearing.

-After all,it is proved by research that school uniforms have no positive influence on studying.

-I have talked about why students should not wear school uniforms.

-In schools,studying is important but students should be able to learn other good qualities and
to express themselves.

-We must start by giving students the freedom of what they want to wear in school.

-Uniform are controlling and unnecessary.

-I hope that this will convince you to also think that school uniforms are bad,and the students
should not have to be forced to use them.


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