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Black is to white as
hot is to cold
Foot is to sock as
hand is to glove

Feather is to pillow as
paper is to book

Fork is to eating as
chair is to sitting
Leaf is to tree as
petal is to flower

Child is t family as
student is to teacher

Classroom is t school as
kitchen is to house

Eye is to seeing as
ear is to hearing

Pencil is to write as
spoon is to stir
Scissors are to cut as
pencil is to write

Car is to drive as
boat is to sail

Tongue is to taste as
nose is to sniff

Bed is to sleeping as
pool is to swimming
Curious is to ask as
sad is to cry
Thirsty is to drink as
tired is to sleep

Breakfast is to lunch as
morning is to afternoon

Near is to far as
open is to closed

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