Critical Reading Mucha

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Fifty years from now, the whole world will be governed by the youth of their countries. Their knowledge
and thoughts will decide the future path of the world. In this article, we’ll find out which countries have
the best education systems. We will analyze the education system of different countries based on
various factors like the rankings given by the reputed ranking institutions like QS Ranking and Times
Higher Education, which are established in overseas education.

1.United states

The main highlight of the US universities is their focus towards research oriented learning. Researchers
are always at the forefront and are always look out to develop something new. Innovation and creativity
always remain at the core of their educational philosophy. In the US, regular testing/homework and
classroom participation is mandatory for getting a good result. Students are encouraged to discuss the
issues and focus on providing ideas. The number of Nobel laureates associated with the University of
Chicago validates the university’s focus towards producing ideas that make an impact in the world. Till
date, 97 Noble Laureates are associated only with the University of Chicago and 90 of them are listed as
‘ UChicagos Nobel Laureates’. The researchers, faculty members, students and other graduates of the
university were awarded Nobel Prize and Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.

2. united kingdom

The UK is the world’s second-leading study destination hosting more than 442,000 international
students. Currently, 4 UK’s institutions are ranked amongst the top 10 global institutions. Also, 76 UK
universities also feature in the ‘QS World University Rankings 2019’. This signifies the global reputation
and popularity of the UK universities. Even after its referendum on EU membership (2016), it has not
lost the appeal among the international students. Because of the popularity of the UK universities led
the country being ranked second in the ‘QS Higher Education System Strength Rankings 2018’.
Moreover, 18 UK universities feature in the top 100, and another 11 make it to the top global 200. Even
after experieincing its worst ever decline in QS rankings since 2016, UK has not lost its charm as a top
study abroad destination amongst the students globally. More than 30 prominent world leaders, 26
Nobel Prize winners, 120 Olympic medalists and 26 British Prime Ministers were educated at the
University of Oxford. Noted Indian leaders like Indira Gandhi studied at the Oxford and Mahatma
Gandhi was amongst the most famous alumni of the University College London.


It is known for its natural beauty and cultural diversity. Moreover, 26 Canadian
universities appeared in the Times Higher Education’s World University Rankings 2018 and the
QS World University Rankings 2019 out of which 3 are included in the global top 50.
Additionally, 11 more universities are included in the world’ top 300.

There are different types of education providers in Canada:

 Universities: They focuses on research and provide both undergraduate and postgraduate
 Community colleges and technical, applied arts or applied science schools: They offer
diplomas, certificates, bachelor’s degrees, and associate’s degrees.

The easy application process, affordable study options, and great post-study opportunities make
it the preferred destination for international students. It is preferred by those who are looking
for alternatives after strict US immigration laws. According to an International Student Survey
conducted by the Canadian Bureau for International Education, 95 percent of students
recommend Canada as a study destination and 90 percent of students were satisfied with their
studies. In 2014, Canada spent 6.0% of its GDP on education, higher than the average of 5.2% in
comparison to the OECD countries.


It is considered the top study destination for non-English speakers of the world. Also, it is
considered as the third most popular study destination after the US and the UK. Almost every
major city of Germany is home to at least one world-class university. 13 German
universities make to the world’s top 250 and 30 in the top 500. Low tuition fees, excellent post-
graduate job opportunities, different scholarships schemes and high-quality life are some of the
factors which makes it a favorite amongst the higher education aspirants. Also, home to some of
the world’s oldest universities, Germany is considered as the hub of innovation and world-class
discoveries. LMU Munich established in 1472 has produced 34 Nobel laureates and renowned
scientists. Further, 13 Nobel Prizes have been awarded in areas of Physics, Chemistry, and
Medicine to the academics related to the Technical University of Munich. In addition to this, the
oldest university in Germany, Heidelberg University offers undergraduate and postgraduate
degrees across 100 different subjects. The student body of the university represents 130 countries
of the world. Apart from producing 56 Nobel laureates, the university has produced influential
philosophers, politicians, and scientists.

One more in the list includes the Humboldt University of Berlin which has given most
influential figures to the country like Albert Einstein and Walter Benjamin. The university has
also produced an impressive 40 Noble prize winners, a majority in Physics, Chemistry, and
Medicine. The university library comprises of 6.5 million books and thousands of magazines and


Home to just 24 million people, it is one of the most popular study destinations for international
students. Australia’s excellent higher education system was ranked third in the ‘QS Higher
Education System Strength Rankings 2018’. Australia’s Group of Eight (like the US Ivy League)
features into the global top 100 and 37 universities appear in the top universities rankings
globally. Apart from this, the highest number of institutions of Australia appear in the ‘QS Top
50 Under 50’, which includes world’s leading young universities. Also, top 35 Australian
universities feature in the ‘Times Higher Education’s World University Rankings 2018’. After
the UK and the US, Australia is home to the third-highest number of international students.
Further, six Nobel Prize winners were among the faculty and alumni of the Australian National
University. Currently, it is run by a Nobel laureate, Brian Schmidt, who won the prestigious
prize in 2011 in Physics. Top 5 Australian universities have produced Nobel laureates, scholars
and famous world leaders whose work has impacted the world. 5 Australian Prime Ministers
attended the oldest university in Australia (since 1851), The University of Sydney. The Booker
Prize-winning novelist Peter Carey attended the research powerhouse, Monash University. The
University has research and training centers in different parts of the worid.

Our best quotes on how people feel about the Middle East peace process.

Israelis and Palestinians are talking to each other again. Once more, U.S. involvement was
required. If it were not for many previous failures, the world could look at the negotiations with
more optimism. Yet, in order to win peace, Israelis and Palestinians are obligated to talk — and
gain each other's trust. Our Read My Lips feature explores what is at stake.

Why should the whole world pay attention to the Middle East conflict?

“I do not believe there is any other issue with the same power to re-unite the world community
than progress in the issues of Israel and Palestine.”

Who else can play a crucial role during negotiations?

“A fundamental and final solution to the Palestinian issue can only be realized through an
international consensus, with the United Nations playing a central role.

Is the U.S. President aware of the challenges ahead?

“The journey we are taking is difficult, but there is no other choice. No leader of conscience can
accept more months and years of humiliation, killing and mourning.”

Is Israel ready to accommodate Palestinian concerns about settlements?

“We can also reassure our Palestinian partners that we understand the importance of territorial
contiguity in the West Bank for a viable Palestinian state.”

How does Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas view Jewish history?

“We do not ignore the suffering of the Jews throughout history. It is time to bring all this
suffering to an end.”


The world is in a moral crisis and wars will not stop until we agree on a universal moral
paradigm. Until then, there will be much back and forth. After the collapse of communism as the
inspirational ideology, the world returned to the default moral position, rediscovering religions
like good old friends. But globalization tested the cultural differences and rekindled religious
conflicts because of differences between those that believe and those who believe otherwise or
who do not believe at all. The differences polarized tensions between USA, a bastion of civil
rights and Islam, a bastion of traditionalism and of militant authoritarianism.


One is how the world became religious and how America chose Trump as its defender and how
his leadership brought about the Islamization of America and how the democratic institutions
seek to rectify his abuse of power with a moral message for the world about the advantages of
democracy and the disadvantages of antagonistic dominance be that in a person or a culture.

The second point is analyzing the underlying dynamics of all religions from a scientific
analytical position in the search for a better moral paradigm with the understanding that morality
is a purely scientific conflict resolution entity, leading us to the consensus of a Moral Science.
The intensity of moral values differences led to the 9/11 Islamic attack at America. The
American response was military action with social values consequences. The Iraq war toppled an
Islamic dictator and undermined the authoritarian political structure of the Islamic world. It His
personality and values have polarized America. He, like Islam, has favored authoritarianism,
tyrannical style leadership, commanding loyalty from others like a ‘mobster’. His authority could
be qualified with the word ‘Submit’, the meaning of the word Islam. His pattern and his lifestyle
compares well to that of a caliph. While America is prospering in its nationalist revival thanks to
Trump’s mean leadership, the country is experiencing Islamization, a cultural reversal into
authoritarianism.elicited the Arab Spring, internal upheavals throughout the Arab world, the
uprising of the young people against the Islamic autocratic, authoritarian political power model,
empowered by its oil reserves.

The public’s quest for modernity intensified the Al-Qaeda fundamentalism into the ISIS
fanaticism, as a vision of a new caliphate. In spite of the defeat of IISIS animosities based on
sectarian differences have spread from Iraq and Afghanistan to Pakistan, Somalia, Nigeria,
Yemen India and Europe. The worst scenario has been the persistence of the Syrian dictator to
remain in power. His authoritarianism destroyed the nation and spread refugees to Europe. His
personality and values have polarized America. He, like Islam, has favored authoritarianism,
tyrannical style leadership, commanding loyalty from others like a ‘mobster’. His authority could
be qualified with the word ‘Submit’, the meaning of the word Islam. His pattern and his lifestyle
compares well to that of a caliph. While America is prospering in its nationalist revival thanks to
Trump’s mean leadership, the country is experiencing Islamization, a cultural reversal into

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