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Miguel Angel Moreno Escobedo

L5 ENGLISH Dominical Group

I was born in Xalapa, and I’ve lived here my hole life. I’ve visited places like Puebla, Mexico City
and some places of Veracruz. I’ve never traveled to another country but I want to and some time
ago, when I started to study the high schol I decided that when I get older I will travel to Canada or
Germany some day.

Since I was a chil, I developed a strange phobia for traveling, maybe because I was scared of the
new things and experiences I was living back then, but with the pass of the time I’ve been learning
how to control those fear and anxiety.

Nowadays, I enjoy visiting museums, as many as posible, I’ve visited many of them, like aquariums,
wax museums, history museums, etc. I just watched a comercial of a museum in the US that I want
to visit in the future.

I’ve always been scared of heights so I still don’t know how am I going to be able to sit down and
travel on an airplane. It’s something that I have to face myself later but today. I’ve already finished
the first semester of the Mechatronic Engineering at the ITSX so I have a long road till my goal to
be reached so I´m going to be pacient but I will work hard to make it reality.

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