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1. Fat causes blood circulation to run with a state obstruction

2. Dengue fever results in a decrease in platelet count so fast

3. Heart burn causes death slowly

4. With cat paw pads, cat can land either from a height

5. Kidney will be healthy if you drink water regularly

6. HIV will eat whole leukocytes fiercely

7. Half function human hearts pumps blood regularly

8. Skull serves to protect the brain from small or hard collisions

9. The brain sends stimuli to the body both fast and slow

10. Down siyndrome has chromosome advantages or disandvantages unlike human life

11. Red blod cells are regenerated periodically in the liver

12. Without enzymes will slow down the body’s reaction

13. Peristaltis makes food consumed go down quickly into the stomach

14. Alveoli function to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide continuously

15. Mucles will produce latic acid when working continuously

16. The body consist of complex organ arragements

17. Hidrochloric acid actives pepsin to digest food so fast

18. Impluses are sent through the spinal cord for quick reflexes

19. The skin functions in receiving excitement that is very good

20. The heart will beat faster when it hard activities so continuously
21. Anemia is caused by not eating food that contains enough red blood cells the body

22. Cativities wil have hole if you eat chocolate continuously without cleaning

23. Diabetes is caused by insufficient insulin to control sugar so well

24. Rib cage serves to protect the heart and lungs from collisions

25. Diabetes cure is done by injecting insulin in the abdomen regularly

26. Lungs will be blackened and damaged when smoking continuously without stopping

27. Cornea and lens of the eye will be damaged when continuously irradiated with electronic


28. Presbyopia is caused by the muscles around the eyes that weaken due to aging

29. Hemophilia is characteristized by bleending in the wound that does not stop

30. The hearing bone will be damaged when using the headset continuously at a loud volume

31. Obesity is caused by eating too much fat

32. Body tissues are formed by cells arranged in a complex manner

33. Dense fur is produced by shaving the hair regularly

34. Muscles that are always in massage will make the body become fresher

35. The nose is composed of cartilage so that it is soft

36. The liver and kidneys will be distrupted if drinking excessive alcohol and continuing

37. Typus causes red blood cells to derease due to an environment that is not cleaned


38. The excretion channel will not work properly If you dont consume food and drinks


39. Diabetes is caused by sugar that doesn’t break down properly in the body

40. The kidney is structured into nephrons structurally

41. The skin is composed of 3 layers that are always continuous

42. Hard bone is composed of matrix and osteon which are tightly arranged
43. Stress will trigger many illnesses if excessively

44. Leukimia is caused by excessive white blood cell counts

45. Rice tasted sweet when chewed by teeth for a long time

46. Rectum will feel sick if you do not eat a lot of fiber food regularly

47. Fat will be destroyed through regular exercise routine

48. Hyper sex caused by excessive sexual hormones

49. Breast cancer is caused by continuous radiation exposure

50. Basking in the morning will strengthen bones if done routinely especially for babies

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