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The green room is the space in a theatre or similar venue that functions as a

waiting room and lounge for performers before and after a performance, and during

the show when they are not engaged on stage.


A prop, formally known as (theatrical) property, is an object used on stage or

screen by actors during a performance or screen production. In practical terms, a

prop is considered to be anything movable or portable on a stage or a set, distinct

from the actors, scenery, costumes, and electrical equipment. Consumable food

items appearing in the production are also considered props.


A stage used for rapid scene-shifting, consisting of a platform or two on casters,

pivoted at one corner to swing off- and onstage.


The terms "stage left" and "stage right", respectively, denote the sides of the stage

that are on the actor's left and right when the actor is facing the audience, while

"house left" and "house right" are the reverse, denoting the sides of the stage as

viewed by the audience.


Blueprint or floor plan of stage design that outlines the various levels

on the stage and indicates the placement of scenery, furniture, doors,

windows, and other necessary scenic elements.


A subwoofer (or sub) is a loudspeaker designed to reproduce low-pitched

audio frequencies known as bass and sub-bass, lower in frequency than those which

can be (optimally) generated by a woofer.


Hazers have become especially popular with the advent of intelligent moving light

effects and are now used throughout the entertainment industry as much as, if not

more than, traditional fog machines.


Set dressing is a term that comes from theater and film and entails decorating a

particular set with curtains and furniture, filling shelves and generally making it look

real and lived-in.


In lighting design, backlighting is the process of illuminating the subject from the

back. In other words, the lighting instrument and the viewer face each other, with the

subject in between. This creates a glowing effect on the edges of the subject, while

other areas are darker. The backlight can be a natural or artificial source of light.

A caster (or castor) is an undriven, single, double, or compound wheel that is

designed to be attached to the bottom of a larger object (the "vehicle") to enable that

object to be moved. They are available in various sizes, and are commonly made

of rubber, plastic, nylon, aluminum, or stainless steel.


The wing space is used for performers preparing to enter, storage of sets for

scenery changes and as a stagehand work area.


A variety of scenic units that a theatre has available in storage and can be used and

reused for productions.


The blinder is a static unit, so it has to be installed with a single-switch wiring

system or a dimmer controlling unit with a 2600W maximum power. This kind of

product is used to illuminate both big indoor or outdoor open spaces by using a high

intensity light.

The concealment or screening of one sensory process or sensation by another. A

piece of theatrical scenery used to conceal a part of the stage from the audience.

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