Olympics 2020 Article

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by Lana Galliguez, 8-6

Tokyo, Japan – The Olympics committee answers the rumors and speculations about the Tokyo
2020 Olympics being cancelled because of the COVID-2019 outbreak.
Last February 14, the 2020 Olympics organizers answered in a press conference 11 questions
related to the virus, athletes and fans coming from China, and the continuation of the planned
IOC inspection team head John Coates said during the conference, “Certainly the advice we’ve
received externally from the WHO is that there is no case for any contingency plans or
cancelling the games or moving the games”, CBS Sports reported.
Experts also say that the Tokyo 2020 Olympics are unlikely to be cancelled for it will guarantee
a large impact to the finance of the host city and the sponsors, broadcasters, and other
stakeholders. As Tokyo, the host city, has spent more than ¥ 1.37 trillion on preparations for the
games and the IOC has been saving up about $ 1 billion in emergency funding for unexpected
situations, it is no doubt that if the games were cancelled, there would be a huge financial loss.
Though some experts say that postponement of the 2020 Games is just as unlikely as
cancellation, others say that the IOC might be considering to move the opening ceremony a
couple months’ back. And as the virus continues to spread, it becomes less clear if the athletes
are willing to take the risk.
“The Olympics probably won’t be cancelled unless the number of domestic cases in Japan
reaches the tens of thousands. The more realistic question is whether the spectators and athletes
will still want to come even as the situation continues to worsen.”, Tadamasa Fukiura said.
Fukiura also pointed out that even if the outbreak weakens before the opening ceremony in July,
the Olympic torch relay – which is set to begin on March 26 and travel throughout the 47
country’s territories – is at risk of being cancelled.
Nonetheless, the Games are still continued as Coates said in Tokyo in the past two weeks, “I can
confirm Tokyo 2020 remains on track”.

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