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The #MeToo movement, which starts as a movement where women share stories of their sexual abuse
experiences online and forms a "community" in which all people who participates in it calls out the
abusing men (which, in many cases, leads to the abuser's loss of job and reputation such as Harvey
Weinstein) has a negative side, which is:

1. Because it puts heavy emphasis on the victim's individual perception of her story, it opens a
possibility for unwanted behaviours such as bad dates, or persistent approach from men to be
exaggerated and equalized to be as heinous as rape. Which leads to...

A. Men who did bad conducts (although not as bad as rape) to be treated as if he is a literal
rapist without even giving him the chance to respond to said claims, and is forced to suffer from
loss of reputation, mental health damage, etc due to continuous shaming from women online.

B. Even women who attempted to criticize this phenomenon are labeled as "scum", "pro-rape"
and similar terms. An example would be Catherine Deneuve and Kathie Roiphe (look it up).

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