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1. Why did you choose your strand?

I chose this strand because I was undecided which course should I take.

2. What were your most memorable experiences in the strand?

Well, the most memorable experience I had in this strand was that when we joined a contest last year.
All the Gas students showed their cooperation and proved that Gas is not "GAS LANG YAN".

3. What are some stereotypes associated to your strand?

Before I chose this strand, I already heard that GAS is for "Walang alam" students. At first, I really
thought that GAS students are like that but as one of them, I saw that GAS students are not like that. I
saw the efforts that they put and how they manage to survive studying all the major subjects of the
different strands.

4. What makes your strand unique?

For me, maybe it’s how we choose to fight all the negativity that the other puts in our strand. Every
strand have its own specialization but for me GAS is really unique for being flexible and they can adopt
in every situation they encounter.

Interviewee: Sean Patrick Aguas – GAS01

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