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Ekstraksi emas

Introduction – Gold Primary and Secondary

Introduction – Gold Primary and Secondary Sources

►Primary gold source: ores

Typical ore grades: 0.5 to 20 g/t

►Secondary gold sources

 Gravity concentrates
 Flotation concentrates
 Plant tailings
 Refinery tailings
 Recycled gold
Introduction - Gold Ore Characterization

Gold - Native/Free milling/ Refractory

Native gold (Up to 99.8% Au)

Free gold = accessible gold

Refractory gold: difficult to treat

► Ore needs chemical pretreatment prior to
gold extraction

Main causes of gold refractoriness

► gold encapsulated in quartz/silicates
► gold encapsulated in sulphides
► ore containing active carbonaceous matter
Introduction - Main Ore Types

oxidized processing Higher recovery
free milling
silver rich
iron sulphide bearing
arsenic sulphide bearing
copper bearing Lower recovery
antimony bearing refractory
gold telluride bearing
Bijih Emas
Bijih Emas
Ore Ore Processing
Processing Stages

Ore Gold Gold Gold

Preparation Extraction Purification Production

• Gold liberation • Extraction of • Purification of • Recovery of gold

gold from ore gold bearing from solution or
• Particle size
into solution solution concentrate to
adjustment to
and/or produce a bullion
next processes
concentrate bar
• Physical
and oxidation

Ore Preparation – Gold Liberation

Gold is usually finely distributed throughout the ore and it must be unlocked or “liberated” before it
can be separated from the unwanted material – gangue. The gold is separated from the gangue
(unwanted mineral) in the Leaching Process, by dissolving the gold in sodium cyanide solution.

Liberated valuable mineral

Partially liberated valuable mineral

and gangue

Liberated gangue

The gold cannot be dissolved and separated from the gangue unless it physically contacts the sodium cyanide
solution. The size of the ore must be progressively reduced so that the gold mineral can be exposed. This
progressive reduction in size is called Comminution 8
Ore Preparation - Comminution

Blasting of ore occurs in the mine. The ore delivered to the Crushing
Circuit for the next stage of communition is called Run of Mine material

Crushing of ore occurs in the Crushing plant after the ROM ore has
been sized by a static grizzly above the ROM bin

Grinding Mills
This general term for tumbling mills includes rod mills, pebble mills, ball
mills, SAG (semi-autogenous) and AG (autogenous) grinding mills.
Comminution – Crushing

• Ore is screened over a static

and vibrating screen called a

• Rocks bigger than spacing

between grizzly bars are
crushed in a Jaw crusher

• Crushed and screened ore is

transferred to a stockpile
Comminution – SAG Mill Grinding

Grinding and Classification

• The ore from the stockpile is

conveyed to the SAG mill with
water addition, for further size
• SAG mill discharge screen used
to remove critical size for
further crushing in pebble
Comminution – Hydrocylones

Grinding and Classification

• Grind size P80 normally between 75
– 212 µm – depends on ore type
degree of liberation
• Undersize of SAG mill discharge
screen pumped to Hydro cyclones
for classification
• The cyclone underflow reports back
to the ball mill for further grinding
while the overflow is pumped to the
leaching tanks
Thermodinamika pelindian Au
Diagrams below show Au–H2O and Au–CN–H2O diagrams at 25°C
Diagram at left shows why we can’t dissolve gold; diagram at right shows how we can
(This is why cyanide is used)
Notice vertical line at bottom for H+ + CN– = HCN (g); impacts other lines
Also notice curvature of lines; reflects changing activity coefficients
2. Heap Leaching
Heap Leaching
Heap – Agglomeration/Pre-Wetting
Leaching – Agglomeration Drum Drum

Agglomeration is a combination of size aggregation and work

Heap Leaching – Agglomeration Drum

• Tighter size distribution of the agglomerates

• Reduces segregation
• Decreases overall heap bulk density
• Better macro permeability (air & water)
• Faster Leach rate
Agglomerated Ores


PLACEMENT- -Stacking
Heap Leaching - Irrigation
Gold Extraction – Cyanidation

• Dissolving the liberated gold and silver from the solids

• Conditions

 pH > 10 (prevents evolution of HCN)

 Dissolved oxygen
 Sodium Cyanide
1. Carbon In Leaching
Carbon in Leach (CIL) – Comminution


SAG Mill Ball Mill

To Cone/Pebble Crusher
Carbon Adsorption (Carbon In Column)
Carbon in Leach (CIL)

Carbon / Adsorption flow

Ore Slurry/Cyanidation flow
Carbon Adsorption (Carbon In Leach)

Carbon in Leach (CIL)

• Gold and silver recovered from solution

by contacting with activated carbon, in a
counter-current direction
• The gold and silver cyanide complexes
are adsorbed onto the exposed surfaces
of the activated carbon
Presentasi Laporan Kerja Praktek
dan Tugas Khusus
PT. ANTAM, Tbk. UBPE Pongkor
26 Agustus 2010

Christine Samosir (0706268360)

Dinda Putri Amalia (0706268404)
Henny Indrawati (0706268562)
• Proses Pengolahan Bijih Emas di Antam UBPE Pongkor
– Sianidasi
– Recovery
– Pengolahan Limbah
• Tugas Khusus
– Evaluasi Dissolved Oxygen (Oksigen Terlarut) dan Distribusi Karbon
untuk penentuan titik pengambilan sample (Sample Point)
– Penentuan Waktu Efektif Pengayakan pada Analisa Fraksi
– Evaluasi Metode Sampling (Acak, Quartering, dan Splitter)
terhadap pencapaian Distribusi Ukuran
– Evaluasi Data Kadar Au dan Ag pada Conveyor 05-06 dan
Underflow Thickener 2
– Analisa Pengaruh Fraksi dan Konsentrasi NaCN pada Leaching
terhadap recovery Au-Ag
Tahapan Proses
• Leaching - Cyanidation
– Crushing & Fines Separation
– Milling & Classification
– Leaching
• Recovery
– Carbon in Leach (CIL)
– Elution
– Electrowinning
– Smelting
• Tailing Treatment
– Thickening & Detoxification
– IPAL Cikaret & Tailing Dam
– IPAL Tambang
Crushing & Fines Separation
Milling & Classification
Leaching & CIL in leaching tanks
Overflow mill cyclone
Target :cyanide
Trash Screen Cyanide 750~900ppm

340 m3 Tank 1 , Leaching Air Target :dissolved oxygen

in leaching &CILtanks
out carbon from overflow 5~6ppm
340 m3 Tank 2 , Leaching
Each CIL tank has interstage
Loaded carbon, 1000gpt Au content
290 m3 Tank 3, CIL Loaded Carbon Screen 0.5 mm
screen CAMBALDA to screen
; 290 m3 Tank 4, CIL Loaded Carbon
and carbon transfer pump to Surge Bin
pump the carbon counter
current the slurry flow 290 m3 Tank 5, CIL
Carbon distribution in first and 290 m3 Tank 6, CIL Elution 6tons of loaded carbon
last CIL tank should be at least Column per elution batch
30 gptwhile
, in mid tanks about
20 gpt 290 m3 Tank 7, CIL
Barren carbon
Solid tailing Carbon slurry
Au < 0.65 gpt 0.5 mm Carbon Safety Screen Regeneration Kiln
Ag < 40 gpt carbon
Solution tailing Thickener Feed Sump Sizing Screen 0.8mm
Au < 0.02 ppm
Ag < 2 ppm to thickener Fresh Carbon
Reaction in Leaching & CIL
• Leaching in cyanide solution
4Au + 8CN- + O2 + H2O  4Au(CN)2- + 4OH-

• Inorganic Fouling
2CN- + O2 + 2H2O + 4OH-  2CO3- + 2NH3
Ca2+ + CO3-  CaCO3

• Adsorption with activated carbon (CIL)

2Au(CN)2- + Ca2+ + carbon  carbon-Ca[Au(CN)2]2
• Elution
• Electrowinning
• Smelting
• Elution merupakan proses pelepasan kembali senyawa
kompleks Au dan Ag dari karbon aktif. Metode elution yang
dipakai di UBPE Pongkor adalah Anglo American Research
Laboratory (AARL).
• Proses elution dilakukan dalam 6 tahap, dimana sebelumnya
dilakukan pencucian karbon menggunakan fresh water,
bertujuan untuk membersihkan karbon dari lumpur yang
masih menempel. Tahap-tahap proses elution, yaitu:
Tahap 1 ~ Acid Wash ~

• pencucian dengan HCl bertujuan untuk melarutkan pengotor, seperti ion organik, senyawa
CaCO3, MgCO3, dan silika yang teradsorb dan menutupi pori-pori karbon aktif. Batasan tahap
1 selesai setelah karbon terendam seluruhnya oleh larutan HCl. (± 5 menit).
• Reaksi :
CaCO3 + 2HCl  CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O
MgCO3 + 2HCl  MgCl2 + CO2 + H2O
C[Ca-Au(CN)2]2 + 2H+  Ca2+ + C-AuCN + 2HCN
Tahap 2 ~ Water Wash ~

• pencucian dengan hot fresh water (70-900C) bertujuan untuk menghilangkan sisa-sisa HCl
yang terdapat pada tahap sebelumnya. Selain itu, pemanasan ini akan berguna untuk tahap
selanjutnya (pretreatment). Batasan tahap 2 selesai setelah pH netral ± 7. (± 110 menit).
Tahap 3 ~ Pretreatment ~

• terjadi peristiwa pelemahan ikatan senyawa kompleks Au dan Ag dengan karbon. Prosesnya
menggunakan larutan caustic cyanide, merupakan campuran antara caustic (NaOH) dan
cyanide (NaCN) dengan konsentrasi 3% NaOH dan 3% NaCN. pH larutan ± 12.8. Secara mass
balance, hasil dari proses pre-soak akan masuk ke eluate tank. (± 30 menit, ± 85-1100C)
• Reaksi:
C-Ca[Au(CN)2]2 + NaCN  2Au(CN)2- + Na+ + Ca2+ + carbon
C-AuCN + NaCN  Au(CN)2- + Na+ + carbon
Tahap 4 ~ Recycle Elution ~

• terjadi peristiwa pelepasan sempurna senyawa kompleks Au dan Ag dengan karbon. Tahap ini
menggunakan recycle elution (berasal dari tahap 5 dan 6 pada batch elution sebelumnya).
Hasil dari proses recycle elution (larutan kaya) masuk ke dalam eluate tank dan siap untuk di
elektrowinning. (± 120-130 menit, ± 100-1100C)
Tahap 5 ~ Water Elution ~

• hot fresh water digunakan untuk mengeluarkan senyawa kompleks Au dan Ag yang
kemungkinan masih terdapat dalam karbon meskipun dalam kadar rendah dan menghasilkan
recycle solution yang mengisi recycle tank sampai 4 bed volumes untuk digunakan pada
proses elution selanjutnya. (± 110 menit, ± 100-1100C)
Tahap 6 ~ Cooling ~

• merupakan tahap pendinginan dimana elution heater dimatikan tetapi pompa sirkulasi masih
berjalan. Fresh water digunakan untuk mendinginkan karbon di elution column dan dialirkan
ke recycle tank untuk digunakan pada proses elution selanjutnya. Pendinginan karbon
bertujuan agar karbon tidak teroksidasi menjadi CO yang terjadi jika karbon berada dalam
keadaan panas kontak langsung dengan udara.
• Reaksi:
O2 + 2 C → 2 CO
• Barrent carbon dipompakan kembali ke
tangki CIL terakhir. Untuk periode waktu
tertentu, ketika karbon menunjukkan
penurunan aktivitas, barren carbon di
reaktivasi dalam regeneration kiln pada
temperatur 650-7000C sebelum masuk ke
tangki CIL.
Electrowinning dan Smelting
• Elekrowinning adalah proses pengendapan Au
dan Ag secara elektrolisa. Larutan kaya dalam
eluate tank dipompakan ke electrowinning
cells menggunakan eluate pump.
from elution process Caustic soda
for keeping pH
min. 12 .5

Eluate Tank Spent Return Sump

3 Barrent solution
Flowrate 60m/h
5 electrowinning cells ; Au /Ag < 3 ppm
Each cell has Cyanide ±3000 ppm
11 anodes & 10 cathodes ,
Electrowinning cells
and rectifier ( 1200 A , 9 V ) to cyanide mixing
After 3 ~ 4 x E /W process
Cake is filtered
to remove the solution ,
Cake borax
then dried at 700 ~ 900 ºC

re-smelted or
Smelting Furnace Slag discharged to

Bullion 7~ 15 % Au , 80 ~ 92 % Ag , impurities <2%

Reaction in Electrowinning
• Cathodic reaction
2Au(CN)2- + 2e-  2Au + 4CN-
• Anodic reaction
4OH-  2H2O + 4e- + O2
2H2O  O2 + 4H+ + 4e-
• Overall reaction
2Au(CN)2- + 2OH-  2Au + 4CN- + H2O + O2

• Evolusi O2 pada anode:

4OH-  O2 + 2H2O + 4e-
2H2O  O2 + 4H+ + 4e-
 Hal ini menyebabkan penurunan pH pada permukaan anode. pH
dapat turun sampai titik dimana kondisi chromium pada stainless
steel teroksidasi menjadi ion chromate (CrO42-) terlarut yang
dapat tereduksi menjadi chromium hidroxide Cr(OH)3 pada steel
wool katoda

 Reaksi:

CrO42- + 4H2O + 3e-  Cr(OH)3 + 5OH-

• Chromium hidroxide yang terdeposisi pada katoda menghambat
deposisi emas menyebabkan efisiensi electrowinning menurun dan
korosi pada anoda berlangsung cepat sehingga pH harus dijaga min
12.5 untuk menghindari hal tersebut di atas.

• Barren solution (< 3 ppm Au) digunakan kembali dalam cyanide

mixing solution untuk proses leaching.
Pengolahan Limbah Pumped from
Tailing Dam
Thickener 1 Fresh Water
Sump Process Water (PW)2
(FW)2 Slime transported to
ST 12 or FOB Slime
Pumped from Stockpile
To Ball Mill 1’s
Tailing Dam
Flocculants Trommol Screen
Process Water (PW)1 Fresh Water
Tailing From O/F from ST
Flocculants (FW)1
Tank 7 1
Thickener 1 Thickener 2 O/F from Baku Mutu:
H2O25H2O ST 1, 6 CN<0. 5ppm
Thickener 2 Sump &14 SS<200ppm
CuSO42H2O PH=6-9

U/F 40-45% U/F 50-55%
Coagulant Effluent Antam:
Tank CN<0.425ppm

Thickener Sump Detox 6-8 Hours
Decant Pond

Max. Cianide 6 ppm

Back Fill Silo Back Fill Silo

Pump 11 Cikaniki River

Detox 1 Detox 2
Thickener 1

To Ball Mill 2’s

Flocculants Trommol Screen Tailing Sump
Pump 12
Tailing From
Tank 8 Flocculants
O/F Back Fill Back Fill
Thickener 1 Thickener 2 Sump Sump
Thickener 2
U/F 40-45% U/F 50-55%
Pumped For
H2O25H2O Filling
Thickener Sump
Pumped to Process
Flocculants O/F Water Tank

Kepmen LH n0. 202 tahun 2004 Effluent

Baku Mutu: Antam: Tank
CN<0. 5ppm CN<0.425ppm Tailing Dam
SS<200ppm SS<70ppm Seepage
Cikaniki River PH=6-9 PH=6-9 Effluent
Decant Pond
Pengolahan Limbah (Cont’d)
• Cyanide destruction w/ SMBS :
Na2S2O5 (s) + H2O → 2SO2 (g) + 2NaOH
CN- + SO2 (g) + H2O + O2 (g) → CNO- + H2SO4
• Cyanide destruction w/ hydrogen
CN- + H2O2  CNO- + H2O

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