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Diah : Assalamualaikum bu midwife.

Maya : Waalaikumsalam, let's just go in. Please, sit.

Diah : Yes, thank you.
Maya : What do you want this? Anything I can help ?
Diah : This bu midwife. I would like a consultation
Maya : Oh, Okay, okay. But before we contact first well, though more familiar. Said one
does not know it was love.
Diah : Yes ma'am midwife.
Maya : My name is maya. If mbaknya what's his name?
Diah : I Diah bu.
Maya : She was what if I may know?
Diah : I am 21 years old this year
Maya : O yes very young. Not far is the same difference of two children I already have
(joking). Well let ya diah consultation earlier he would ya?
Diah : Yes.
Maya : Good, well before we start konsultasnya, it would be nice if we read the prayer
beforehand so that what I say is easily understood and can be useful for diah ya.
Diah : Yes thud.
Maya : Fine, then I led prayers yes (Start reading bismillah and prayer)
Diah : (Participate read Prayer)
Maya : Well, ya nah diah, come on please, what can I help you?
Diah : This bu midwife. I have had 3 days of discharge. Whiteness itchy and smelly. I am
very uncomfortable bu midwife. Approximately later danger not ya?
Maya : Good, so Ms. Diah problems experienced are ya diah experience vaginal discharge
that causes itching and smell ya?
Diah : Yes, it is true.
Maya : I will try to explain and provide some alternative solutions to the problem yes, but
later remained Ms. Diah that determines how silanjutnya attitude.
Here I happened to have the flyers, Ms. diah be brought back later to read and read at home.
Maya : So, it's basically whitish we can differentiate into two yes, that is a normal vaginal
discharge and abnormal vaginal discharge. So a normal vaginal discharge that does not cause
itching, also does not cause odor. The amount is slightly although sometimes a lot and also
the whiteness colored clear liquid, whereas abnormal discharge the fluid whiteness ciri2nya
cloudy and thick, can be yellowish or greenish, fetid, rancid, fishy, and cause itching. The
amount of fluid too much.
Diah: Well, it means I do not normally whitish bu dong midwife? That's usually what ya
cause ?
Maya : Yes, but Ms. diah do not worry ya. Ms. Diah right once came here to consult so we
can look for an alternative solution that whiteness does not continue and become a kompliasi.
So Ms. diah, causes of vaginal discharge (which is not due to illness), it is generally caused
by stress, physical exhaustion and psychological, or just before and after menstruation, or it
could be due to the use of underwear that is too tight, or because of infection by bacteria,
fungi , viruses, and other parasites, Well Ma'am Diah what his daily activities?
Diah : I was in college bu. Indeed, I'm a lot of work and study from morning to night, not to
mention having a task that a lot of bu.
Maya : Well it can also be a trigger mbak experience vaginal discharge. My advice to Ms.
diah to always keep the intimate organ hygiene by washing with clean water despite how
busy ya diah activity on campus. Furthermore, Ms. diah can familiarize wipe from the front
to the back with clean water, and also use the panties of a material that easily absorb sweat
like cotton, and be sure to use a handkerchief or tissue after a bowel movement so that the sex
organs Ms. diah remain dry due moist skin surfaces that can be the place the appearance of
mold and bacteria.
Diah: Oh so ya bu midwife. Well I shall apply.
Maya : Well, Ms. Diah, was not it already explained about the whiteness, well what diah ya
can repeat what I mentioned earlier?
Diah: * Repeating explanation *
Maya : Good, good yes, I consider Ms. diah already understand what I have to say. Is there
something more you want to ask?
Diah : No ma'am, thank you.
Maya : Well, for repeated visits, we check out whether Ms. diah still no complaints or after
applying what I said earlier, if ya diah still no complaints, it could come back here for further
treatment yes.
Diah : Yes ma'am.
Maya : Well, because nobody else wanted to ask, let us end this counseling session by
saying hamdalah. * Alhamduliillah * hopefully what I say today can be useful for ya ya diah.
Diah : Amen, thank you very much bu midwife, then excuse me farewell.
Maya : Yes, thank you again, do not hesitate to come here again yes if there are other
Diah : Yes ma'am midwife. assalamualaikum
Maya : Waalaikumsalam.

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