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Work ethic is a set of values based on the ideals of discipline and hard work. It
is an inherent attitude that an individual possesses and it allows him to make decisions
and perform his duties with positive moral values that include elements like integrity,
responsibility, high quality, discipline, humility and teamwork.

It can also refer to how you feel about your job or career, so it covers your
attitude and behavior. It also pertains to how you do your job, or the responsibilities
that come attached with it. The level of respect you show your co-workers and people
you come into contact with at work, and how you communicate and interact with them,
also defines your work ethic.

Work ethic is important in defining your identity. It becomes part of who you
are, and there is no doubt that a huge part of how people will view and know you will
come from what they perceive to be your work ethic.Possesing good and strong
work ethics show the strength of your character and present you as an all-around
positive person. In the workplace, a person with good work ethics can be viewed as
someone who workers can interact with and at the same time said to have better
leadership and management skills. Worker’s values, integrity, beliefs, and character
speak loudly through the behaviour that they engage in at work.

Overall, good work ethics reflects a worker’s passion, credibility and values,
inspire communication between employees, allow respect to be extended to each
person within the organization, and promote customer relationships that are based
on honesty and integrity.


While it is important to define work ethics, when can we describe work ethics to be
good and strong? Listed below are some elements that serve as a solid foundation for a
strong work ethic.

1. Integrity

Integrity should permeate every aspect of your job, from how you deal with your
clients to how you treat your co-workers and your superiors. It means doing the right
things, at all times, even if no one is watching, much less your boss. Its greatest
impact is seen in your relationships with the people around you, which is why
integrity is seen as one of the most important ingredients of Trust.

According to Robert Shaw, you can earn a certain level of trust if you are able to
achieve results while demonstrating concern for others and acting with integrity the
whole time. Hence, the formula:

Results + Integrity + Concern = Level of Trust

Acting with integrity, in this context, also means behaving in a consistent manner.
For example, if you are part of a team, your behavior should be in tune with
everyone, in accordance with a clear set of guidelines in working together toward a
clear purpose.

2. Emphasis on Quality of Work

If you show dedication and commitment to coming up with very good results in
your work, then your work ethic will definitely shine. While some employees do only
the barest minimum, or what is expected of them, there are those who go beyond

They do more, they perform better, and they definitely go the extra mile to come up
with results that surpass expectations. Clearly, these employees are those who
belong to the group with a solid work ethic.

3. Professionalism

The word “professionalism” is often seen as something that is too broad or wide
in scope, covering everything from your appearance to how you conduct yourself in
the presence of other people.

It is so broad and seemingly all-encompassing that many even go so far as to say
that professionalism equates having a solid work ethic.

4. Discipline

Work ethic is something that emanates from within. You can tell an employee to do
this and that, be like this and like that, over and over, but if they do not have enough
discipline to adhere to the rules and follow through with their performance, then there
is no way that they can become the productive employees that the company wants.

Discipline involves focus, dedication and determination on your part to do what you

5. Sense of Responsibility

The moment you became part of the organization and assigned tasks and duties,
you have a responsibility that you must fulfill. If you have a strong work ethic, you will
be concerned with ensuring that you are able to fulfill your duties and responsibilities.
You will also feel inclined to do your best if you want to get the best results.

6. Sense of Teamwork

As an employee, you are part of an organization. You are simply one part of a
whole, which means you have to work with other people. If you are unable to do so,
this will put your work ethic into question.

Work ethic is also continuously shaped by relationships, specifically on how you

are able to handle them in achieving goals, whether shared or individual.


It is one thing to proudly declare that you have a strong work ethic to your boss, but it
is another totally different thing to convince him that you really do. In fact, bosses are not
inclined to take such claims at face value, instead wanting you to convince them with actions
and not just words.

Here are the things that you can do in order to convince your employer that you
have a strong work ethic as you claim:

Trying to demonstrate a good work ethic if you don’t actually care about the
company will be acting, and no matter how good of an actor you are, it won’t be long
before you are discovered. You need to actually have the good work ethic before you
try to show it to the world. And this starts with putting the company first in your thoughts
and actions. Once this is done, half the battle is won.


Time management is not limited to being on time for work and meeting
deadlines. It actually involves more than that.

 Be punctual. They say that punctuality is one of the first indicators of

professionalism. Brett and Kate McKay pointed out several reasons why
punctuality is very important. Important points were made on how
punctuality strengthens and reveals your integrity while also
demonstrating your level of discipline, humility and dependability. It is
also one way to show your respect for others, while allowing you to build
your self-confidence and always put your best foot forward. For many
managers and supervisors, lack of punctuality is a deal-breaker. If a new
employee is habitually tardy in coming to work, this is likely to drive them
to have a low opinion of the capabilities of that employee to continue
working in the company.
 Maintain a good attendance record. It’s not just your punctuality and
how you observe work hours that will be closely looked into. A high rate
of absenteeism certainly does not bode well, even if it is unintentional or
there are unavoidable circumstances, such as if you are frequently ill that
you have to take days off from work. If this is the case, it is important to
take up the matter with your superiors in order for both parties to come
up with a solution that will benefit everyone. If there are truly unavoidable
circumstances causing you to miss work, bringing it up before you are
confronted shows that indeed you are concerned about the company
and it makes your bosses more open to suggestions that you might have.
An example would be allowing you to work remotely from home. Your
bosses will know if you are taking a day off work to avoid performing a

particularly rigorous or complicated task. This will not reflect positively
on you, and any chance you might have of getting a raise or a promotion
won’t look too good.
 Observe deadlines. Between an employee who barely beats the
deadline, rushing at the eleventh hour to get things done and finishing
his task just as the clock hits 12, so to speak, and an employee who
finishes his task well ahead of time, without any rushing and stressing
out, who will be more favorable in the eyes of the supervisor? Obviously,
it is the second employee.

If you are able to finish your task ahead of time, that means you are able to
manage your time wisely. That will also give you ample time to make any adjustments,
if necessary, since there is still some time left before the actual deadline. Better yet,
you should take the initiative to set your own deadlines.

If there is a timetable provided by the company, it will be to your advantage to

create your own timetable. This will enable you to prioritize better. You’ll be able to
avoid distractions easily, and any potential delays will be dealt with before they can
actually arise.

The phrase may seem a bit of a cliché nowadays, there is still truth to the adage
“Honesty is the best policy”. The esteemed Warren Buffet said it best when he
cited three qualities to look for when hiring new people: integrity, intelligence and
energy. There is no way that a person can hide his dishonesty forever. Sooner or later,
it will manifest itself, and that will not do your work ethic any favors.

The biggest problem that a dishonest employee will encounter is the lack or
absence of trust from other people. Therefore, if you want to go far in your career, or
go up the hierarchy in the organization, then you should make it a point to be honest
in your dealings so that you can be trusted by your seniors and fellow colleagues.

Since we are on the topic of honesty, other things that you can do are:

 Give honest feedback. This shows that you are capable of objectivity.
Managers, co-workers and even clients will value you more if you show
that you are able to provide honest feedback. Sure, this may be a
sensitive area, which is why you have to take extra care on your delivery
of your feedback. If you are able to get your message across without
openly offending anyone and igniting hostilities, then that will prove even
further the strength of your work ethic.
 Own up to your mistakes. If you did something wrong, it is best to man
up and own up to it, instead of denying all blame and, worse, pinning it
on other people. This is a sign that you are unable and unwilling to take
responsibility, a sure sign that your work ethic is less than solid.



An employee with a strong work ethic is a productive employee. This

productivity is seen in the pace of work and your persistence in maintaining that pace.
If you can work at a fast pace, that means you’ll be able to accomplish more within the
limited time that you are given. You are not the type to give up just because you are
exhausted or you suddenly feel lazy. You do not quit until you have completed what
you have started.

As an employee or worker, your main concern is to perform your core functions,

or the tasks and duties that are in your job description. Therefore, that is the first thing
that you should focus on. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense if you score high in
punctuality and have a perfect attendance record, but you’re only churning out what is
needed, instead of producing great work.

 Do quality work. Employers want employees who care about the quality
of the work that they churn out, going a step above and beyond the
minimum of expectations with regard to the quality of their work. An
employee who is committed to quality in his own work is an employee
worth keeping because, at the end of the day, his work will form part of
the overall quality of the output of the organization.

 Be organized. A disorganized employee is seen as someone who may
have trouble meeting deadlines and producing quality work. It’s similar
to how your personality is often judged by your personal hygiene. If you
have dirty nails or unkempt hair, you’d be immediately judged –
especially by those you are meeting for the first time – to have problems
keeping things together. It’s the same thing if you are disorganized, say,
in how you maintain your work area. If you are working with tools and
machines, leaving them lying around may even result to accidents and
injuries. Being organized shows how you are able to prioritize, and will
also provide an indication of how you can contribute to the achievement
of the goals and objectives of the company.
 Be consistent. You have to continue working at your peak, getting the
best results, even when no one is watching. Some employees, in their
desire to impress their bosses, will only visibly put in more work if they
know they are being watched. This is not how you demonstrate a strong
work ethic. On the contrary, it will only paint you as pretentious, which is
one of the worst things that can taint your work ethic.

It is “do, not say”, and “act, not tell”. At the end of the day, it is your output and
your work that will speak the loudest volume about your work ethic. Show great results,
and you’ll be seen as someone with a great work ethic.


Respectfulness is, sadly, becoming more of a rare commodity these days. But
it remains to be one of the traits that supervisors are looking for to indicate whether an
employee has a strong work ethic or not.

Using proper etiquette is basic for humans, which is why it is valued greatly in
the workplace. Even a slightest shift away from proper etiquette can potentially destroy
a relationship that has been cultivated and nurtured for a very long time.

What if you are under too much pressure? Does that not give you a bit of a
leeway, so you can use it as an excuse to be rude or let your temper fly?

In the workplace, there should be no excuse to be disrespectful to other people,
whether it is with a peer or a subordinate. Tight deadlines? Impossible demands from
impossible clients? They’re part and parcel of a regular “day at the workplace”.
Therefore, you should not let your temper get the better of you.

 Stay calm and poised. Good and rational decisions are harder to come by
if anger is clouding your judgment. If you show that you are frazzled, this will
also fluster the others, and soon you’ll be dealing with a roomful of panicking
and co-workers.
 Be diplomatic. Choose your words carefully, and be careful not to offend
others. Even a misplaced word here and there can potentially lead to a
blowout, which you’d definitely want to avoid as much as possible.

o Listen to others’ opinions. Even if you might not 100% agree with
them in the end, giving them time to voice out their opinions and
listening to them is already a sign of respect. Besides, you may just
find solutions in those opinions.

 Avoid gossiping and harmful talk about, and against, others. Idle chit-
chat is unavoidable at the workplace, but there is a difference between
chatting idly about this and that, and gossiping maliciously about other
people. This can potentially blow up and lead to conflicts and even bigger
problems. Negative talks will definitely affect teamwork if it’s not avoided.
 Show fair treatment to others. If you are in a supervisory position, you
might not be aware that you are favoring one worker over the others. If you
are dealing with clients, you might be showing a bias toward one client while
acting passively toward others. This inequity is an indication that you may
have a skewed judgment, especially when it comes to dealing with bigger

Demonstrate grace under pressure, and you can definitely convince your boss that
you have a work ethic strong enough to merit further notice during promotions to higher

If you can’t follow even one simple rule, such as keeping your work area neat
and orderly, or properly clocking in when you get to work, your boss is likely to take
that as a sign that you’d find it even more difficult to keep the rules that do matter.

How can you show that you are a law-abiding employee?

 Be aware of company policies. There’s bound to be an employee

handbook or company manual that covers policies, rules and regulations
that employees must abide by. Make it a point to read through it and know
the finer points, because you certainly cannot argue ignorance if, at some
point, you are called out for violating a company rule. Making the effort to
learn about these policies and regulations will also put you in a positive light.
Your boss will see this as a sign of commitment on your part about wanting
to do good in your work while sticking to the rules.
 Follow the dress code. This is another key characteristic of
professionalism. Appearance may not be all that matters in the workplace,
but it DOES matter to a certain extent, regardless of the actual work that
you do. Even laborers and those who are doing manual labor have
a prescribed dress code that they must adhere to, not just for purposes of
safety at the workplace, but also as a member of the organization. As
employees and workers, they are still representatives of the organization,
and if you are able to dress properly, this will reflect positively to the

No matter how much you think you are better at working alone, or that you can
provide more and better results if you work by yourself, the very nature of being an
employee of a company means that you are merely one of the cogs in a larger
machine. Therefore, you have to work with the other employees.

 Cooperate. Cooperation is very important. Even if you have personal

differences in opinion with a co-worker, or you do not see eye to eye about a
matter entirely separate from work, you should still be able to cooperate and
work together with him. Set aside those differences, at least for the time being.

Your boss will appreciate you more if you are able to prove that you can
separate the personal from work and still be able to cooperate with others.
 Socialize. Yes, you read that right. Socialization is also very important. You
can’t be all work and serious talk all the time. Once in a while, you have to take
a step back, relax, and socialize with your co-workers. This is one way to
cultivate your social skills while strengthening your relationship with the other
employees or members of the team.


Believe it or not, being sound and healthy in mind and body also contributes to
your work ethic. Let me explain why.
If you are healthy, you’ll be able to think more clearly, so you can make better
decisions and exercise better judgment when doing your work. Being healthy also
ensures that you won’t have a problem with your attendance record. You’d be able to
report to work on time, and absenteeism won’t be an issue.

In the same manner, if you are fit and healthy, you won’t have problems
socializing with your co-workers. You will also be in a positive mood, so tempers and
frustrations will not get in the way.

Therefore, make it a point to exercise regularly. Eat your meals properly and
maintain a balanced diet. Get out for some air once in a while. If you have vacation
days, make the most of them, so you can rest your mind and body. If you’re the type
to enjoy the great outdoors and commune with nature, make it a point to do that
whenever you have the opportunity to do so. This will refresh and strengthen you for
when you go back to work and carry on with your tasks and responsibilities.

If you think about it, these things are not all that difficult to do. In fact, they are
relatively easy. It is the execution that most people find complicated. Still, it is a fact
that building and maintaining a strong work ethic is not a walk in the park. It takes a
lot for a person to prove that he has one, but if you are committed and dedicated
enough, then you will no doubt be able to convince your bosses that your work ethic
is one of the things that make you an asset of the company.


 Fair consequences

 Fair treatment
 Recognition
 Communication (be clear and consistent)
 Have office policies
 Transparency
 Trainings
 Have plans of action
 Constructive feedback
 Loyalty
 Desirable work environment
 Produce results
 Build good references
 Good office morale
 Growth and expansion
 Recognition
 Illegal practices
 Stealing
 Ignoring procedures and policies
 Abusing confidentiality agreements
 Falsifying information
 Making decisions for your own personal gain
 Lack of communication
 Withholding information
 Poor customer services
 Gossiping
 Abusing computer privileges
 Ignoring problems
 Blackmail
 Lying
 Bribes

 Taking on roles that are no under you job title
 Being unpunctual; poor attendance


Health and safety is the key factor for all the industries in order to promote the
wellness of both employees and employers. It is a duty and moral responsibility of
the company to look after the employee’s protection.

Workplace safety is the concept that employers must control recognized

hazards in the workplace. This doesn't mean that a place of employment is
completely free of any and all dangers, but rather that it offers an acceptable level of
risk for all workers.

These days, workplace health and safety procedures are important for the
well-being of both employees and employers because human loss is immeasurable
and intolerable. As, such loss or injuries can employ major loss to the families.

Employers have legal obligations to ensure a safe and healthy workplace for their
employees in the first instance – and also for anyone else who may visit the
workplace such as customers, contractors and members of the public.

All employers, whatever the size of the business, must:

 design, provide and maintain workplaces which are safe and without risk to
 identify any hazards (actual or potential) tand ake measures to control the
risks, preferably by eliminating them – but if that is not possible, by reducing
them as far as possible;
 ensure that safe working practices are developed and implemented,
 implement measures to reduce the risk of bullying and harassment;
 provide adequate first aid facilities;

 provide employees with information, instructions, and training set up
contingency plans to deal with accidents and emergencies (including the
evacuation of the workplace);
 ensure that ventilation, temperature, lighting, toilet, washing and rest facilities
meet the standard of health, safety and welfare sought by the statutory
 ensure that appropriate work equipment is provided and is properly used and
regularly maintained;
 take necessary precautions against the risks caused by flammable or
explosive hazards, electrical equipment, noise, dust and radiation;
 take reasonable steps to avoid potentially dangerous work involving manual
handling and provide manual handling training where required;
 provide health supervision, as needed;
 provide protective clothing, where required and appropriate warning signs;
 report specific accidents, injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences to the
appropriate authorities; and maintain records of accidents and injuries as


The law establishes significant rights for employees – as well as responsibilities
to co-operate in appropriate behaviour to protect their own well-being.

The right of employees to work in a safe and healthy environment is enshrined in

law. As such, it cannot be withdrawn or diluted by your employer. The most
important rights and responsibilities are set out below.

 to have any risks to your health and safety properly controlled, as far as
 to be provided, free of charge, with any personal protective and safety
 to stop work and leave your work area, if you have reasonable concerns
about your safety, without being disciplined;
 to tell your employer about any concerns about your health and safety at

 to get in touch with the appropriate authority, without being disciplined, if your
employer refuses to address to your concerns;
 to be consulted by your employer about safety, health and welfare at work
and to be provided with specific information on these issues; and
 to select Safety Representatives, as part of this consultation with your

Your responsibilities to take reasonable care of your health and safety; to take
reasonable care not to put other people at risk;

 to participate in appropriate training;

 to adhere to the employer’s health and safety policies;
 to make proper use of any personal protective equipment;
 to report any injuries, strains or illnesses you may have suffered as a result of
your work; and
 to tell your employer of any health-related issue that may affect your work
performance (for example, becoming pregnant, taking prescribed medication
or suffering an injury) so that the employer can make appropriate adjustments
in your working arrangements.


1. Be aware of your surroundings

The more familiar you are with your tasks and workplace, the more aware you’ll
be of the potential hazards. Knowing your surroundings and being aware of potential
hazards will help you and your co-workers avoid unnecessary or dangerous

2. Keep correct posture

Keeping correct posture refers to more than just employees who lift things
regularly. If you work at a desk, you also need to make sure you have good
posture to avoid back problems, neck pain, and even carpal tunnel.

3. Take regular breaks

It’s important that employees always take their regular breaks. Tired workers are
the most prone to an incident. The more tired you are, the less aware you are of your
surroundings, and the more at risk you are for an injury.

4. Never take shortcuts on procedures

It’s important to always use every tool and machine you’re working with according
to instruction. Shortcuts lead to injury and aren’t worth the small amount of time they
might save you. Be sure you’re always using the right tool for the job, and using it

5. Be aware of new safety procedures

It’s important to make sure you’re aware of the new safety procedures that go
along with new machines or updates training. It’s your responsibility to ensure you
understand the new safety procedures and implement them properly before you use
any new machines. Be sure to ask questions if you don’t understand a safety

6. Keep emergency exits clear

Never place anything in front of an emergency exit door, even if it’s only for a few
minutes and ensure pathways to equipment emergency shutoffs are clear in case
something needs to be powered down immediately.

7. Report unsafe conditions

It’s important to always report any hazardous situation or unsafe condition as

soon as possible, to keep yourself and other employees safe. Work together to find a
solution to prevent the unsafe condition from occurring again in the future.

8. Always wear personal protective equipment

Make sure you’re always wearing the personal protective equipment (PPE)
provided to you by your employer. Wearing the correct PPE for the job you’re
performing is just another way to keep you safe from injury.

I. Equal Work Opportunities for All
The overall policy objectives for the employment discrimination laws we
will be examining is summed up by the phrase equal opportunity. These laws
generally do not aim to create equal outcomes, but rather seek to ensure that all
employees or job applicants have an equal opportunity to engage in the
employment market. In other words, these laws try to level “the playing field” o that
certain classes of people who have been discriminated against in the past are not
subjected to adverse treatment based upon certain characteristics that have
nothing to do with being qualified job applicant or employee.
II. Security of Tenure
Every employee shall be assured security tenure. No employee can be
dismissed from work except for a just or authorized cause, and only after due
process. Without security of tenure, an office-holder may find his or her ability
to carry out their powers, functions and duties restricted by the fear that
whoever disapproves of any of their decisions may be able to easily remove
them from office I revenge. Security f tenure offers protection, by ensuring that
an office-holder cannot be victimized for exercising their powers, functions and
duties. It enables the democratic or constitution methodology through which
and office-holder comes to office not be overturned except in the strictest and
most extreme cases.
III. Work days and work hours work day
Refers to any day during which the employee is regularly required to
work. Hours of work refer to all the time an employee renders actual work, or is
required to be on duty or to be at a prescribed workplace. The normal hours of
work in a day is 8 hours. This includes break or rest period of less than one
hour, but exclude meal period, which shall not be less than one hour. An
employee must be paid his or her wages for all hours worked.
IV. Weekly rest day a day-off
24 consecutive hours after 6 days of work should be scheduled by the
employer upon consultation with the workers. Workers are entitled to at least
one day (24 hours) off each week. This can be deferred (but not abandoned) in
particular circumstances: for instances, where there is a high level of seasonal

work, or where round- the-clock working is required. The 24 hour break, or one
48 hour break in each 14 day period. Workers who work more than six hours
per day are entitled to a rest break of not less than 20 minutes, away from their
workstation. Employers must make sure that workers can take their rest break.
Mobile workers are entitled to adequate rest.
V. Wage and wage-related benefits
Wage is the amount paid to an employee in exchange for a task, pieces
of work, or services rendered to an employer. Wage may be fixed for a given
period, as when it is computed hourly, daily or monthly. It may also be fixed for
a specific task or result. An employer cannot make any deduction from an
employee’s wage except for insurance premium with the consent of the
VI. Payment of wages
Employers must establish a regular pay period and a regular pay day for
employees. An employer has to pay all the wages earned in each pay period,
other than vacation pay that is accruing, no later than the employee’s regular
pay day for the period. Some employees earn commission or “bonuses” based
on sales made in a pay period. In these situations, the employment contract or
the practice of the employer often provide that the commission or bonus is not
“due and owning” or “earned” until some future event has occurred.
VII. Employment of children
Minimum employable age is 15 years. A worker below 15 years
of age should be directly under the sole responsibility of parent or guardians;
work does not interfere with child’s schooling/normal development. No person
below 18 years of age can be employed in a hazardous undertaking.
VIII. Safe working condition
Employers must provide workers with every kind of on-the-job protection
against injury, sickness or death through safe and healthful working conditions.
Workplace safety should not be taken lightly with a business. Preventative
measures against accidents and/or workplace-related deaths are key for
fostering a healthy, safe work environment.
IX. Right to self-organization and collective bargaining
The right to self-organization is the right of every worker, free of any
interference from the employer or from government, to form or join any
legitimate workers organization, association or union on the first day of his or
her employment.
X. Obey a lawful, reasonable order within the terms of the contract of
The employee must take all reasonable steps to carry out what
has been promised under the contract of employment. Sometimes this is
described as the duty to obey the law and reasonable orders of the employer,
which usually means getting on with the work when there is work to be done
and fitting in as far as it is reasonable, with the employer’s scheme of operation.
If you employed at will, your employer does not need cause to fire you.
XI. Cooperate with the employer
Other things that affect productivity are influenced by positivity or
negativity in the workplace. If the workplace overall attitude is positive,
employees stays with the company longer and are more interested in career
development. On the other hand, if the overall attitude in the workplace is
negative, employees will tend to win small success for themselves at the
expense of cooperating to achieve the goals of the company. They will distract
each other and the manager.
XII. Not misuse the confidential information acquired while in service
In today’s increasingly litigious competitive workplace, confidentiality is
important host for reason. Failure to properly secure the confidential information
can lead to loss of business/clients. The disclosure of sensitive employee and
management information can lead to loss of employee’s trust, confidence and
loyalty. This will almost always result in a loss of productivity.


Confidentiality is important for a lot of varied reason. The data pertaining to
requirement, compensation, and management of employees is naturally sensitive. In
the wrong hands, this information could be misused to commit fraud, discrimination
and other violations
Examples of maintaining confidentiality includes:
 Individual files are locked and secured

 Support workers do not tell other people what is a client file unless they have
permission from the client
 Information about the client is not discussed without their consent
 Adult client has the right to keep information about themselves confidential,
which that information is being kept from family friends.
The types of information that is considered confidential can include:
 Name, date of birth, sex, age and address
 Current contact details of family, guardians, etc.
 Bank details
 Medical history/records
 Personal care issues
 Service records and file progress notes
 Individual personal plan
 Assessment or report
 Guardianship order
 Incoming or outgoing personal correspondence
Other information relating to ethnic or racial origin, political opinions, religious
or philosophical beliefs, health or sexual lifestyle should also be considered
There are several instances where total confidentiality is either impossible
undesirable or illegal.
These includes:
 Cases where the law requires disclosure of information which will be:
 If the health and/or welfare of a child or young person is at risk. You are
required to contact the Department of Community Services and nifty them
of your concern
 If your client tells you he/she committed a serious crime. You required to
notify your supervisor or the police directly
 When the client needs to be protected from harming themselves (e.g.
 Where others may need to be protected (I the client has threatened to harm
others or will do so inadvertently)
It is always good practice to tell clients at the beginning of your contact with
them that whatever they will tell you is confidential except in above circumstances.
In writing up case notes, you need to be careful about what you include and
how you write this information up. Always remember the client have the right to see
files and read anything that has been written about them.

When working with their professionals, it is good practice to obtain written

consent of the client before changing information.

Importance of Confidentiality

 One of the most important elements in confidentiality is that it helps to build and
develop trust between the client and the company.
 The major purpose of obtaining a client’s consent before speaking to a third
party such as another agency or family member is to protect the confidentiality and
the privacy of the client.
 It is important to keep your client’s business as just that their business. You
should only discuss matter relating to your client’s business with co-worker and
then only what to be discussed.
 Respect for client’s confidentiality and staff personnel information should be
high priority for all community services to comply with legislation that governs
disclosure of information.
 To ensure confidentiality, workers should only access confidential information
for the work that is covered by their job description and the policies and the
procedure of the organization.

Legislation Governing Confidentiality

 Health Administration Act of 1982

This act covers any information that is provided or recorded within the health
system. Basically, information cannot be disclosed without the consent of the person
whom the information relates or for the purpose of legal proceedings such as court
order or subpoena that allows access to health information of the client.

 The Public Health Act of 1999

This act allows for the disclosure of information without the consent. The most
important confidentiality of this act is the part that deals specifically with HIV/AIDS
related information.

 Health Records and Information Protection Act of 2002

This act is designed to protect of an individual’s health information enable

individuals to gain access to their health information and provide an accessible
framework for resolution for the complaints regarding the handling of health

 Privacy and Personal information Act of 1998

This act consists of internationally privacy principles dealing separately with
collection, storage, use and disclosure of personal information. One of the key
principles to accessibility of information, stipulating that agencies must allow access
to client’s personal information without reasonable delay and expenses, when it is
 Crimes Act of 1900 (NSW)
There is an obligation for people who have information about serious personal
offense to notify the police


Conflict resolution is the process in which two or more parties work towards a
solution to a problem or dispute. The issue negatively affects one party or multiple
and has escalated to the point where it needs to be addressed. Participants are then
required to work together to produce a common agreement that resolves the issue.
Conflict Managment Skills
1. Active Listening
Active listening is a skill used by salespeople to better connect them with
customers during a pitch. However, it’s just as useful a skill when trying to manage
and resolve conflicts.

Active listening begins with intently focusing on what your customer has to say.
Make note of their phrasing then respond using their same wording. This not only
demonstrates that you were listening, but it will also help clear up any confusion
about your argument. Additionally, be sure to ask questions when you’re confused
about a point and focus on identifying the other person’s goals.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence describes the ability to read and understand your

emotions, as well as the emotions of others. This is incredibly important for conflict
management because it prevents escalation. If you can effectively interpret your
opposition’s emotions, it’s easier to communicate with them without provoking them.
If you can eliminate frustration and anger from the conflict, people will be more likely
to focus on compromising because they aren’t distracted by their emotions.


Conflicts are rarely simple or easy to overcome. People don’t like to be wrong
and will often hold their stance on an issue until they’re right or proven wrong. If
you’re looking to resolve a conflict, it’s important to keep in mind that the problem
may not be solved right away, even if the solution is obvious.

No matter what the conflict is, you still need to take the time to listen to every
participant and value each argument evenly. Even if there’s a clear answer, rushing
to a resolution can make people feel like they’re left out in the decision-making
process. Taking the time to equally consider all options now can help create a long-
term solution that will save you a headache later.


Conflicts can be difficult to resolve because they often never stay focused
solely on the conflict itself. The conflict usually acts as an initial spark that ignites
previous tension that has built up between the two parties over time. Now the
problem that started the conflict can’t be resolved because of the historical bias that
exists between the participants.

In these cases, it’s important to separate the conflict from the people who are
involved with it. Don’t focus on the people and their personal characteristics, instead,
look at the problem itself and center your energy on finding a middle ground. While
you probably can’t solve your personal issues with the other person, you can
definitely work on the tangible issues that impede you from meeting goals.


It’s hard to come to an agreement if no one is happy about it. Even if you do,
a half-hearted compromise doesn’t motivate you to actually follow through on your
promise either. In many cases, it can even provide a participant with an escape from
having to continue to deal with the conflict altogether.

Being positive with your conflict management is a great way to keep progress
moving forward. Conflicts are full of roadblocks and you’ll need to be willing to
overcome them if you want to come to a resolution. Having the right attitude towards
facing the conflict can become a catalyst for other participants who may be more
weary of the interaction.

Open Communication

Conflicts create a relationship between the participants that doesn’t end with
the resolution of the problem. This relationship lasts forever and needs to be
nurtured for the conflict to remain solved.

Creating an open line of communication between the two parties is the best
approach for fostering a healthy, long-term relationship. Both parties can check in on
one another and make sure that both ends of the agreement are being upheld. If
new challenges arise, this communication channel makes it easier for participants to
address the roadblock without risking any progress they’ve previously made.


1. Don't jump to the defense.

Rather than getting defensive about an attack on your argument, take it as an

opportunity to see things from a different point-of-view. You don't have to agree with
that person, but you can try to understand where they're coming from. Just as you
have your opinion, they have theirs, and refusing to hear their point of view creates
an impossible scenario to navigate.

2. Don't point fingers.

Don't put blame on others or create a space in which someone feels unsafe to
voice their opinion. The best way to solve a conflict is by allowing each person to

frame their argument without being blamed or shut down. After all, you wouldn't
appreciate the same being done to you, either.

3. Let the person explain themselves, and actively listen.

Listening is a huge aspect of conflict resolution that's typically overlooked. Let

the other person explain themselves, uninterrupted. You may find that you
misinterpreted their original argument and you'll be more equipped to handle
compromising or collaborating on a new solution when you've taken the time to
listen, think, and plan.

4. Maintain a calm tone.

Wait until you've let out your emotions before you plan a time to meet and
discuss with the opposing party. When you enter the conflict resolution meeting, you
should be calm and ready to debate with consideration for differing perspectives.

5. Show a willingness to compromise or collaborate.

Sometimes you need to let go of your pride and your grip on your argument.
Show the opposing party that, as much as you care about the conflict and about your
side, you care more about coming to a solution that pleases everyone and has the
necessary impact.

6. Don't talk behind people's backs.

What happens between you and the opposing party should stay between you
and them, unless its absolutely necessary to divulge the details of your conflict.
Conflict resolution should always be built on honesty with one another and trust that
what was said will remain secret.You could write out your feelings in a journal or talk
to someone who has no ties to that person and keep their name anonymous. This
way, you can protect the privacy of the conversation.

7. Don't take anything personally.

conflict with a customer or team member is typically not a conflict with you,
personally. It usually involves your professional role or something that occurred to or
with you. Thus, a conflict that emerges is never an attack on you.

8. Prioritize resolving the conflict over being right.

A conflict in the workplace is typically one that involves more than just
yourself. Perhaps it's a frustrating call with an angry customer or an issue with a
policy change implemented by your manager. Whatever it may be, the situation goes
beyond you.

Thus, when you're trying to resolve the conflict, you might need to take a step back
and assess the situation in such a way. Recognize that, even if you have a strong
opinion on one end of the spectrum, it might be beneficial to wave the white flag if it
ultimately improves the conditions for everyone else. Conflict resolution is
occasionally about making those sacrifices.

9. Know when to apologize and forgive.

Two of the hardest words to say are, "I'm sorry." It's not easy to apologize
when you feel like you were right all along. Don't let your stubborn attitude and pride
deter you from making amends with the opposing party.

10. Remember the importance of the relationship.

At the end of the day, a conflict is usually one small roadblock in an,
otherwise, healthy relationship. While you may not necessarily be friends with that
person, you probably aren't usually butting heads.

How far are you willing to go to protect your argument? Are you willing to ruin
a relationship over it? If not -- which, hopefully, is never the case except in very
serious circumstances -- then breathe and take it as it goes. In most cases, you
won't even remember the conflict after some time has passed. So, learn to put your
relationships first. That will create a more collected and respectful conflict resolution


Work Immersion Program

 DOLE issued Labor Advisory 08, Series of 2016, Protection of Senior High
School Students on K to 12 Work Immersion Program.

 The work immersion may be schedule for no more than 8 cumulative or
consecutive hours per day. All applicable safety guidelines of TESDA and
DOLE relevant to the basic education shall apply.
 Work immersion shall not be considered as an employment arrangement.
 Conditions for Work Immersion
 The following conditions shall be observed for SHS
 work immersion shall be allowed only between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM;
 For students below 15 years old, work immersion shall not be longer than
4hours in any given day, with parental consent;
 Work immersion shall in no case result to the replacement of or diminution of
benefits of the workers in the partner enterprise/company.

Hazardous Activities and Industries

 DOLE Department Order No. 149, Series of 2016, entitled "Guidelines in

Assessing and Determining Hazardous Work in the Employment of Persons
Below 18 Years of Age" which details hazardous work and activities by
Occupational Classification and Industrial Classification.
 Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9231, entitled, "An Act Providing for the
Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor and Affording Stronger Protection
for the Working Child otherwise known as "Special Protection of Children
Against Child Abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination Act". Hazardous Work
and Activities Industrial Classification SHS students regardless of age shall not
be allowed for work immersion in the following work and activities under each
industrial classification considered hazardous by DOLE:

Mining and Quarrying

This includes extraction of minerals occurring naturally as: solids (coals and ores),
liquid (petroleum), or gases (natural gas). Extraction can be achieved by different
methods such as: underground or surface mining, wall operation or seabed mining.

This includes general construction and specialized construction activities for buildings
and civil engineering works which includes: new work, repair, additions and alterations,
erection of prefabricated buildings or structures on the site, and construction of a
temporary nature.

Transportation and Storage

This includes provision of passenger or freight transport, whether scheduled or not,

by: rail, road, water, or air and associated activities such as terminal and parking
facilities, cargo handling and storage. Also included are the renting of transport
equipment with driver or operator, and postal and courier activities.

Water Supply and Waste Management

This includes activities related to management of forms of waste, such as: solid or
non-solid industrial or household waste, as well as contaminated sites.

Forestry and Logging

This includes the production of roundwood for the forest-based manufacturing

industries as well as the extraction and gathering of wild growing non-wood forest

Fishing and Aquaculture

This includes capture of fishery and aquaculture. Covering the use of fishery resources
from marine, brackish or freshwater environments, with the goal of capturing or
gathering fish, crustaceans, mollusks and other marine organisms and products.

Hunting and Trapping

This includes hunting and trapping on a commercial basis, taking of animals (dead or
alive) for: food, fur, skin, or for use in research, in zoos or as pets or production of fur
skins, reptile, or bird skins from hunting or trapping activities.

Security and Investigation

This includes security-related services such as investigation and detective services;

guard and patrol services; or picking up and delivering money, receipts, or other
valuable items with personnel and equipment to protect such properties while in


 alcoholic beverages,
 tobacco,

 pyrotechnics,
 rubber and plastic products,
 chemical products,
 basic metals, and
 weapons and ammunitions.

Hazardous Work and Activities Occupational Classifications students regardless of

age shall not be allowed for work immersion in the following work and activities under
each occupational classification considered hazardous by DOLE:

Farmers and other Plant Growers

 Preparatory activities;
 Tending activities;
 Harvesting activities; and
 Post-harvesting activities

Animal Producers

 Rearing activities;
 Harvesting activities;
 Post-harvesting activities; and
 Work in slaughterhouse or abattoirs.

Sales and Services Elementary Occupations

 Use of dangerous power tools;

 Exposure to hazardous materials;
 Exposure to extreme environments;
 Exposure to verbal or physical abuse;
 Lifting of heavy loads
 Selling of items prohibited to minors; and
 Delivery service-related tasks

Physical Science, Life Science, and Health Associate Professionals

 Operating radiation emitting machines;

 Processing human/animal body fluids; and

 Child as human sample in experiments.

Personal and Protective Service Workers

 Travel related tasks in dangerous activities;

 Personal care of sick persons and adults;
 Housekeeping-related tasks;
 Restaurant service-related tasks;
 Preparing and serving alcoholic beverages;
 Exposure to sexual abuse; and
 Funeral services.

Customer Service Clerks

 Sales and technical support services; and

 Work in gambling facilities.

Craft and Trade Workers

 Operation of high-power machinery;

 Lifting heavy loads;
 Exposure to hazardous materials and environments; and
 Tasks related to textile and garments.



This Memorandum of Agreement is entered into this 6th of November, 2019 in Bayugan
City, by and between:


Identification Number 304707, a public high school, with principal address at NARRA
AVENUE, POBLACION, BAYUGAN CITY, represented in this Agreement by its
SCHOOL PRINCIPAL, MINDA I. TEPOSO, Filipino, of legal age, and hereinafter
referred to as the SCHOOL;


CITY OF BAYUGAN, of the Republic of the Philippines, with principal address at
POBLACION, BAYUGAN CITY, and represented in this Agreement by its MAYOR,
HON. KIRK A. ASIS, Filipino, of legal age, and hereinafter referred to as the “LGU”.


WHEREAS, the Department of Education of the Philippines, hereinafter referred to as

"DepEd", is the primary government instrumentality mandated to formulate,
implement, and coordinate policies, plans, programs, and projects in the areas of
formal and nonformal basic education; supervise all elementary and secondary
education institutions, including alternative learning systems, both public and private;
and provide for the establishment and maintenance of a complete, adequate, and
integrated system of basic education relevant to the goals of national development;

WHEREAS, DepEd has introduced the K to 12 basic education reform program that
includes Senior High School, hereinafter referred to as "SHS", with the major objective
of ensuring that graduates of basic education are ready for employment,
entrepreneurship, and higher learning;

WHEREAS, the SHS curriculum be customized at the local levels to take into
consideration the needs of local industries and the labor market;

WHEREAS, DepEd believes that for the effective delivery of SHS instruction, there is
a need for school-industry partnerships that will provide the school the necessary
expertise and venue for practical, on-the-job, enterprise-based training for SHS

WHEREAS, DepEd will start full Implementation of SHS in School Year 2016-2017;


among those that will offer SHS to students in the community to carry out DepEd's
objectives for SHS as spelled out above;
WHEREAS, to achieve this objective, the BAYUGAN NATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE
HIGH SCHOOL needs to enter into a Work Immersion Partnership with the LOCAL

WHEREAS, the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU) operates in the area where the
School is located and has offices, facilities, project sites, and expertise that it can make
available to the School for purposes of student Work Immersion;

WHEREAS, the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU) considers going into a work
immersion partnership with the School as part of its mission to create a positive impact
on the community, especially the young people;

WHEREAS, the institutionalization and implementation of the K to 12 program is

among the priority programs of the Government for promoting inclusive growth;

WHEREAS, the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU) is encouraged to fully support

the successful implementation of the K to 12 Program of the Department of Education
as stated in Paragraph 4, Section 2 of the Republic Act 9155 or “Governance of Basic
Education Act of 2001”;

WHEREAS, the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU) recognizes the need for a Work
Immersion environment that is safe for the students and teachers, and conducive to
learning, and has the capability to provide these;


LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU), hereinafter collectively referred to as "the
PARTIES", undertake to collaborate for the successful implementation of the SHS in
Bayugan City cognizant of the need for special protection of the child and with the best
interest of the SHS learner at heart;

NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the PARTIES
hereby agree as follows:


With the passage of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 or Republic Act 10533,
DepEd was tasked to implement the K to 12 Program, essentially adding two (2) years
of specialization within the Basic Educational System;

DepEd designed the implementation of RA 10533 within the framework of increased

community involvement in the learner's experience;

With this premise, DepEd offers venues for various stakeholders to participate in the
implementation of RA 10533 and, the same offer, accepted by the PARTIES herein;

The Work Immersion Program is one of the course requirements for graduation. A
SHS student has to undergo Work Immersion in a business organization or
establishment with work requirements related to the specialization. Through Work
Immersion, the students are exposed to and are familiarized with the work-related
environment related to their field of specialization. Specifically, the students are able
1. Appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories
learned in school
2. Enhance their technical knowledge and skills
3. Enrich their skills in communications and human relations
4. Develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work


The Work Immersion Partnership has the following objectives:

1. To supplement the formal curriculum of the SHS program with special inputs coming
from the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU) experts and practitioners in order to
make the SHS program aligned and consistent with work standards.
2. To develop in the students of the SHS program the knowledge and skills that are
relevant to the needs of the job market in the area.

3. To provide SHS students relevant learning experiences by exposing them to the
actual workplace setting.
4. To form Work Immersion Partnership between the BAYUGAN NATIONAL
allowing the students, faculty, and staff of the schools concerned the use of and
access to the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU) workplace and equipment as
part of their Work Immersion Program.


A. Joint Responsibilities



1. Create a joint working group that will prepare the action plan to operationalize the
2. Form a joint steering committee to monitor the progress of the partnership and to
make sure that the provisions of this Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) are met.
3. Adhere to all laws, memoranda and circulars especially those pertaining to child
protection as provided for in the Guidelines for Work Immersion (Guidelines).
4. Develop the students' Work Immersion module specifying goals and objectives,
desired outcomes of the program and how these outcomes will be achieved, also
noting the specific knowledge, skills, attitudes and competencies that the student
should acquire after completing the program. (See Annex A and Annex C of the
5. Develop a Work Immersion Daily Schedule of Activities that will be followed by the
students during the whole duration of the Work Immersion in the LOCAL
GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU). (See Annex C of the Guidelines.)
6. Formulate local school work immersion policies and guidelines on selection,
placement, monitoring, and assessment of students (immersion participants), in
order to ensure that each student is assigned to an Immersion partner matched to
his/her desired track, qualifications, and aptitude.

B. Responsibilities of the SCHOOL


1. Identify and indicate the SHS track/s, strand/s, and/or specialization/s which will be
the subject of the partnership.
2. Make the needed adjustments to contextualize the SHS subjects based on inputs
coming from the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU).
3. Designate a person in charge of coordinating with the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT
(LGU) and supervising the activities of the students for the duration of the Work
Immersion Program.
4. Provide insurance coverage for learners during the Work Immersion program.
5. Continue to exercise its Special Parental Authority under the Family Code over the
Senior High School student under immersion in the premises of the partner.
6. Monitor each student's progress throughout the duration of the entire work
immersion program so as to make sure that the tasks assigned to each student are
meaningful, challenging, and applicable to his/her particular programs and are able
to maximize the quality of the learning experience.
7. Provide the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU) an evaluation tool for the students'
immersion performance.
8. Issue a final grade to the student upon completion of the requirements within a
prescribed period.
9. Ensure that the student will adhere to the non-disclosure policies of the City of
10. Provide signed Consent forms from the parents as applicable.
11. Provide the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU) a Certificate of Participation in
the SHS program for whatever purpose it may serve.
12. Execute a deed of acceptance as a way of recognizing and acknowledging the
donation/s received from the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU)


1. Assign a competent Immersion Coordinator from the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT
(LGU) to liaise with the School and supervise the students without prejudice to the
special parental authority of the school, its administrators and teachers for the
duration of the work immersion program so as to ensure efficient implementation of
all stages of the program
2. Provide inputs into the curriculum through the discussions or workshops that DepEd
will organize.
3. Lend its expertise by making available its resident resource persons to provide
training to the students.
4. Allow the students to be deployed to the different sections/departments/project sites
of the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU) based on the Work Immersion Daily
Schedule of Activities.
5. Agree to the required number of hours of the immersion program set under the
DepEd SHS curriculum. (See Annex A of the Guidelines.)
6. Provide immersion opportunities for 115 students for 2019-2020.
7. Provide students with an orientation about the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU),
the job as well as expose them to the various stakeholders of the community in
which it operates for the students to get a holistic understanding of the LOCAL
8. Similarly ensure that students undergo training related to their course, and provide
the students with work or activities based on the activities listed in the prescribed
template for the Immersion Program of Activities (Annex C of the Guidelines).
9. Make its workplace and facilities available to students and teachers, and shall
similarly take all necessary action to ensure the safety of students within their areas
of operation at all times, which shall include, but shall not be limited to, the provision
for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), if applicable. Ensure that the students will
not be exposed to hazardous materials and working environment throughout the
duration of the immersion.
10. Evaluate students' performance in the Immersion venue by accomplishing
provided evaluation tool.
11. Issue a Certificate of Completion to the student trainees upon satisfactory
compliance with all requirements of the program.
12. Execute a deed of donation in favor of DepEd for the completed Work Immersion

This agreement shall hold for the duration of the 2019-2020 Academic School
Year and is renewable every year. The LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU) and the
intention for renewal of this agreement through formal notice within thirty (30) days
before the expiration of this Agreement.
COMPREHENSIVE HIGH SCHOOL reserve their respective rights to terminate their
participation in the agreement through formal notice within thirty (30) days before the
effectivity of the termination. Both parties shall turn over all deliverables agreed thereto
in the Work Immersion Program. Termination shall be subject to the mutual agreement
between the parties.
A material breach of the Work Immersion Guidelines and/or this MOA shall
constitute a ground for termination of the MOA, in whole or in part, by the aggrieved
party, without prejudice to other legal remedies.

The school, its administrator, and teachers exercising authority and supervision
over the Senior High School Student undergoing immersion in the premises of the
partner may be held accountable for the student's acts.
Each party shall answer for losses and damages arising from any accident, act,
or omission directly attributable to its fault or negligence, which may cause death or
bodily Injury to any persons, or loss or damage to property, by or on account of the
performance of the respective obligations by the parties pursuant to this Agreement.
Such responsibility shall continue to remain that of the responsible party's even after
the termination of this agreement, if such losses and damages were incurred during
the effectivity of this agreement.
DepEd shall not be liable for opportunity losses of the LOCAL GOVERNMENT
UNIT (LGU) during the duration and after the termination of this agreement.


It is expressly understood by DepEd and the students that all information on
technology, manufacturing process, process standards, quality assurance
methodologies, quality standards, production capabilities, raw material purchasing,
marketing, finance, and all other related documents, manuals, and operational and
technical matters that the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU) shall make available
to them shall be used for the sole purpose of student training. All of these matters are
classified as confidential in nature and proprietary to the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT
(LGU), and thereby each student hereby undertakes to prevent transfer of such
information by any of its members to any party outside of the LOCAL GOVERNMENT


Intellectual properties developed by the student as part of his or her regular

Work Immersion duties in the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU) and their
corresponding copyrights and/or patents shall belong to the LOCAL GOVERNMENT
Intellectual properties developed by the student outside of his or her regular
Work Immersion duties in the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU) and their
corresponding copyrights and/or patents shall belong to the student, even if the
student used the time, facilities, materials of the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU),
unless otherwise stipulated in a separate agreement between the student and his or
her parent or guardian and the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU).
The above provisions shall apply in proportion to the intellectual properties
developed by the student in case intellectual property is jointly developed by the
student with an employee or personnel of the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU),
unless otherwise stipulated in a separate agreement between the student and his or
her parent or guardian and the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU)


It is expressly understood by the PARTIES that the LOCAL GOVERNMENT
UNIT (LGU) is not obliged to pay wage or salary since no employer-employee
relationship exists between them. However, the LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU)
is not precluded from providing the student with any monetary or financial assistance
in the form of transportation fee, food allowance, etc.
In determining the existence of an employer-employee relationship, the
following elements are considered: (l) the power to hire; (2) the payment of wages; (3)
the power to dismiss; and (4) the power to control the employee's conduct, with the
control test generally assuming primacy in the overall consideration.
No employer-employee relationship exists between the student and the partner
in Work Immersion if all the following criteria are met:

1. The training, even though it includes actual operation of the employer's

facilities, is similar to training provided in an educational program.
2. The training is for the benefit of the student.
3. The student does not displace regular employees, and works under close
4. The students are not entitled to a job at the conclusion of the training period
and are free to take jobs elsewhere in the same field.
5. Any clinical training is performed under the supervision and direction of
people who are knowledgeable and experienced in the activity.
6. The training is general, and qualifies the student to work in any similar
business. It is not designed specifically for a job with the employer that
offers the program.
7. The screening process for the Immersion Program is not the same as that
for employment, and does not appear to be for that purpose. The
screening only uses criteria relevant for admission to an independent
educational program.
8. Advertisements, posting, or solicitations for the program clearly discuss
education or training, rather than employment, although employers may indicate
that qualified graduates may be considered for employment.



School Principal City Mayor



Work Immersion Focal Person City Administrator


Work Ethics Reflection

When it comes to setting goals, the ultimate success factor is work ethic.
During the work immersion journey, putting into mind and creating good work ethics
such as punctuality, positive attitude, hardwork and discipline surely helped in
achieving success. Aside from that, being a social worker also needs strong belief in
personal values and follows core values that all social workers adopt such as
importance of service, social justice, dignity, human values, and interpersonal
relationships.It reflects and supports the Code of Ethics of the National Association
of Social Workers (NASW). Occupational ethics is the foundation of social work, as
trade has a natural obligation to support ethical principles and fundamental values to
promote the health of others.

Good attendance and punctuality are two important pieces of a good

work ethic .Whether it may be at school or at the City Social Welfare and
Development Office,accomplishing things means being punctual. Learning is better
when you are on time and prepared. It shows that you care about your job and you
have enough respect for your employer to show up on time. Being on time builds
confidence in the employer that the employee is dependable. Furthermore, it reflects
that you have great time management skills. When you start your day early, you are
more productive and you’ll get to learn more alot about your work especially if you
are on an internship.

At the foundation of a good work ethic is a whole lot of hard work. At school, it
may mean staying after for extra help from an instructor or fine-tuning assignments.
At work, it means doing your job in the best way you can and staying late to get more
works done.

Work, this four letter word can take on a completely different definition
depending on who is being asked but one thing is for sure, employers look for people
who will represent them in a positive way.Thus, employers seek good work ethics
such as positive attitude. Approaching every task—big and small—with a good
attitude shows that you’re a team player dedicated to not just your own success, but
also to the success of the whole department.

Being punctual, positive and hard-working needs a great sense of self-
discipline. At work, being disciplined allowed me to prioritize my responsibilities and
complete tasks on time.Also, it helped me focused on learning a lot from the
internship and help people who are in need. In life, discipline filters out distractions
so you can zero in on what the end goal is and aim your efforts at achieving it.

To work as a social worker means having a great sense of ethics especially in

mainting the confidentiality of client’s information, upholding honesty and integrity
and full commitment in serving people. Despite a short time as an intern, it helped
me view this job in a different perspective where its not just all about paperworks but
also it is a job that measures your willingness to help people without any bias and
field experiences to fully grasp what are the current issues in the locality.

Safety on Workplace Reflection

Accidents and mishaps are unforeseen circumstances that can affect
individuals and groups at any time and in any place. Most accidents are preventable,
but the carelessness or negligence of the involved individuals leads to major injuries
and grievances. Accidents can also occur in the workplace and seriously affect the
ability and health of the involved workers.However, it is a teamwork effort to keep the
workplace safe from the employers and knowledge from workers to prevent or
withstand any accidents.

When employees enter their place of work they expect to work in a safe environment
in which they can work with our anything to worry about. As it is known that some
workplaces are safer than others.

Workplace safety is a priority in for most workplaces that is why employers care
about employee’s safety. Workplace safety refers to the working environment at a
company and encompasses all factors that impact the safety, health, and well-being
of employees. This can include environmental hazards, unsafe working conditions or
processes, drug and alcohol abuse, and workplace violence. In order to provide
workers with safety and health, managers focus on safety that can include such
elements as: management leadership and obligation; worker involving accountability;
ensuring the work is carried out safely and effectively; different safety plans, programs
and policies, processes, procedures, and practices; safety inspections for workplace

hazards; safety goals, objectives and program audits; safety tracking and metrics;
identification of hazards and control; safety education, training and communications.

One of the reasons why I chose to have my internship at City Social Welfare
and Development Office is because of the safety of the workplace. We are not
engage to any chemicals, cements and any heavy liftings are not necessary on the
line of job. However, we are exposed to field works like turn overs of children and
charities which could be a danger-prone activites. Luckily, due to effective
management leadership, safety education plans, safety goals and precautions, the
workplace was safer and to be honest, it has boosted my performance at work.
Being able to know that the work environment that I’m exposed to is safe, led me to
not be distracted on my work and sort of gave me assurance that helping others
won’t sacrifice my health and well-being. Just like the turn over case of a child, there
was a free transportation service provided for us to travel the client from Bayugan
City to Esperanza. Looking back, if there weren’t any services provided, our security
and the health of the client, would be exposed to a lot more of danger than having a

When a workplace is safe, workers feel more comfortable and confident when
they are in that environment. Productivity gets a boost, and profit margins follow suit.
Absenteeism also drops when employers take steps to implement an effective safety
program. However, it is not just about the employers ability to make the workplace
safe but it is a two-way process where workers also needs to be educated enough to
keep themselves safe from any kind of danger. Employers need to know and
understand the safety regulations that pertain to their industry and make sure that
their premises are up to standard. Workers can do their part by understanding the
procedures the company wants them to follow on the job and following them. If they
see or encounter something that is out of the ordinary, there should be a procedure
in place so that it can be reported to management and deal with promptly. Managers
should deal with employee concerns about safety issues in an appropriate manner.

Workplace Rights & Responsibilities Reflection

Both the employers and employee have fair amount of rights and
responsibilites in the workplace. Employee rights and responsibilities are important
to ensure that all employees are made aware of what they should be doing to

promote a safe and healthy work environment for themselves as well as colleagues.
It ensures to protect employees from potentially harmful events such as unsafe
working conditions or discrimination. On the other hand, workplace obligations hold
employees accountable for their actions and ensure workers behave ethically and
The work immersion span taught me how important order and laws are in a
work environment. It governs that every worker and employers have equal weighs of
responsibilities and rights to be performed and upheld by one another.
There are many roles in a workplace and if not properly defined, issues rise
up in an organization and causes chaos or even work discrimination. The roles and
responsibilities of supervisors and employees must be defined in the right manner so
that they identify the ones who possess special responsibilities and roles.
The employees are the main assets who must know their roles and
responsibilities and what is expected from them. Workers are exected to possess
competencies and adequate skills so that different tasks can be handled by them.
Just like being a social worker, the employers who have hired me believed in the
skills and talents that I have in order to smoothly perform my job in the office thus, it
is my full responsibility to reach or even surpass what is expected of me. It is also
about ensuring that you work as per the mission, expectations, objectives and goal
of the organization.
Being an employee means contributing to the team for success of the
company. Whether it may be small or big tasks, it is a sole job of a worker to achieve
more tasks in an effective manner through delegation of tasks and take responsibility
about professional and career development and the employee’s growth in a
professional manner. Whether at school or at the office, I learned that teamwork and
cooperation of workers is also needed to uphold their responsibility: to make
contributions to the company.
Employees have a set of basic responsibilities that they must follow in every
organization, but besides these responsibilities there are also rights that the
employees can ask for. It is the responsibility of an organization to make sure that
each employee is offered with an environment that fulfills their rights to the fullest
and it is very crucial that employees understand his or her rights which protect the

safety, well-being and rights related to them to prevent any discriminations and
violations in the workplace.
Employers have an obligation to ensure the safety of workers. Harmful
working conditions also may involve unreasonable job responsibilities and work
hours as well as unfair pay These standards also place limits on the amount of time
an employer can require an employee to perform work-related tasks. Another
important right of an employee is to ask for proper rest time during the work day and
to have fixed working hours. Employers cannot render their employees to work extra
time unless given an extra charge for the service.
The roles and responsibilities of the employees define the efficiency and
effectiveness of the employee’s work they perform. In actual words the roles and
responsibilities of the employee are to obey the employment contract, reasonable
order, cooperate with the employer and serve in a faithful manner. They are also
responsible not to indulge and misuse the confidential data of the organization and
for appropriate cases they are to indemnify the employer.
The experience I gained working at the City Social Welfare and Development
Office made me knowledgeable about the responsibilities that I need to do and at the
same time made me aware of the rights and law that protects an employee. Being
exposed in the work immersion made me educated of how employees and
employers work together to create a healthy workplace for the betterment of the
success of the company.

Confidentiality in the Workplace Reflection

Confidentiality is a protection and assurance of the right to privacy to the
fullest extent. As a social worker, it is expected that what a client tell you, the social
worker will not reveal to others. It is the employee’s responsibility to treat all the
information in the workplace with care and caution. An employee should be prudent
enough not to disclose any information that the organization considers sensitive and
confidential, to a third party, until and unless the employee has consulted and taken
permission from his supervisor regarding the same. It is a challenge allso, to
maintain a professional attitude at work by refraining from sharing any personal
details with fellow colleagues at work.

The purpose of client confidentiality is to encourage clients to share
information that may be embarrassing, or even self-incriminating. Through the
sharing of such information, the social worker can help the client address an issue,
concern, or problem the client may be experiencing.
Everyday, at the office, informations of clients are always needed may it be
from release of senior citizen IDs, in filing for hospital or financial assistance or even
in filing complaints and problems. As I observed, clients don’t have a hard time
giving their informations and opening up their problems in the office mainly because
of the trust image the office has gained for the locals. Thus, this means that
confidentiality in work is very important especially as a social worker because people
trust you with their informations and it is to your duty that no leak of informations of
any client will happen. However, there are also clients who have hesitations at first in
giving informations or problems just like the turn over case of a child who have
countlessly run away from their house and the reason behind it was to be kept
heavily confidential. The client was hesitant at first but with reassurance, she then
opened up the whole story.
Social workers have always had a deep-seated respect for their clients' need
for confidentiality. The trust between social worker and client, so essential to
effective help, typically depends on the worker's assurance of privacy. Clients'
willingness to disclose intimate, deeply personal details about their lives is
understandably a function of their belief that their social worker will not share this
information with others without consent.
Social workers need to understand the distinction between confidentialityand
privilege. Confidentialityrefers to the professional norm that information shared by or
pertaining to clients will not be shared with third parties unless permitted or required
by several narrow exceptions and Privileg refers to the disclosure of confidential
information in court or legal proceedings.Privacy, confidentiality, and privileged
communication are central to social work practice. It is important for social workers to
fully grasp the complex relationships among these core concepts.
Maintaining confidentiality is important for varied reasons. The client or the
customer can file legal suits against the organization if they feel that some secret
information regarding them have been revealed by the organization or its employees.
This can have negative repercussions on the business’s reputation as well. So it

becomes very important for the employees as well as the organization to protect
information in the workplace.
At the office, confidentiality is heavily maintained because employers know
which actions of theirs will be considered as a breach of confidentiality and what will
be the consequences of the same, to deter them from doing so. There is also
Disposing off sensitive information in the right manner, if it’s not required anymore is
equally important. Firewalls, password protection, encryption, etc. are adopted to
keep electronic files well-secured and keep the access, usage and transmission of
the protected data, safe.

Effective Conflict Resolution for Teams and Organizations Reflection

Conflict is pretty much inevitable when you work with others. Due to the wide
range of differences among people, the lack of conflict may signal the absence of
effective interaction. Conflict should not be considered good or bad, rather it may be
viewed as a necessity to help build meaningful relationships between people and
groups. The means and how the conflict is handled will determine whether it is
productive or devastating. In some situations, conflict can be more constructive than
destructive if conflict resolution and proper conflict management skills are used.
Conflict resolution is a way for two or more parties to find a peaceful solution to
a disagreement among them. The disagreement may be personal, financial, political,
or emotional. Conflict management skills refers to core skills and characteristics that
you’ll need to adopt if you want to effectively manage workplace conflicts.
In a workplace, clash of ideas and opinions are inevitable. This leads for
tension and conflicts to rise up in the office however, if one knows how to manage
such scenario, the conflict could lead to an advantage of the company.
Whether in school, at the office or even in life, being able to resolve conflicts
to with others or even with yourself is truly a life-hack. It is important that one must
not succumb into his or her emotions and act hastely.In school, conflicts could led to
loss of communication and relationship or worse, create fights. At a workplace, it
could be troublesome if the conflict is not then resolved. It could led to
misunderstandings and failed teamwork causing a hindrance to success of the

The means in which conflict is managed will determine whether the outcome
will be positive and productive, or negative and destructive. Leaders are taught to
lead change, development, and transformation in organizations. One way leaders
can accomplish their goals is through effective conflict management. Conflict
management is the process of reducing negative outcomes while increasing the
positive. Leaders must be able to utilize conflict management skills to provide
direction and guidance towards a resolution. Conflict is certain to occur regardless of
the setting and individuals involved. For conflict to result in a positive outcome,
leaders and teams must recognize that conflict not only exists but is a necessity.
Understanding conflict allows leaders to manage it more effectively and can provide
a path to accomplishing positive outcomes. Conflict management can be an active
force that will allow leaders grow healthy relationships within their organizations
which can ultimately result in effective productivity.
Simply, I learned that communication is the key in solving conflicts but at the
same time, the right timing matters. Both sides should’ve been calmed down with all
their emotions, ready to talk and willing to resolve the issuue. Within work
environment, professionalism is essential thus, conflicts should be managed properly
and make the problem to an advantage of the company. Furthermore, leadership
skills play a big role in resolving conflicts and handling issues properly. Effective
leaders know how to bring conflict situations out into the open so that all parties
involved can begin to work towards a resolution that will benefit everyone. They
manage conflicts in way that it is seen as an opportunity to build productive
relationships Just like if there are conflicts regarding suggestions of a certain charity
program, instead of proving one side right, both sides should be willing and open-
minded to the ideas that could create a better solution.

Memorandum of Agreement for Work Immersion Partnership


To cope up with the fast-changing advancement of globalization,the Philippine

educational curriculum system has been changed from the basic form to widely use
one:the K-12 curriculum where 2 additional years of education has been added to
the system. With the new curriculum, on-the-job trainings and immersions are

provided by The Department of Education (DepEd) to help prepare students explore
their chosen careers and acquire 21st-century skills.

Work immersion is a key feature in the Senior High School curriculum (SHS)
and that consists of 80 hours of hands-on experience or work simulation which
Grades 11 and 12 students will undergo to expose them to the actual workplace
setting and to enrich the competencies provided by the school under the supervision
of the School Head and the designated personnel of the Partner.

Memorandum of agreement ( MOA) is a legally binding document, which

spells out the specific terms and conditions between and among parties entering into
partnership to implement a program, project or any other similar undertaking such as
the implementation of work immersions.

The Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signed between Bayugan National

Comprehensive High School (BNCHS) as the SCHOOL and the City of Bayugan as
the Local Government Unit (LGU) work immersion and other partner agencies have
led to many oppurtunities for Senior High School Students to experience work
internships in different private and government sectors. Since my preferred work was
not on the list, I chose to work at the City Social Welfare and Development Office.

During the span of 80 hours; 10 days of on the job training, I was able to
appreciate the importance and application od the principles and theories learned in
school, enhance technical knowledge and skills, enrich communication and human
relations skills and dvelop good work habits, attitudes, respect and values for work.In
addition, the exposure of real job simulation helped me ready my holistic self in the
real world after graduation. It also faced me on the difficulty of complying to
documents needed to find a job and experienced a job interview. The responsibilities
both of the school, Bayugan National Comprehensive High School (BNCHS) and
City of Bayugan as the Local Government Unit (LGU) has been successfully
accomplished. Full security and health safety to students were guaranteed from the
first day to the last day on the job training.

The completion of work immersion is a prerequisite to graduation under the K-

12 program. The first rate experience gained provided me to acquire relevant skills
by performing in actual work setting and advanced my knowledge to be prepared for

the next level after graduation. Immersion led me to gain new skill sets and improve
my existing capabilities. It is also through skills and talent achieved during the span
of work immersion could be the catalyst to be professional individual. Furthermore,
this program provides opportunities to go through the actual methodologies of a
specific job using the real tools, equipment and documents. In effect, the work place
becomes a development venue for us student trainee to learn more about the
chosen field and practice what we have learn from the classrooms.

Aside from above mentioned, the program made me develop new sets of
values and work ethics that could serve as an epitome to other teeangers like me.
Work immersion taught me to enhance good work ethics like punctuality, positive
attitude and discipline. Also, it made me realize what professionalism is and the
importance of confidentiality and conflict management skills in a workplace. The
program really changes a person’s holistic aspect.




The City Social Welfare and Development Office is the social welfare arm of
the City Government of Bayugan. As per Local Government Code of 1991, it is
mandated to provide basic social welfare services to the poor, vulnerable,
marginalized individuals, families and communities.


A city that is inhabited by God-loving and empowered citizenry with improved

quality of life where the marginalized and vulnerable groups are protected and have
access to basic social services.


To provide basic social welfare services to the poor, vulnerable, marginalized

individuals, families and communities through its programs and projects and
implement coordinated poverty reduction solutions of the local government unit and
other agencies geared towards empowerment and improved social well-being of its


 To implement pro-poor programs and services to our clientele.

 To serve with honor and dignity and abide with professional ethical
 To be the agent in promoting the rights and protection of the vulnerable



 Early Childhood Care and Development Service
 Services for Children in Conflict with the Law
 Services for the Children in Need of Special Protection
 Adoption and Foster Care
 Temporary Shelter at Children’s Crisis Center
 After Care Services
 Unlad Kabataan Program (Pag-asa Youth Association)
 Livelihood Assistance
 Pre-Employment Training
 Leadership Training
 Youth Camp
 Referral for Educational Assistance.
 Self-Enhancement Skills Development
 Productivity Skills Capability Building
 Community Participation Skills Development
 Assistance to Victims of Trafficking – VAWC
 After Care Services
IV. Family Welfare Program
 Pre-marriage counselling
 Marriage Counselling Services
 Empowerment and Reaffirmation of Paternal Abilities
 Social Services for Solo Parent
 Parent Effectiveness Seminar
V. Elderly Welfare Program
 Social Pension for Indigent Senior Citizens
 OSCA Day Center
 Provision of senior citizen identification cards and purchase booklets
 Support to Elderly Week Celebration

 Facilitate PhilHealth Membership
VI. Persons with Disability Program
 Self and Social Enhancement Services
 Auxiliary Social Services
 Referral for ailment of assistive devices
 Issuance of PWD IDs and purchase booklets
VII. Emergency Welfare Program
 Assistance to individual and family in crisis situation
a. Financial Assistance (Hospitalization, Burial, etc.)
b. Provision of Relief Goods
 Disaster Relief and Shelter Assistance
VIII. Support to Special Projects
 Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program
 Sustainable Livelihood Project
 Bottoms Up Budgeting Projects


1. Families in Especially Difficult Circumstances

a. Families unable to meet their minimum basic need, belonging to the

poverty threshold.
b. Solo Parent head families due to death of spouse, abandonment,
separation including temporary as in the case of OCW’s and
incarcerated spouse.
c. Families at risk on manifested by threats of family dissolution due to
infidelity of spouse, working wife, in-law’s problems, OCW spouse,
petition for legal separation, violence with the family.
d. Families experiencing crisis such as death, chronic illness, role reversal
and others which may cause dysfunction among members if left
e. Families unprepared and unable to fulfill their responsibilities to their
members per Family Code and PD 603 including families of 2,18 million
working children, 1.5 million abused and youth, 1.3 million abused and
exploited children.
f. Families where individuals and couples of reproductive age at risk due
to uncontrolled child bearing caused by unresolved psycho-social
barriers low appreciation of the values of child spacing and planned
family size.
g. Families who are homeless.
h. Displaced families due to man-made natural disaster

2. Communities in Especially Difficult Circumstances

a. Communities where 50% or more of their population are unable to meet

their minimum basic needs belong to the poverty threshold.
b. Communities at risk and lacking preparedness for disaster.
c. Communities with unresolved survival, security and enabling needs.
d. Communities of disadvantaged, social, ethnic or religious groups.
e. Communities prone to conflicts between governments armed forces and
organized armed groups.
f. Urban poor or squatter communities

3. Women in Especially Difficult Circumstances

a. Women victims of physical abuse/battering:

 Sexual Abuse
 Abuse by partner
 Armed by conflict
 Illegal recruitment
 Migrants
b. Women who are functionally illiterate, lack skills in personal care,
livelihood and have low self-concept.

4. Children and Youth

a. Neglected and abandoned

b. Abuse (physical, psychological and sexual)
c. Sexually exploited (victims of prostitution, pedophiles, pornography and
other incident acts)
d. Street children
e. Working children
f. Children victims of sale, trafficking, abduction
g. Children in situation of armed conflict
h. Children victims of natural disaster
i. Children of indigenous cultural communities
j. Children of detained parents/mendicants
k. Disadvantaged transitional children
l. Children living with families with HIV/AIDS and those with HIV/AIDS and
other communicable diseases.
m. Needy/disadvantaged out of school youth
n. Delinquent youth
o. Youth Offenders
p. Underweight children (severely and moderately underweight non-
medical cases)

5. Persons with Disability

a. Persons with Physical Disability

 Visually impaired
 Hearing impaired
 Orthopedically handicapped
 Cleft palate/harelip, arrested TB
b. Person with Mental Disability
 Mentally retarded
 Improved mental patient
c. Persons with Socially Disability
 Negative hessonites
 Released prisoners
 Recovered drug dependents
 Mendicants

6. Senior Citizens

7. Indigenous People in Especially Difficult Circumstances

8. Distress/Displaced Families and Individuals

 Individuals in crisis situation

 Stranded
 Disaster traumatized victims (persons under stress)
 Families rendered homeless
 Ejected squatters
 Evacuees
 Casualties of disaster


I. Administrative Sector – members of the core group of specialist or designated

as social welfare specialist for the program under supervision to whom authority
is delegated to direct, coordinate, enhance and evaluate the job performance
of the supervisee for whose case management/program management he/she
is held accountable.
II. Basic Social Welfare Division – tasked to facilitate children’s progress in all
aspects of development. This is achieved through assessment of children that
provides the service providers with a thorough knowledge about each child in
their care, integration of health, nutrition and other complementary services and
utilization of a developmentally appropriate curriculum for young children.
III. Community Development and Special Project Division – tasked for
planning, budgeting, implementation, supervision, monitoring and evaluation,
management information system and financial management of the program
that ensures the high standard of service delivery to the community. All projects
and activities must be responsive to the needs of the community, appropriate
resources are allocated and utilized efficiently.


i. Undertake information dissemination on the project;

ii. Receive and manage funds from the PSF and maintain a separate trust
account for the project;
iii. Coordinate with the POs in the identification and prioritization of
iv. Validate scholarship applicants based on the recommendations of the
v. Release funds to qualified scholars/beneficiaries;
vi. Monitor and evaluate the progress of scholars and provide needed
interventions/support mechanisms to the scholars and their families
whenever necessary;
vii. Ensure the continued provision of educational assistance to qualified
beneficiaries by coordinating with the PMS and other agencies, and
explore alternative sources of funding support for the project; and
viii. Submit report to the Office of the President.



Name: Mariluo M. Aquino

Nickname: Malong

Address: P-12, Poblacion, Bayugan City Agusan Del Sur

Date of Birth: April 3, 1959

Place of Birth: Sta. Maria Prosperidad Agusan Del Sur

Father’s Name: Gualtero M. Aquino

Mother’s Name: Chalita P. Martinez

Civil Status: Single


Elementary: Bayugan Central Elementary School

Secondary: Father Urios High School

College: University Of San Carlos Bs- Nutrion And Dietetries, Christ The King
Coollage Bs- Social Work

Masteral: N/A


City Social Welfare and Development Office;




JANUARY 20, 2020

Day seems to fly so fast that our time for work immersion has come. This has
started pretty bad. I woke up little late than usual and had to rushed over school to
be on time with my colleagues. When we got to the office, things were a little laid
back. Ma’am Tintin told us to just wait for any orders or tasks that would be given to
us however, when the boss came, she was complaining about how the office looked
so unsightly and people seem to just wait for tasks to be given to them. That’s where
the tension became present so we quickly stood up and do some cleaning around
the office but not so long the real tasks started.

First, they’ve asked us to collect some training designs from different offices
like Nutrition ,CENRO and City Health Office. However, as Kiannah and I were about
to do our task, we were dragged to some thrilling adventure with Ma’am Priminitiva.
We went to the PNP office where we’ve met a girl named Christine Mangitngit. She
ran way from home and its not her first time doing it. Upon overhearing the
conversation of Ma’am Primintiva with a police officer, we found out that she was
captured at Gaisano Mall where she was begging for money to get some food. We
were told to bring her back home but before doing that, we asked her some
questions and her answer gave us a pretty big shock. For confidentiality, I couldn’t
let any information slipped but one thing was for sure: we wanted to bring her at a
safe place. A safe home. We told Ma’am Mimi of what we’ve found out and they’ve
decided to reunite her with her brother in Esperanza where she can be safely taken
care of and be secured. So, we left off immediately to bring her back home. The long
trip was tiring but after seeing the smiles upon the faces of the siblings, it was worth
it. The ride back to the office gave me time to contemplate on what really does social
workers do and it is simply to help people as much as they could. It was truly a
wholesome feeling to see those smiles and laughs. I wish for more experiences like

When we got back, I was tasked to get a cedula for my senior however I
messed up and she was kinda upset and embarass me in front of everyone. I
should’ve been more careful but I was given unclear orders and I think that the other
side should also accept their shortcomings but I didn’t let that drag me down but
instead an oppurtunity to make myself a better worker. Lunch break ended and
mostly the half of the day was more on encoding data, giving services to the clients ,
log bookings to do and some dish washing. All in all, my first day was truly
exhausting and unexpected but surely I gained a goal throughout this experience: to
become a better worker who can help people in the best way that I can.

JANUARY 21, 2020
“The early bird gets the worm”. I woke up early today knowing that this is
another day for me to learn a lot of things and make myself a better worker and even
a person as a whole.
This day was full of surprises and just about when I arrived at the office, I was
shocked to see that I was the only one who’s not wearing our school PE uniform.
Turns out, they planned to wear the same outfit las night and I didn’t check my
messages. I felt weird and at the same time it made me laugh. It looked like a “let’s-
wear-PE-and-not tell-Maureen” situation.
It’s the 2nd day of work immersion and slowly I was getting used to doing
works around the office. We started the day by cleaning the entire place because if
there was one thing I learned yesterday, it was to keep the office clean at all times.
We mopped the floors and wipe the doors. We even cleaned the conference room to
make sure that everyone in the office can do their works properly and peacefully.
Today, I was tasked to assist clients who need financial assistance. First is to
ask them what they need assistance for and then get the certificate of indigency.
Next, make them sign the log book and ask for their information. Right after that, the
client could leave now and I have to encode the data I’ve recieved in an excel sheet.
I never thought that we would have the chance to use the typewriter but
luckily Ma’am Tintin told us to practice with some old senior citizen’s ID or even in
scratch bondpapers. I really want to learn all the necessary works in the office and I
think I’m starting to fully adopt in the working environment.

JANUARY 22, 2020

In the morning, I almost got late because of the traffic but then the office was
still locked and my colleagues were outside waiting for our seniors to come. Right
after our office was opened, we started sweeping and mopping the floor. There was
less clients today as I’ve observed. We were more laid back and realized that we’ve
been just culture shocked the other day that was why we felt tirer yesterday.

Ma’am Marilou found some pink curtains at the conference room and decided
to change the ones in the office. When the old curtains were removed, we saw the
dirty window panes and insisted on cleaning them up. With her help, we were able to
finish the task faster. Few clients came and soon it was lunch break. I couldn’t pack
any food so I decided to eat a near carenderia. It was crowded but I guess after
recieving my order, it was worth the hype. My classmates were also present so we
catched up with each other- talked about our differet experiences, how much we’ve
learned for the past few days and the talk about the medical mission at Mt. Carmel.

They told me that our office is one of the assigned departments to lead and
go to the event. I was so hyped thinking I could help people especially children and
see their faces lit up as they recieve our humble gifts. With all that said, my heart
was filled with hopeful thoughts and wishes that we could join the program.

There were some clients today but they mostly wanted financial or hospital
assitance and senior citizen’s ID. The other day, we’ve practiced typewriting but this
day, our skills was then tested by our senior. I was assigned to fill out the information
of a client for a senior citizen’s Id and purchase booklet by using the typewriter. I
carefully typed the information of the lady but it turned out to be not so satisying but
also not kinda bad for a first timer.

Before the day ended, our senior told us that we have to clean the office little
extra tommorrow because the mayor wil have guests and they’ll come visit
departments. They told us that they would be gone at 5 in the morning so we need to
be early and wear formal clothes. With that said, I already knew we couldn’t join the

mission tommorow. It was sad and devastating. I couldn’t brush off the thoughts I
had earlier that day. After the shift ended and we started walking towards the exit,
some tears formed in the corner of my eyes and they started falling off my face. I
couln’t let anyone see me in that state so I quickly wiped it off my face. I went home
after that but I still have hope and faith for tommorrow. Maybe their mind will change
if we go to work tommorrow early and with that in mind, I quickly finished my tasks
and went to sleep.

JANUARY 23, 2020

My co-workers and I arrived extra early wearing formal clothes hoping that we
could join the mission at Mt. Carmel today but unfortunately, we weren’t allowed
because it was to keep us safe from any danger that could happen during the event.
I may have been affected by it last night but knowing that it’s only for our own good, I
realized that I should be more understanding and act more professionally. By that in
mind, I only focused this day on doing my job properly.
Our boss, Ma’am Malou and some staffs went for the mission so there were
just few workers left at the office. Maybe because Ma’am Malou was out, but we all
felt natural and more comfortable at doing our work especially because of the
incident I had with her.
We start off the day by cleaning the office and making sure that the workplace
also smells fragrant. I started issuing PhilHealth certificates and Certificate of
Indigency after. It was really nice to be able to learn things at a real workplace and
get to interact with employers. Speaking of employers, at first I thought they would all
be grumpy and bossy but turns out, they were nice and very approachable. They
even bought bread for us to enjoy and we offered to buy some spread to go with the
bread so that everyone could enjoy the snack. It was a heart-warming moment for
Afte lunch break, Ma’am Juliet wasn’t around to clean the front gate and
accompany clients so we covered up for her job. She was also an employer who
really is friendly and kind. When Ma’am Malou, our boss arrived, there was tense
building up in the office however, my thoughts about her changed when she saw that
the tiles of the floor were so clean and she took off her dirty shoes she used at

Mt.Carmel as she walk by. Seeing the scenario, I immediately felt sorry for judging
her as an arrogant boss but she was honestly kind and humble. It made me realize
that it was all just about knowing the person better. You cannot base your judgement
in just one interaction with a certain person and by that, I know that I will admire her
for the rest of my life.

JANUARY 24, 2020

The last working day of the week--Friday has finally come and I’m truly
grateful for this day.
The usual routine happened at the start of the day. We cleaned the office by
sweeping and mopping the floors, wiped the doors and arranged unorganized
papers. It was pretty much the same workload that we have like the past days and
I’m really happy that I’m slowly mastering the skills I’ve learned at the work place.
Meanwhile, as I observed, It was pretty much hard to adopt at the environment at the
office. It was too cold for a girl like me who’s not really exposed to alot of aircon.
Honestly, it affected my work because I would sneeze from time to time however, it
would be a great oppurtunity to learn from this experience to wear maybe a jacket or
The highlight for me today was that I was able to serve 3 clients that needed
senior citizen’s ID arriving at the same time. I was still slow at typing their information
so I decided to talk to them while doing my job to get them out of boredom. I asked
them the benefits of having senior citizen’s ID and why it took so long for them to
decide to get one. It was also fun because I got to hear different stories from them.
Despite I was still not too good at typewriting, the clients thanked me and that was
enough and fulfilling for me.
The first week of my work immersion was a roller coaster ride full of lessons
and skills learned from the office. I can’t wait to see what else could I experience and
learn from the employers, the workplace and even from different stories of the

JANUARY 27, 2020

Monday is the Bluest of the Day. It’s the day we decided to match the
color of the uniforms to our outfit, the coolest and calmest color—blue. It was pretty
bizarre having the same color of outfits but at the same time, it felt comforting and
satisfying that our employers noticed the effort and thought we put into what we were

As usual, cleaning the office was the first daily activity we engaged to. Clients
then started to come at the office and I accommodated them. They mostly need
assistance for hospitalization or for burials. I also typed those information given to us
to be organized in an excel sheet. As the day went, fewer clients came and before
lunch time, Ma’am Mimi asked assistance to help a certain family resolve an issue.
Since last time I was the one who accompanied Ma’am Mimi at Ezperanza, I decided
to give one of the slots to my co-intern, Rowena. It was fun because they got to ride
a patrol car but I didn’t regret giving it to her because I want everyone to experience
field works.

After lunch break, there were a lot of senior citizens who wants to have a
senior citizen ID so I had a chance to use the typewriter and entertain them. There
was one story of a lovely old lady who also wanted to get a senior citizen’s ID for her
lover. It was kind of sad and heartbreaking because she told me that her son and
daughter left her and the only comfort she found was that of her lover. As she told
me that story, I started to realize that maybe this job is really about knowing different
kinds of stories and the will to help those in need.

After release of senior citizen’s ID, we got an idea to take pictures of the
outfits that we had together with our employers. It diverted my emotions and I felt
happy while we were being silly and having fun. I hope this bond would flourish for
the remaining days of our work immersion. Today was full of reflections and blue
stories that filled my heart with mix of sad and happy emotions.

JANUARY 28, 2020
“Every silver lining has a touch of grey”. Just like how this quote goes, we
had the our outfits match the color grey uniform of our employers and just like the
ambiance you get by reading this quote, my feelings matched this color for today.

I woke up extra early today because my co-workers decided to first clean the
office before attending a seminar about our new ID system at school. Despite the
seminar, we wanted to do our job and that is to clean the office every morning. It was
a habit now that we can’t get out of our routine.

Quickly, we then hurried to attend the seminar. We thought that we could

directly go back to the office but then the Lyceum Philippine University told us to stay
for they have a short briefing about their school and the entrance exam they’ll be
conducting at our school. It was then 11-ish when the briefing finished and went to
the office.

Because of the delayed plan of preparing snacks to our employers, we

decided to make it happen today. I boiled camotes at our house and bought it at the
office. The employers were delighted of the gesture and told me that the food was
good and delicious. I felt like I made people happy and it was fulfilling.

After lunch, there were few clients today as well. Mostly, they were in need of
hospitalization and burial assistance. Seeing their worried and grieved faces made
me sad because there was nothing I can dot to help them mend the pain but instead,
the only thing I could help them with is giving financial assitance and that’s fine
because that’s just life. Nothing is permanent except for change. I know somewhere
that what they’re feeling now is just temporary and I wanted to say my sincere
feelings to those clients.

It was almost time out and we decided to take pictures again knowing that this
moment can never go back again. Only three days left and I’m left with sadness in
my heart knowing I’ll miss working in this four cornered room.

JANUARY 29, 2020
“On Wednesdays, we wear pink.” For the color of the day, the office is
seemingly lively and barbie-themed. Our seniors seemed to be going back to their
youth because of the color of their uniform It may not be a big thing but this color
coding is kinda fun. We’re able to match our seniors’ uniforms and be extra today. I
wore the pinkest tone of polo shirt in my wardrobe and layered it with a black
cardigan as well as my best black jeans. I like the fact that I am able to wear proper
working clothes and at the same time feel like I’m one of the “actual” workers in the
office. It felt like I belong and even Ma’am Malou complimented my outfit.

As usual, we started the day with clea.ning the office. It was a daily routine
that I’m getting used to and I have to admit I’ll surely miss. After that, I was assigned
to organize food commodities distribution sheets based on barangays. It was a thick
compilation of papers so Rowena offered some help. Certain moments like this
makes me appreciate that work immersion is also a way to work with others and
improve your cooperation towards other. There were few clients on days like this so
pretty much the workload was light. Of course, there were clients asking for financial
assistance for hospitalization and burials and some were coming at the office asking
for a release of senior citizen ID cards. We were able to accommodate all of the
clients and organize all the information at an excel sheet.

For this day, we were supposed to have papayas as snacks for all of the
workers at the office but Yra told us that the papayas they have at their place has
overripe and it can’t be eaten as a fruit. I suggested that we should make atsara out
of it but we don’t have enough time to cook so our plan was postponed for another

After lunch break, fewer clients were entering the office. Everyone in the office
was minding their own businesses and blackout triggered a soft yell from us. The last
think we knew, it was about to time out. We always end work with cleaning and
washing plates and before going home, we took pictures as a remembrance of our
“Mean Girls”-inspired day.

JANUARY 29, 2020
This day reminded me of this quote “What and who you are, is who you’ve
been with and how you’ve manage to survive problems in the past”.
One more day and all this experience would be over, however, while the
moment last, learn to sieze it. Maybe I was feeling a bit emotional today. I’ve grown
to be fond of the people who worked at the office especially Ma’am Mimi who has
been constantly letting us to learn at the same time providing guidance along the
way. It was a routine for me now to clean the office at the start of the day and I guess
that taught me to honestly make things clean to have a peaceful mind.
There were specifically alot of clients but mostly, they were there to fix family
matters and sadly, that was more of the employer’s job so all we could do is comfort
children to not be aware of what’s happening around them. Ma’am Mimi was
admirable for staying compose despite the conflicts between families and she can
handle problems really well.I wish to be like her.
We wanted a photo with all the staff before the day ends and we thought it
wouldn’t happen but luckily Ma’am Anita, Ma’am In-in and Ma’am Mimi aked us
about the photo and it made us happy. Funny how you could spend a short amount
of time with people and they would surely leave a permanent mark in your heart and
for me, the people I’m talking about is them. Our employers.

JANUARY 29, 2020
Last day of our work immersion. I woke up feeling blue and not ready to face
this day but what choice do I have? Every good thing ends and that’s what makes
them unforgettable.

We started this day by the usual routine of cleaning the office. Even cleaning
the office gives me sad emotion but I had to shake that emotions off because I
couldn’t let this last chance be a bummer. I have to sieze the moment like what I’ve
been doing the whole time of this work immersion.

It was then Ma’am Mimi asked if who would want to join her to Hamogaway
and luckily, all of us was allowed to accompany her, however, Joie was told by
Ma’am Tine-tine to stay at the office for the work. I felt really sad knowing she’ll be
the only one left at the office. I assumed that Ma’am tine-tine wanted only Joie to
stay there and so, we went to Hamogaway where there was a conference for a
certain client. It was a great experience being able to witness such event. When we
got back, I and the others immediately take over the tasks that was at the office for
Joie to have some break.

In the afternoon, we decided to have a little thanksgiving for our employers

who have taken good care of us at the 10-day work immersion program. It was all
that we could give and it was fulfilling and heart-warming that they appreciated our
efforts. Eating together with them felt like it was a not a bunch of strangers having a
meal. It was more like eating with a family. Despite the end of this program, surely
the lessons and the stories I’ve had in this experience made me happy that I’ve
chosen the City Social Welfare and Development office. It would be life-long lessons
that would surely help not just me, but all of us to be ready for the real world.





Main Entrance of the Building Front Hallway of the Office

Printer with Paper Supplies Typewriter used for release of

used for Certifications Senior Citizen’s ID

Inside of the Office with Inside right peek of the
Television Conference Hall

Inside of the Conference Main desk for clients who

hall with long tables needs financial assistance


Log Booking of Clients


Organizing Food Encoding of Client’s Information
Commodities Distribution for Senior Citizen’s ID

Retrieving of a Child at Police Turnover of the child at

Station Esperanza

Encoding of Clients Mopping the Office Floors
Information at Computer

Lining up to Time In and Tme Washing dishes at the sink


Family needing assistance to

solve a conflict

Matching blue working clothes to the
Office’s uniform of the day

Field work with Police Officers

My Co-Interns at the CSWD Office



The children of today are gearing up to become adult citizens of tomorrow. The
growth is parallel to the future of our country, reflected through quality of education
system thus, a school must stimulate impressionable minds and equip them with tools
to be better human beings ready to face challenges in the real world.

Earlier, schools were considered as places to learn events in history chapter,

solve tough mathematical problems or recite poems and sonnets Nowadays, school
has become the first stepping stone in the life of a child, wherein he/she learns a lot
more than just rote learning. Developing hobbies, refining them, learning basic
etiquettes, getting skilled at multi tasking, developing social skills are some of the
many things that a school equips a child with. . In school thorough a good education,
students learn how to plan to achieve their goals. They also learn how to think critically
and creatively, and improve the other skills they need. By exploring different subjects
and fields they recognize their interests and abilities which lead them to achieve

In schools, students are taught to develop a mind of their own and through the
flexible curriculum, curiosity and a well-developed cognitive system is promoted. One
of the skill which is taught in school is problem solving skill which seems to be related
to critical thinking. As Albert Einstein believes, “We can't solve problems by using the
same kind of thinking we used when we created them” (Harris). Thinking in a critical
way, evaluating and understanding the relationship among the problem give a person
a new perspective to look at the problem differently in order to solve it. Learning to
communicate effectively with others is another skill which is taught to the students.
Doing presentation is a very common and good example for building students’
communication skills. Almost every subject in secondary school requires
presentations, and as a result, the students learn how to communicate with peers
through discussions and gathering information. These skills prepare students to
pursue future opportunities beyond secondary school.

It is widely accepted that the learning process is instrumental in shaping one’s

personality and the way he/she deals with situations of life. The shift of thoughts from

bookish knowledge to knowledge of life, in schools, has brought forth a sea of change.
People have warmed up to the idea of education being the key to a well-rounded
development instead of just a mean to acquire degrees and monetary success in life.

Life is also about learning, apart from living. While we can learn to a certain
extent from our parents, they tend to be unilateral. At school, children are exposed to
various sources from whom they can imbibe immense knowledge, instrumental for
their development. Hence, school is necessary for children to inculcate the workings
of life.

Despite the school as a medium to let you learn, it is where independence isn’t
100% practiced. Teachers and other educational staffs co-work together to create a
safety net for young adults to learn in various subjects. In school, they bring in
specialists to help, and parents hover and work with you to bring grades up. While this
may sound like a great deal, In real life after graduating, there would be no one you
can depend on even your parents.

From a school life, the work life is pretty vast and different. The most
significant difference of work from school is that you gain independence - you are
out in the real world. In school, you are assigned grades for completing your
assignments. However, as a professional you are paid for your services. When you
work, there is salary that can be used to pay off student loans or even an insurance.

When you’re done with school, at work, there is no point grade in whatever
you do. At first, this can seem like a huge relief: No grades but having regular
feedback from a superior, like you get when a teacher hands back a paper, can be
really valuable in gauging how successful you’re being at a given project. In the
workplace, there are no grades. There is no clear way to tell how you’re doing until
your quarterly performance review, and that makes it harder to get back on course if
you might be having a tough time in your job. In many jobs you have no feedback at
all from the people you’re working with, positive or negative.

In school, most everything you are tasked to learn is already known. There
are textbooks, manuals, experts, committees. You are part of a system that changes
only slowly and according to the priorities of politics and bureaucracies. It’s fine to be
curious but only about what other people want you to know. There is only one reward
for learning: a higher grade. And what you learn has already been mastered better

by others who are assigned to be your authorities. Your job is to become the best-
possible parrot. This is what it means to be an excellent student. Deviating from that
course makes you a problem student.At work – again, under the ideal – creativity
and discovery are valued and rewarded. People who look only for rules to follow only
rise so far. To disrupt the routine, to think of and try the unknown, is what every
profit-seeking industry demands. It is not always easy and the tendency toward
inertia is always present. But every business must learn to adapt to change and to
reward those who are willing to step up and take risks to discover something new.

Another sheer difference in work life is the people who you work with. In
school, you have friends who study together and also hang out after class.
However, in your workplace, your colleagues cannot really be your friends, as you
have to maintain a level of professionalism and cannot be fully social while at work -
since you need to get work done. Moreover, socializing outside of work is harder
since everyone has their own families and are busy with their lives.

In school there are enforced rules that are supposed to be obeyed by

everyone, and there is very little room for adjusting them in light of differences
between individuals. Compliance is an end in itself. So long as you adhere to the
rules, and especially if you are getting good grades – which you can do if you say on
tests precisely what you are supposed to say, and learn what you are supposed to
learn – you are a success. There is nothing going on beyond this. You are not paid
to attend, and, after 12th grade, you are expected to pay to attend.

In contrast, at work, the ideal is productivity, which ultimately means creating

value for others. You are paid because someone thinks you can be a valuable
contributor to productivity. A portion of the company revenue accrues to you, which
also implies some return obligation. The rules are adaptive, constantly changing
according to circumstances. They seek to reward good outcomes according to the
individual, the team, or the purpose.

It is obvious that work and school are different in many aspects, but school
does prepare you for the work environment,as you learn to be focused, organized
and time efficient in school while juggling multiple commitments. School also helps to
create your own values and ethics that is a life-long tool that could be used in work
or in the big world.

Good attendance and punctuality are two important pieces of a good work
ethic that is early taught in schools. In order to learn and accomplish, you have to be
on time and prepared. Just showing up and putting in an honest effort is a basic part
of the concept. Thus, arriving at school late and leaving early, or not attending at all
could later affect your performance as a worker.This permissive attitude could later
have negative impact on your working habits thus,it is also essential to build good
working atittudes early as being a student. Whether at school or in work, A record of
good attendance is a universally shared value.

One attitude that is both needed to suceed in both school and work is
hardwork. It takes a lot of effort to be a student and a worker thus, being a
hardworking person puts you into an advantage in the real world. You don’t easily
give up and continously strive yourself towards success. If you learned to value your
education, you’ll be able to realize that it needs hardwork in order for you to grow as
a student. Similarly, at work, it is essential that one puts a lot of hardwork to
complete and succeed in given tasks by your employers.

In addition, discipline plays a vital role both in school and in work. Schools are
training ground for you to learn and develop good habits and use this skills to your
advantage. Discipline is creating certain behaviors and setting your own rules to
follow in order to achieve certain goals. If you want to be a consistent honor student,
you have to be disciplined and focus on your studies first. Likely, at work, it’s also
important to create discipline through work and know your priorities.

Besides the above mentioned, school and work both are training grounds.
Learning doesn’t stop once you graduate at a certain school. Being exposed to work
means that you are now applying those values and skills honed from school and
learning from interactions with new sets of people. Even at work, you still have a lot
to learn and discover. All in all, school is the bridge towards success in work and the
quality of workers in the country depends on the quality of students our school could


The transition from being a student to being part of the working class is indeed
a challenge to new graduates. Without proper training and work experience along with
lack of knowledge, students could have a hard time adopting to working environments
or worse, even find jobs. This is why on-the-job trainings and immersions are provided
by educational institutions like Department of Education to help prepare students
explore their chosen careers and acquire 21st-century skills. Work Immersion program
is a gap bridge that connects the school and work environment from high quality of
students to well-knowledgeable and job-prepared individuals.

As a requirement of the Work Immersion subject integrated into the K to 12

curriculum, Senior High School (SHS) students of Bayugan National Comprehensive
High School were deployed to different partner institutions and companies to be
trained in a realistic work environment. Our school, BNCHS has partnered with several
Local Government Unit (LGU) offices ,private companies, banks, cooperatives and
other institutions to provide students like me with the appropriate venues for work

There were a lot of institutions offered but the one that I chose to conduct my
work immersion is at the City Social Welfare and Development (CSWD) office. I always
wanted to know how it feels to help people in need and the thought of feild works like
turnover of children and charity works made me thrilled to work as a social worker.

Before the actual immersion, we underwent compilation of needed documents

of the certain office we’re applying to like real job seekers and also had a job interview.
I think that this process was really necessary because I realized that getting
documents you need isn’t a simple process. It takes patience and effort. It was an eye
opener that applying for jobs are not simple just like in the movies and that the big
world could be more difficult than this. During job interview, we were properly dressed
and I gave my best thinking that this was a real case scenario of applying for a job. I
answered politely but also with honesty. The interviewee complemented my witty
answers and that I ned to improve my connection with the interviewee because I would
space out while talking. For me, it was just plain nervousness that got on my way but
surely I’ll work on that.

“Experience gives us the tests first and the lessons after”. In my 80 hours in
the work immersion program, I fully understand why it was called an “immersion”. It
was to throw or absorb ourselves into the real work situation with others. Despite the
challenges faced, it was a great oppurtunity to apply skills I’ve learned inside the class
to real working environment and develop abilities which could be useful in the future
employment. I was able to appreciate the importance and application od the principles
and theories learned in school, enhance technical knowledge and skills, enrich
communication and human relations skills and dvelop good work habits, attitudes,
respect and values for work.In addition, the exposure of real job simulation helped me
ready my holistic self in the real world after graduation.

Being a social worker for 10 days isn’t enough to fully gain knowledge about
the whole profession however, it was a priceless experience that taught me the gist of
becoming one: serve people whole-heartedly with pure intentions. If I was only at a
four cornered room sitting at my desk, I wouldn’t be able to grasp reality and see the
current issues that is happening in the localty.

It was the first day and I got to experience a field work involving a turnover of
a child. It was really hard for me because I wasn’t used to strangers telling me their
problems but at the end of the day, it made me more compassionate to just listen to
what the clients’ problems are and hope it’ll get better soon for them.Aside from field
experience, there were paper works of course, in the office. To be honest, the skills I
have as a student made the paper works easier because I’m used to using any
Microsoft application at the computer. When it comes to typewriting, I had one when I
was about 6 but that was long time ago and I struggled to encode information using
the typewriter because it was the only tool to use in releasing senior citizen ID and
booklets. Luckily, Ma’am Tine-Tine told me to practice using any scratch paper and it
helped me get back on track and try my best.

The CSWD office also offers release of PhilHealth Certifications and Certificate
of Indigency. It was easy because there’s already a lay out and all you have to do is
input the information of the client. The office also offrs financial assistance for burials
and hospitalization. It was amazing that this certain agency offer great benefits for the
Bayuganons but there were still some private sectors that our office couldn’t give

assitance with so I hope that the scope of their assistance could include private
hospitals and more burial services.

During the first week of the training, It was kinda hard to know things just then
but somehow, I managed to slowly adopt and learn the skills needed to do tasks inside
the office. I also realized how work ethics play an important role in a worker and that
for so long, the values I had as a student can actually be applied to real work scenarios.
Just like being punctual, a worker, just like a student has to be ready for any tasks
given and be on time. Positive attitude also is a good work ethics that I learned could
hugely affect your performance at work and also influence your co-workers.

I was able to enhance my interaction and teamwork skills along the

experience. A kind and friendly approach to the clients who were mostly old people
and children really helped made the work lighter. It is also essential that clients feel
security and that you’re trust-worthy because they give personal information that
shouldn’t be shared with others even to your co-workers. There were conflicts and
problems but the only way through is by communicating with people and share your
ideas at the same time possessing an open mind to recieve other’s perspective.I
learned that just like group tasks in school, cooperation in the office is also vital for
success. Without oneness of the team, misunderstandings could arise and that
sometimes, is normal. What matters the most is how you manage to resolve a conflict
and your attitude towards the problem.

Equipped with experiences, stories and learnings, I was sure that this
immersion helped me prepare for the real world. From compiling documents , job
interview up to the on-thejob training itself,this immersion program provided me
relevant learning experiences by giving first-hand exposure to the actual workplace

More than that, a job of a social worker is not just paper works.They were more
like everyday heroes who have invisible capes ready to save the day. It was pretty
amazing how they deliver essential social welfare programs and services to the needy
and marginalized families ever single day, commited to uplift the living conditions and
develop the well-being of clients in terms of economic, social, spiritual, moral,
intellectual and physical development. It was a work that serves people without
prejudices and labels. When certain conflicts arise at a certain family, a social worker

is needed to help resolve the problem. When people needs financial assistance for
hospitalization and burial, social workers are there to help you. From babies to old
women, social workers are people who would help them in life. Indeed, social workers
are heroes who assists people from the day a person is born till death. The small office
was filled with different stories from different people and the thought that our
employers were able to give their services whole-heartedly amidst everything, I think
that’s the beauty of their work.Being able to become one of them for just a small period
of time, it was enough to know that I can be a hero in my own ways.


Liego, M.A. (2017, June 11). Guidelines for Work immersion (Senior High School). Retrieved
February 10 2020, from TeacherPH:

GRIN - Work-related self-efficacy and work immersion satisfaction among grade 12 general
academic students. (n.d). Retrieved February 2020, from

Amaresan, S. (n.d.). 14 Conflict Resolution Skills to Use with Your Team and Your Customers.
Retrieved from:

8 Workplace Safety Tips Every Employee Should Know. (2018, May 3). Retrieved from


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