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Overall, 4 different experiments were carried out.

3 of them were conducted in linear heat conduction

unit while another one in radial conduction unit. In the 1st insert, by giving enough power, different
temperature difference was observed in different points from 1 to 8. Normally, as distance increases,
temperature decreases as well. Also, in experiment, increasing temperature difference resulted in
decreasing thermal conductivity. This can also be observed from the linear graph which is obtained from
experimented data. However, it should also be mentioned that The higher temperature differences D J
and the lower coefficient of thermal conduction l between measuring points 3-4 and 6-7 resulted from
imperfect contact points.

In the second experiment, only in 2 contact points temperature and thermal conductivity are measured.
In our experiments measured conductivity of brass and VA-steel in 2 contact points were not quite
identical with given values in manual. This can be caused by temperature inaccuracies due to sensor
variations and displays with small deviations. In the third experiment, the temperature and conductivity
were measured in the same contact points, too. However this time it was with smaller diameter
cylinder. The same as the second experiment same graph was witnessed in this experiment as in the

For the radial heat conduction, thermal conductivity was measured in 6 different points with the same
material. The values were again drastically higher than it is given in literature. However, the line path in
graph was exactly the same as in the manual.

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