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Danica M.

Amora BSMT-2F February 18, 2020 ETHICS

Define the 3 concepts in understanding categorical imperative:

A. Autonomous reason
Autonomous reason is reason that is absolutely free from
any authority. For the presuppositionalist, autonomous
reason refers to the unbeliever who is absolutely free from
the divine authority of God (as revealed in his Word).
B. Good will
Good will is a long-term (or noncurrent) asset categorized
as an intangible asset. The amount of goodwill is the cost to
purchase the business minus the fair market value of the
tangible assets, the intangible assets that can be identified,
and the liabilities obtained in the purchase.
C. Duty
All humans must be seen as inherently worthy of respect
and dignity. He argued that all morality must stem from such
duties: a duty based on a deontological ethic.
Consequences such as pain or pleasure are irrelevant.

Is it okay for a person who has an incurable illness/disease to commit

suicide? Why or why not?
For me, it is the person’s choice whether he/she will commit
suicide. The person may have its personal reasons for doing it and by
so, the person knows its consequences he/she may face even after
doing such thing.

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