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Ecological Indicators 112 (2020) 106087

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Connecting people to biodiversity in cities of tomorrow: Is urban foraging a T

powerful tool?
Leonie K. Fischera,b,c, , Ingo Kowarika,b

Department of Ecology, Ecosystem Science/Plant Ecology, Technische Universität Berlin, Rothenburgstr. 12, D-12165 Berlin, Germany
Berlin-Brandenburg Institute of Advanced Biodiversity Research (BBIB), D-14195 Berlin, Germany
Institute of Landscape Planning and Ecology, University of Stuttgart, Keplerstraße 11, D-70174 Stuttgart, Germany


Keywords: As global population becomes increasingly urban, opportunities for people to experience nature have decreased.
Edible plants Counteracting this trend is a key challenge for future urban development as interactions of urban people with
Biocultural diversity biodiversity support human health and wellbeing, and may also result in positive attitudes towards biodiversity
Gathering activity conservation. Collecting edible plants in urban surroundings, especially outside of gardens (“urban foraging”) is
Informal green infrastructure
a traditional interaction with nature, based on knowledge about multiple uses of plants. Although some studies
Provisioning ecosystem services
exist from different cities around the world, urban foraging has been revealed as a critically understudied
Urban biodiversity
phenomenon. We now analyze (i) the relevance of this human-nature interaction in Berlin, one of Europe’s
metropolises, (ii) how people’s sociocultural background matters in attitudes of urban foragers vs. non-foragers
towards this activity, and (iii) whether urban foraging may lead to conflicts with biodiversity conservation. Our
survey revealed urban foraging as a relevant human-nature interaction with a high potential to grow: 33% of 535
respondents already collected edible plants outside of gardens and another 38% would be doing so given certain
conditions, e.g. when contamination risks can be excluded. Many sociocultural groups (differing, e.g. on gender,
age, childhood experience) shared attitudes towards foraging and existing barriers. Risks to biodiversity seem to
be manageable as neither native species nor rare species were over-foraged in relation to species’ abundance in
the local flora, with more abundant species being collected more frequently. We conclude that urban foraging
can be a powerful tool for connecting urban people to nature without putting native biodiversity at risk. We
make a claim for integrated approaches towards environmental policy, environmental education and greenspace
management: these should aim on keeping potential health risks at a minimum, and should support urban
foraging as a biodiversity-friendly and sustainable human-nature interaction in the cities of tomorrow.

1. Introduction (Lin and Fuller, 2013; Haaland and Konijnendijk van den Bosch, 2015).
Second, decreasing nature-experiences of people (young people in
Global urban population is on a constant rise, yet only a minority of particular; Soga and Gaston, 2016), indicates that interacting with
urban dwellers experience nature directly (Cox et al., 2017). The re- urban biodiversity on a regular basis remains a challenge in urban areas
sulting loss of experiences with nature may reduce support for biodi- (Schuttler et al., 2018). One possibility to connect to nature and im-
versity conservation, as conservation attitudes largely depend on per- prove quality of life in cities is to engage in edible green infrastructure
sonal experience (Soga and Gaston, 2016). Moreover, interacting with such as community and allotment gardens, rooftop farms or urban food
nature is fundamental for the physical, mental and social health of forests (Russo et al., 2017; Kowalski and Conway, 2019; Park et al.,
people (MacKerron and Mourato, 2013; Shanahan et al., 2015). Biolo- 2019). Being active through gardening is beneficial for human health,
gically diverse greenspaces thus contribute to public health (Flies et al., for example by reducing depression or increasing life satisfaction and
2017; Aerts et al., 2018) and generally receive broad support from social health (Soga et al., 2017; Egerer et al., 2018; He and Zhu, 2018).
urban societies (Fischer et al., 2018a). Especially for more vulnerable groups of society, expected positive
Yet, developing future cities that allow experiencing nature within health outcomes through the relation of outdoor activities is gaining
urban environments faces two challenges. First, urban greenspaces are importance (Kabisch et al., 2017). Gardening activities and personal
often under strong pressure due to the rapid densification of many cities engagement in the edible green infrastructure may thus be considered

Corresponding author at: Institute of Landscape Planning and Ecology, University of Stuttgart, Keplerstraße 11, D-70174 Stuttgart, Germany.
E-mail address: (L.K. Fischer).
Received 17 September 2018; Received in revised form 12 December 2019; Accepted 7 January 2020
1470-160X/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L.K. Fischer and I. Kowarik Ecological Indicators 112 (2020) 106087

as elements that support social resilience (Petrovic et al., 2019; Säumel et al., 2018), it remains unclear thus far whether rare plant species are
et al., 2019). over-foraged in relation to their abundance in the given city. We ad-
Urban gardening can connect people to nature and enhance the dress this question separately for native and non-native species since
understanding of natural processes associated with food production the former are usually in the focus of urban biodiversity conservation. It
(Lin et al., 2018). Collecting edible plants outside of maintained gar- is well-known that foraged plants include both native and non-native
dens (“urban foraging”, Shackleton et al., 2017) might complement species (McLain et al., 2014). Yet foraging traditions (Poe et al., 2014)
these advantages as the practice of urban foraging can involve all urban may lead foragers to collect proportionally more species from the native
dwellers, i.e., independent from sociocultural or economic back- species pool over the non-natives as these are better known to people in
grounds, can be conducted across many different urban environments the context of collecting edible plants outside of gardens. However,
and does not rely on specific cultivated areas. Moreover, urban foraging foragers also reported to collect in a sustainable manner by focusing on
can support interactions with the specific species pool of a broad range non-native or “weedy” species (widely abundant, spontaneous species)
of urban environments (McLain et al., 2014; Shackleton et al., 2017). In and thereby excluding potentially rare native species (de Jong and
two parks of Berlin, for example, people interacted with about 17% of Varley, 2018). Sometimes, urban foraging is even aimed at species
the local species pool (Palliwoda et al., 2017). management as foragers purposely collect non-native species to de-
Foraging has been a traditional human-nature interaction since crease their occurrence (de Jong and Varley, 2018; Frazee et al., 2016).
prehistoric times and is still common in rural societies around the globe While some studies suggest that common species are categorically
(e.g., Ladio and Lozada, 2004 for Argentina, Sujarwo et al., 2016 for collected, no systematic analysis exists to our knowledge about pre-
Indonesia). Recent studies indicate urban foraging also as a highly re- ferences of urban foragers for native vs. non-native species and for rare
levant, but critically underestimated, human-nature interaction in cities vs. abundant species. With that in mind, we develop our third research
(Shackleton et al., 2017)—driven by a range of motivations, e.g., question, as whether native or non-native edible species are gathered in
maintaining cultural practices (Poe et al., 2013 for the cities of Balti- proportion to their abundance in the local urban flora and whether rare
more, New York City, Philadelphia, Seattle in the U.S.), livelihood species are over-foraged.
support (Gopal and Nagendra, 2014 for Bangalore, India), healthy Another important question is about the sites that people prefer for
lifestyle (Synk et al., 2017 for Baltimore, U.S.) or personal enjoyment foraging. Previous research has uncovered a wide range of green in-
(Landor-Yamagata et al., 2018 for Berlin, Germany). Urban foraging frastructure types in which urban foraging is conducted (McLain et al.,
has been shown to involve more than half of the population of some 2014; Shackleton et al., 2017; Landor-Yamagata et al., 2018). Areas for
South African cities (Kaoma and Shackleton, 2014 for Tzaneen, Bela foraging range from formal to informal urban greenspaces (cf
Bela, Zeerust), 25% in some urban and rural areas of West coast states Rupprecht and Byrne, 2014), and thus span from traditional parks to
in the U.S. (Robbins et al., 2008), and 5% of park visitors in five Eur- wild vacant land, with different levels of management, maintenance,
opean cities (Fischer et al., 2018b for Bari, Berlin, Edinburgh, Ljubljana, and land use legacies. Many people use green infrastructure such as
Malmö). Moreover, knowledge about forageable plants has helped urban forest areas for collecting edible plants (Jay and Schraml, 2009;
people in times of crisis (e.g., famines, Łuczaj et al., 2012; wartime in Synk et al., 2017), but perceive informal greenspaces not necessarily as
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Redžić, 2010; the Great Recession, places where food can be found or grown, but where food-related uses
Sachdeva et al., 2018 for Canada and the U.S.). could be established (Rupprecht, 2017). In this regard, foragers in-
In the review by Shackleton et al. (2017), the potential of urban dicated to be well aware of risks related to certain foraging sites such as
foraging for connecting people to nature has been highlighted. Yet, pollution by former uses or nearby traffic (e.g., Synk et al., 2017;
especially two important questions relating to the management of green Landor-Yamagata et al., 2018). Only few insights exist on which types
spaces in cities and the involvement of urban societies and their in- of urban areas people prefer for foraging and whether—and to which
teractions with urban biodiversity remain open. Previous studies nei- extent—barriers prevent non-foragers in getting involved in the prac-
ther address the sociocultural background of urban foragers system- tice as well.
atically nor compare attitudes of urban foragers vs. non-foragers. Thus, previous studies highlighted urban foraging as a promising
Studying the latter, however, could uncover barriers that prevent pathway to enhance biodiversity experience in cities as it is benefitting
people from engaging in this type of nature interaction in cities. people in many ways. We now use a systematic approach that connects
Moreover, most studies originate from cities where collecting wild methods from vegetation ecology with the social sciences. With that, we
plants is prohibited (e.g., in many U.S. cities; Shackleton et al., 2017), aim to further our understanding on how urban foraging relates to
making the foraging potential within urban societies without legal
regulations less known. a. different groups of society, with regard to characterizing urban
A further open question is on conflicts that urban foraging might foragers vs. non-foragers (the “Who?”; Fig. 1),
evoke between two societal goals: connecting urban people to nature b. the association of collected species to the local species pool (the
(Cox et al., 2017) and conserving biodiversity in cities (Nilon et al., “What?”),
2017). Previous studies have shown that cities harbor a considerable c. preferences for formal vs. informal greenspaces in cities (the
biological richness, to which both native and non-native plant species “Where?”).
contribute (Kühn et al., 2004; Aronson et al., 2014). In parallel, a re-
levant proportion of urban floras are edible. In Beijing, for example, Based on that we worked on the following research questions,
nearly 40% of wild plants growing in residential areas can be used for conducting a field survey with 535 respondents:
food or medical purposes (Wang et al., 2015). Yet, urban en-
vironments—from natural remnants to novel urban ecosystem- 1. What is the share of foragers within the urban population in a
s—provide habitats also for a wide range of endangered plant species European metropolis? Do sociocultural backgrounds differ between
(Ives et al., 2016; Kowarik and von der Lippe, 2018). Over-foraging urban foragers and people who do not forage?
could threaten native biodiversity (de Jong and Varley, 2018). The 2. Does the abundance of foraged plants relate to the abundance and
harvesting of orchid tubers for producing a traditional winter beverage, native/non-native status of the species in the urban flora?
for example, is a major threat to wild orchid populations in several 3. Do people prefer formal over informal greenspaces, and which
countries (Molnár et al., 2017). barriers to foraging exist that could be tackled by environmental
While previous studies report long lists on gathered wild plants in policies and greenspace management practices?
cities (e.g., McLain et al., 2014 and references herein; Landor-Yamagata

L.K. Fischer and I. Kowarik Ecological Indicators 112 (2020) 106087

Fig. 1. Urban foraging as a tool to connect people

with urban biodiversity. Assessing which people are
involved, how collected plants relate to the local
species pool and how urban greenspaces could be
configured to attract potential foragers could inform
environmental policies, environmental education
and greenspace management in cities.

2. Materials and methods interviews in different settings, including formal/informal greenspace

sites, railway stations, and a commercial district center. The rejection
Our field survey was conducted in Berlin, Germany’s capital and rate was 19.74%.
largest city (892 km2, population 3.7 M in 2017). Berlin’s flora is very
well known because native and non-native species assemblages have 2.2. Data preparation
been documented in detail since the 19th century (Sukopp, 1987). Due
to a city-wide continuous mapping of Berlin’s flora, species’ abundance We described the sociocultural backgrounds of the respondents with
and their Red list status as endangered or not endangered are well eight variables: gender, age, childhood surroundings, gardening ac-
known as well. Currently, 1527 taxa have been reported for Berlin, tivity, frequency of greenspace visits, favorite greenspace use, orienta-
including 20% non-native species (Seitz et al., 2012). Nearly half of tion towards nature and orientation towards diet (Table 1, Table A.1).
Berlin’s species are listed in the city’s Red List of endangered species The two latter variables served as proxies for a person’s nature relat-
(Seitz et al., 2018). Both native and endangered species grow in a broad edness and his/her awareness of a healthy diet. These variables were
range of ecosystems, from natural remnants to novel anthropogenic assessed with sub-questions (see Table A.1 for details) and are oriented
ecosystems, but with the highest richness in natural ecosystems; non- on the concept of Nisbet et al. (2009) for measuring how people relate
native species are more attributed to anthropogenic ecosystems to nature and are concerned about environmental aspects. We compiled
(Kowarik and von der Lippe, 2018). a full species list of the plants listed by respondents and collected ad-
ditional data on species’ native/non-native status, life form (herbs vs.
2.1. Field survey woody species) and abundance in Berlin, based on their presence/ab-
sence in 153 grid cells each 7.3 km2 according to Seitz et al. (2012; see
To elucidate the intersection between urban people and nature in Table A.2).
regard to the practice of urban foraging, we employed a questionnaire
to assess (a) whether respondents collect edible species outside of 2.3. Statistical analyses
gardens in the city or not, (b) if so, which species they forage, (c) if
respondents prefer park grasslands (i.e., a formal greenspace type) or We used Chi2 tests (function chisq.test(), Pearson’s Chi squared test
wild vegetation on vacant land (i.e., an informal greenspace type) for with Yates’ continuity correction; Crawley, 2007) based on frequency
urban foraging, (d) if people would forage under certain conditions tables to compare foraging behavior (yes/no; N = 535) between (1)
(foraging potential), and (e) how sites would need to be configured so different sociocultural backgrounds, (2) foraging potential related to
that people are motivated to collect edible plants. We also gathered a greenspace conditions, and (3) preferred greenspace configuration for
range of sociocultural background variables from respondents (Table foraging. To find out whether collected plants related to (a) the species’
A.1). abundance in Berlin, (b) their native/non-native status or (c) their life
To answer (c), we included high-resolution photographic material in form, we used a linear regression (function lm(), Crawley, 2007) that
the questionnaire that depicted the two greenspace types in question, incorporates the variables a–c. All analyses were conducted using open-
each image with high species richness in the foreground and the same source R statistical software, version 3.4.3 (2017), and within the li-
background of apartment blocks and a neutral blue sky. Data was cense free R Studio user interface.
gathered in two consecutive years in late spring and midsummer (7.
July–30. Aug. 2016 and 23.–31. May 2017) at different times of the 3. Results
day. In total, 535 questionnaires were included in the final database.
For nine persons that were underage (aged 16 and 17), we received 3.1. Foragers versus non-foragers
permission to interview them by an accompanying adult. To reach a
maximum of socioculturally diverse people, we conducted our Exactly one-third of the respondents answered that they collect

L.K. Fischer and I. Kowarik Ecological Indicators 112 (2020) 106087

Table 1 were mostly collected for food and beverages (Table 2).
(A) Sociocultural background of respondents (N = 535) and (B) covariates in
relation to whether or not they collect edible plants outside of gardens (“for- 3.3. Foraging sites and barriers to foraging
agers” or “non-foragers”). Values display frequencies, with proportions in
parentheses. The results of the Chi2 test show if there is an association between
Forty percent of respondents indicated that they would collect ed-
foraging activity and each sociocultural characteristic or covariate. Significant
ible plants equally from the informal vacant land site with wild vege-
associations (p < 0.05) shown in bold. For more information on the variables’
tation and from the formal park site with grassland (Fig. 3); 35% of the
underlying interview questions, see Table A.1.
respondents preferred the formal park setting and 25% the informal
(A) Sociocultural characteristics Non-foragers Foragers Chi2 p-value vacant land site.
Gender 1.65 0.20
Asking people about barriers to urban foraging revealed a surpris-
Female 218 (42) 95 (18) ingly high foraging potential. More than two-thirds of the respondents
Male 133 (26) 74 (14) (71%) would collect edible plants outside of gardens in urban settings,
Age group 2.22 0.33 either under certain conditions (62%, see Table A.1: Foraging pre-
16 to 29 141 (27) 79 (15)
requisites) or without any restrictions (9%). Only 29% of the re-
30 to 59 148 (28) 61 (12)
≥60 62 (12) 31 (6) spondents would not collect edible plants at all. There were no sig-
Childhood surrounding 1.15 0.28 nificant differences between foragers and non-foragers concerning this
Urban 241 (46) 128 (25) general foraging potential (Chi2 = 0.3, p = 0.86). In the same vein,
Rural 106 (20) 45 (9) both groups shared the same reasons (Chi2 = 1.7, p = 0.63) that would
Gardening activity 0.50 0.48
Yes 212 (40) 98 (18)
hinder foraging: concerns regarding contaminants (36%), mistaking
No 144 (27) 76 (14) potentially toxic species with edible species (31%), that dogs are not
Frequency of greenspace visits 7.50 0.01 allowed on the specific site (29%) and that trash is removed on a reg-
Rarely 57 (11) 13 (2) ular basis (29%).
Often 296 (56) 160 (30)
Favorite greenspace use 9.88 0.01
Physical 184 (37) 77 (16) 4. Discussion
Social 120 (24) 58 (12)
Nature-related 25 (5) 27 (5) Our study suggests that the practice of urban foraging could func-
Orientation towards nature 0.15 0.70 tion as a powerful tool that connects large parts of society with urban
Low 74 (14) 39 (7)
High 281 (53) 136 (26)
nature. More specifically, we revealed urban foraging as an important
Orientation towards diet 3.09 0.08 human-nature interaction in Berlin (Fig. 1) that has a considerable
Low 92 (17) 58 (11) potential to grow: One-third of the respondents collected edible plants
High 262 (50) 116 (22) outside of gardens, and a total of 71% indicated they would potentially
(B) Covariates do so, most of them (62%) under certain conditions.
The practice—and potential—of urban foraging was largely in-
Place of interview 7.24 0.03
dependent from sociocultural background, including the age of re-
Wild natural site, green corridor 86 (16) 60 (11)
Commercial center, railway stations 150 (28) 57 (11) spondents (Table 1). These findings reveal urban foraging as a pro-
Other parts of city 124 (23) 58 (11) mising pathway for connecting a broad range of groups within urban
Season of interview 0.46 0.49 societies to nature, including younger generations—which is particu-
Late spring 119 (22) 52 (10) larly important as the loss of nature experience is most prominent in
Midsummer 241 (45) 123 (23)
young people (Soga and Gaston, 2016). Our study, however, did not
determine how intensely interviewees collected edible plants outside of
gardens but showed that urban foraging is especially popular with
edible plants outside of gardens. Out of eight sociocultural background people that are often outdoors and prefer nature-related activities
variables, six were not related to foraging behavior. That is, foragers (Table 1). Whether the practice is carried out on a regular basis in some
were no different from non-foragers with regard to gender, age, child- specific groups of society but not in others thus remains an open
hood surroundings, gardening activity, orientation towards nature, and question.
orientation towards diet. People who often visit parks were more likely Interestingly, our results demonstrated that both native and non-
to collect edible plants outside of gardens (Chi2 = 7.5, p = 0.01)—as native plant species were foraged to the same extent (Fig. 2) and that
were people that favor nature-related activities while visiting green- neither native nor non-native species were preferred over the other in
spaces (Chi2 = 9.9, p = 0.01; Table 1A). Place of interview was related Berlin. This adds to previous insights that both native and non-native
to foraging behavior, with people interviewed in the commercial center species are collected in urban settings (McLain et al., 2014). Similarly,
being less likely to be involved in urban foraging than people that were in a park study, people utilized native and non-native species in pro-
interviewed elsewhere (Chi2 = 7.2, p = 0.03; Table 1B). portion to their availability at the local scale (Palliwoda et al., 2017).
This indicates that both native and non-native species may equally
3.2. Foraged species support provisioning ecosystem services that urban greenspaces have
for urban foragers. However, further analysis is required to identify if
We analyzed 365 open entries where respondents noted foraged the manifold uses attributed to collected plants (Table 2) are evenly
species, leading to a total of 49 unique taxa (Table A.2). Of the 44 taxa shared between native and non-native species.
that could be assigned to the species level, 49% were herbs and 51% Previous studies have implied that over-foraging could threaten
woody species; 54% were native, and the remaining 46% non-native to native biodiversity, but also, that foragers are often aware of nature
the region of Berlin. Dandelion (Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia) and black- conservation issues (de Jong and Varley, 2018). As collecting plants for
berry (Rubus sect. Rubus) were the most often mentioned species. personal, non-commercial use is allowed by the German Nature Con-
Frequency of mentions was significantly and positively related to the servation Act (thus including the study area), our observations reflect
species’ abundance in Berlin (R2 = 0.15, R2adj = 0.08 with p = 0.016) foraging practices under largely unregulated conditions. Our results
but did not relate to the origin of the species (p = 0.146) or their life suggest that risks for native species are manageable as the frequency of
form (p = 0.455; Fig. 2). Urban foragers thus did not prefer native collected species reflect their abundance in Berlin (Fig. 2). That is, rare
species over non-native species or herbs over woody species. Plants species were not over-sampled. While the respondents in our study, i.e.,

L.K. Fischer and I. Kowarik Ecological Indicators 112 (2020) 106087

Fig. 2. The relationship of collected plant species to their abundance in Berlin and their native/non-native status is displayed by the green (native species) and orange
(non-native species) lines and symbols. Whereas abundance of plant species is related to how often people mentioned collecting them, their native/non-native status
is not. Photos show examples for native (circle in upper-right corners) and non-native (triangle) herbs and woody species that can be found in urban settings in Berlin,
Germany. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Table 2 voluntary codes of conduct to avoid overharvesting. Integrating sus-

Common uses of edible plants gathered in urban surroundings, and outside of tainable harvesting practices (McLain et al., 2017) and codes of conduct
gardens. into policies on urban foraging is essential to preserve local biodiversity
Use Examples Frequency Percentage (Charnley et al., 2018).
At a single species level, however, negative impacts cannot be ex-
Food Berries, fruits, nuts 203 38 cluded since—beyond the selection of just a species for foraging—also
Herbs and spices 50 9
the extent of this activity matters. While plants usually recover after
Raw food, vegetables, salad, smoothies*, 151 28
pesto*, soup*, cookies* having lost some leaves, gathering plant parts that are important for
Jam 82 15 survival or reproduction can be critical. One study revealed the har-
Beverage Tea, syrup*, liqueur* 107 20 vesting of orchid tubers as a major threat to wild orchid populations in
several countries (Molnár et al., 2017). Moreover, potential risks to
Other Pet food, fertilizer*, organic pest control* 57 11
Medicinal uses, cosmetics* 35 7
animals of conservation concern that might result from the intrusion in
Other uses 49 9 habitats, from picking above-ground or below-ground plant parts,
should be considered. Municipal foraging policies should therefore not
Sum exceeds 100% as respondents were able to choose more than one option. * only inform about plants that can be foraged —or should not be gath-
Marks examples that were mentioned as open entry in the category “other ered—but should also monitor critical plant (or animal) populations to
uses”. support the adaptation of urban foraging based on knowledge from the
local context.
members of the general public, did not report the use of red-listed As a major practical implication, our study supports urban foraging
species, in another study, in-depth interviews with semi-professional as an innovative tool for urban environmental policy, environmental
foragers revealed a larger pool of foraged species (N = 125) including education and greenspace management that could be developed further
some occasionally collected rare species (Landor-Yamagata et al., to enhance wild edible plants, fruit trees and other edible components
2018). Nevertheless, the latter study also found foragers employing in greenspaces beyond designated sites for urban agriculture. The

Fig. 3. Formal and informal greenspaces are equally accepted as urban foraging grounds. In relation to photographic scenes that depicted a formal park grassland
(Image A) and an informal vacant site with wild vegetation (Image B), foragers (n = 135) and non-foragers (n = 315) shared the same preferences (Chi2 = 1.0,
p = 0.61; NA = 67) for collecting edible plants. That is, the two groups of respondents showed no difference in whether they prefer to collect edible plants in each of
the two scenes, and in both sites equally.

L.K. Fischer and I. Kowarik Ecological Indicators 112 (2020) 106087

manifold benefits of edible green infrastructure of maintained areas wild natural site. At the latter site, pupils readily learn about abundant
such as allotment and community gardens are well communicated wild edible plants, and about harvesting and preparing them in school
(Russo et al., 2017). Thus, adding to the positive effects of urban meals (Fischer et al., 2019).
foraging that have been revealed by previous studies, and their im- In summary, our results identify urban foraging as a promising tool
plications (e.g., McLain et al., 2014; Shackleton et al., 2017), we sug- to connect a broad range of urban people to the urban nature that
gest that edible components should become more accessible for a surrounds them—likely with positive feedbacks from interaction with
broader range of urban people. In this regard, approaches can include urban biodiversity to human wellbeing and health (Shanahan et al.,
2015; Aerts et al., 2018). Collecting wild edible plants outside of gar-
(i) planting edible species in public greenspaces as done in the “edible dens requires awareness of local biodiversity and may enhance positive
city” Andernach (Kosack, 2016) or in other projects (Säumel et al., attitudes toward biodiversity conservation. Yet, integrated approaches
2019), towards environmental policy, environmental education and green-
(ii) enhancing vegetation diversity in greenspaces in general (e.g., by space management are needed to mitigate existing risks for biodiversity
converting some lawns to extensively managed grassland) and and support urban foraging as a biodiversity-friendly and sustainable
(iii) accepting higher shares of spontaneous, wild vegetation in urban human-nature interaction in cities of tomorrow.
settings in particular.
Such approaches could increase not only the supply of cultivated
but also of wild edible species. The latter could have positive side ef- This work was financed by the “Green Infrastructure and Urban
fects for local biodiversity (e.g., Lerman et al., 2018) and the attrac- Biodiversity for Sustainable Urban Development and the Green
tiveness of a range of urban spaces for urban people (Fischer et al., Economy (GREEN SURGE)”, EU FP7 collaborative project, FP7-
2018a, Bonthoux et al., 2019). Management could be adjusted to re- ENV.2013.6.2-5-603567 (Grant Agreement No. 603567). We thank all
duce the identified barriers that prevent people from foraging (e.g., students and respondents for participating in the project, Birgit Seitz for
regular removal of trash, dog-free areas). assisting in species determination, Jonah Landor-Yamagata and Divya
However, in line with our finding that about one third of all re- Gopal for improving our English, the editor and the anonymous re-
spondents felt contamination as a major barrier to urban foraging, there viewers for their valuable comments.
is increasing concern of the development of healthy cities in general.
This includes the manifold risks that urban environments hold for urban Contributions
people such as contaminated air, water and soils (Zerbe et al., 2018;
Gori et al., 2019)—all of these abiotic factors can directly impact the Both authors contributed to the manuscript by setting up the re-
quality of edible, agricultural products grown in cities. With regard to search idea and design, and writing the manuscript. Fieldwork was led
horticulture, the types of site, vegetable and fruit matter for detecting by LKF who also did the statistics.
unsafe contaminant concentrations (Säumel et al., 2012; von Hoffen
and Säumel, 2014; Margenat et al., 2019). In parallel, crops from urban Appendix A. Supplementary data
rooftops prove low in heavy metal content, suggesting that these are
places less vulnerable to contamination from traffic (Harada et al., Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
2019). However, studies also demonstrate that although urban garden
crops are free of contaminants, risks arise from unintentional soil in-
gestion at the very same places (Warming et al., 2015). A Californian References
study found elevated concentrations of lead and cadmium in soils from
sites with wild edible plants, but concluded, based on tissue tests, that Aerts, R., Honnay, O., Van Nieuwenhuyse, A., 2018. Biodiversity and human health:
rinsed greens of the tested species are safe to eat (Stark et al., 2019). mechanisms and evidence of the positive health effects of diversity in nature and
green spaces. Br. Med. Bull. 127, 5–22.
Yet, few verified insights on safety concerns exist on wild-growing ed- Amato-Lourenco, L.F., Ranieri, G.R., de Oliveira Souza, V.C., Junior, F.B., Saldiva, P.H.N.,
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