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Hi, my name is Seila and I am going to be talking about PROGRESS AND SCIENCE.

When I think about progress and science, I think about the future. Maybe , in the
future, we will probably be flying around in fying cars, maybe things that we dream
about now, for example, a pill, you can eat a pill and the pill contains a meal. We might
be carrying around microchips in our bodies, which communicate via wi-fi with
machinery, so , for example, I will be able to check my emails in my mind and I don’t
have to use a keyboard and look for it on an actual computer. Maybe we won’t have to
go to the gym because we will consume foods that eliminate fat and we will all have
amazing bodies. I have heard about this concept at the moment called, the internet of
things, and it is a very interesting concept, it is de idea of putting little microchips,
internet communication microchips in things so that everything communicates with
everything via the internet. For example, your fridge will tell you immediately if you
don’t have enough ingredients for a recipe that you want to cook. Or your bottle of
water will tell you that you need to refill it or buy more water, I don’t know.

Ok, so , speaking in terms of progress and sience, genetically modified food is a

controversial topic. It is not my cup of tea, I am not really for genetically modified
food, I don’t think that enough research has been done on genetically modified food
so it is difficult to think what the repercussions are going to be in the future. I don’t
like the idea of being used as a guinea pig to find out what those repercussions are
going to be. However, genetically modified food has advantages at the same time
because there are a lot of people around the world who don’t have access to food.
And maybe in those situations it would be a good idea to provide genetically modified
food so that everybody can eat, but , at the same time, I don’t think it is that simple,
because we waste so much good around the world. Governments don’t seem to want
to send that produce to other countries that really need it. So , genetically modified
food could be.a good idea in theory especially for people who don’t have food but
before we focus on this food, we should probably focus on trying to redistribute the
food that we already have.

Another advance that science has brought us, is that it is possible to clone a sheep and
thereis a lot of cloning discoveries happening at the moment, a very controversial
studies in China had been made lately. I think that in the future this kind of unethical
things would be forbidden or maybe will be boiled down to maybe choosing the sex,
hair eye and skin color of your babies. Now, we have the technology to eliminate
certain genes, genes that are responsible for certain types on diseases including
cancer. Also we have are able to find potential diseases in a simple blood test.

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