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Chapter 2…Whaddaya - Weekend Plans

David – What are you doing this Saturday

Tom- Nothing special what do you have in mind?
David- A big picnic. What do you think
Tom It sounds like fun! Who do you think we should go with?
David- Well how about Debra, mark, Jan, and Jans sister
Tom- Fine. What do we need to bring
David- Lots of everything. What do you want
Tom- Hmmm…What do they like to eat
David. Oh, all the usual things. Chicken potato salad, fruit cookies…
You know, talking about food is making me hungry.
Tom Me too. What do you say to going for a hamburger?
David- What do you think! Let’s go!

Chapter 3 – wanna – At Tom’s fast foods

Diane What do you want to have?
Cindy (looking at menu) “Let’s see I want to try the bacon cheeseburger.”
Diane “that sounds good. What do you want to drink?”
Cindy “I’m on a diet. I’ll have a diet coke.”
Diane (to the cashier) “We want to order two bacon cheeseburgers, a diet coke and a chocolate
Cashier “That will be 3.59”
Diane “Here you are” (she hands him a 5 dollar bill)
Cashier (counting back change) “3.59, 60, 70, 75 4.00 and $5.00 thank you!

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