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Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019


This text is for question number 20 to 23.

The place that I never forget is Covent Garden. It is one of the most popular parts of
London. Tourists and Londoners, adults and kids – they all enjoy the great shops restaurants
and cafes, and, most of all, they love the street performers. At Covent Garden, you can see
some of the best street performers in the world. There are jugglers, clowns, magicians, living
statues, musicians – the list goes on and on!
Before they can perform there, performers have to pass a test (it doesn’t cost anything).
The shows are free and performers don’t go round and collect money – but most people
throw money into the hat! The performers can keep all the money. Sometimes the audience is
small, but often big, and due to that they make a lot of money at the end of the show.
Chantelle plays the violin in an orchestra, but she prefers Covent Garden! “The
Crowds are always great here, she says, “and the money’s better than my orchestra job!”

20. What is the text about?

A. The musicians of Covent Garden.
B. The performers in Covent Garden.
C. Getting some money in Covent Garden.
D. Covent Garden as a place for street performers.

21. What do the performers have to do before they can perform there?
A. Pass the test.
B. Show their performance.
C. Collect some money.
D. Throw the money into the hat.

22. What will the readers probably do when they visit the Covent Garden?
A. Find the exact location of Covent Garden
B. Plan to be the street performers
C. Prepare to pass the test of being street performer
D. Enjoy the street performances of Covent Garden

23. “and due to that they make a lot of money…”

The word “they “ refers to ....
A. people
B. audiences
C. tourists
D. performers

LINKING-SMP/MTs-B.Inggris-Kur2013-UTAMA-2018-2019 ©
Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan-BALITBANG-

This text is for questions 28 to 30.

28. The text aims to ….

A. tell the readers how to use the fire extinguisher
B. show the easiest way to use fire extinguisher
C. remind the fireman the safety of the product
D. inform people the function of a fire extinguisher

29. How can we put off the fire effectively?

A. Pull the pin close to you
B. Squeeze the handle evenly
C. Sweep the nozzle slowly
D. Spray steadily to the fire

30. What will likely happen when you aim high at the fire?
A. it will instantly extinguish
B. it will make the fire bigger
C. it will reduce the heat level of the fire
D. it will create less damage

LINKING-SMP/MTs-B.Inggris-Kur2013-UTAMA-2018-2019 ©
Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan-BALITBANG-
This text is for question number 39 and 40.

Last week my school arranged a tour to a waterfall. We went to Curug Sewu. On a fine
cool morning. We gathered at the school at six o’clock. Two buses had ready at school. The
teacher counted the students. We were all ninety. Four teachers accompanied us and two
assistants took charge of the sports things. At half past six, we got into the bus and left for
Curug Sewu.
We were in our happy mood. We sang cheerful songs and clapped, shouting and rejoicing
along the way. At 9 a.m. the teachers served us fried rice and mineral water for breakfast. Two
hours later we arrived at Curug Sewu. We kept our bags and baggages on a lodge booked by the
school for us. After a full meal we got ready for sight-seeing.
At first we visited Kshetra Curug Sewu. There we saw a big temple built where five rivers
originate. We were surprised to see it. There we enjoyed rafting and other watersports. It was
almost evening there. So we hurried up to the sunset point. We saw the whole sunset, where the
sun went down on the western horizon with its brilliant colors spread in the sky. The view had a
deep impression on my mind. When it was dark we returned to our lodge.
The next day was kept for visiting other points and valleys. On the early morning we
enjoyed the sunrise, and other sightseeing points. In the afternoon around four we went to the
market. There, we enjoyed delicious strawberries and raspberries. I bought a cane stock and a
bottle of honey.
Then it’s the time for us to return home from journey. We were in a very merry mood
returning home. I enjoyed my picnic very much.

39. What did the students do when they were all in happy mood?
A. They kept their bags and baggages on a lodge
B. They enjoyed the sight-seeing at Curug Sewu
C. They enjoyed the cuisine and the watersports
D. They enjoyed their picnic

40. It can be inferred that the author loves sunset more because ….
A. She is not a sport type person
B. She is most likely a melancholic person
C. She loves nature more than sport
D. She loves the radiant colours of the sunset

LINKING-SMP/MTs-B.Inggris-Kur2013-UTAMA-2018-2019 ©
Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan-BALITBANG-


44. The writer and his friends returned to their lodge … it was dark there.

45. Komodo dragons are carnivores who ... to eat pigs, deer, snakes, fish and water buffalos.

LINKING-SMP/MTs-B.Inggris-Kur2013-UTAMA-2018-2019 ©
Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan-BALITBANG-

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