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Jordan Wanago

EDU 221
Educational Psychology
Great Falls College MSU
Fall 2017
Case Study Chapter 6


1. Angie has lip and pallet deformities that make it very difficult for her to speak. Her lip is

split which caused her nose to be malformed. This makes it hard for her to speak and do

things that normal kids can do. She sometimes acts out because of this.

2. Angie’s facial deformities obviously make her different then most of the kids at her

school. She needs a lot of extra help with speech and her communication skills. Her

social skills are weak because of lack of self-confidence. Angie can sometimes act out in

school. She can lie and become aggressive sometimes. She gets bullied for her

differences and the teachers at the school try and look out for her. Angie was seeking

revenge for the bullying that was happening to her. She ripped up the homework of the

boys. She cut the bike tires and then lied about it with a straight face. Angie is immature

which makes her different from the other kids.

3. It is normal for a parent to get defensive when hearing controversial opinions and advice

for their child with disabilities. They know that if they do not get the help for their

daughter she could have a lot more behavioral issues. Some parents can be in denial

about their children. They can sometimes feel afraid and ashamed that their child is

different and they tend to blame themselves.

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