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Deciphering Tablet Number XIII The Keys of Life and

Death by Thoth the Atlantean

Revised © 2013 by Scott Rauvers
All rights reserved. No part of this publication
may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or
mechanical methods, without the prior written
permission of the publisher, except in the case
of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews
and certain other noncommercial uses permitted
by copyright law.

Scott Rauvers
1507 7th St
Santa Monica, CA 90401 USA
Scott Rauvers, Author
A up close analysis and Study from 6 years of researching
the Emerald Tablets by The Institute for Solar Studies on
Human Behavior and Health

This book is also available in Paperback, Nook and Kindle

Versions. Just enter the title to locate these versions.

Chapter 1 – PAGE 1 - Explaining the Energy that Comes

From the Emerald Tablets - The Tablet Examined in
Closer Detail - What is This Light of Restoring Energy? -
What is the Emerald Tablets Exercise? - Explanation of
The Fountain Of Youth Renewal Energy - Why is This
Energy Stronger from Late Fall to Early Spring? - Effects
of the Restorative Emerald Light in Daily Life
Chapter 2 – PAGE 31 - How the Exercise is Properly
Performed - How to Properly Perform the Emerald
Tablets Exercise -

Chapter 3 – PAGE 35 - After Performing the Emerald

Tablets Exercise – Food Combinations to Take After The
Emerald Tablets Exercise - The Phenomenon of “Time
Imprints” from the Future - Time Distortion Effects From
The Emerald Tablets Exercise –
Chapter 4 – PAGE 54 – When performing the Emerald
Tablets Exercise is Dangerous – The Danger Periods –
Atmospheric Danger Periods Performing The Emerald
Tablets Exercise –

Chapter 5 – PAGE 60 – Creating a Solid Smooth Flow

of this Energy – Best Soil Surfaces to Perform The
Emerald Tablets Exercise – The Best Time To bring
Restoration to The Body Using The Emerald Tablets Of
Thoth – Best Seasons and Locations to Perform The
Emerald Tablets Exercise
Chapter 6 –PAGE 65 - Amplifying the Energy Flow From
the Emerald Tablets - Methods that Amplify The Life
Restoring Effects of The Emerald Tablets Of Thoth
Exercise - Using Tablets of Granite - How to Merge A
Recurrent CHHSS with The Emerald Tablets Exercise To
Bring Powerful Healing Into The Body - Tips on the
Revitalizing Energy - The Emerald Tablets Exercise Help
Chapter 7 – PAGE 75 – Physical and Mental Effects –
Health and Mental Restorative Effects Gained from
working With The Emerald Tablets – Personal
Experiences from my years of research performing The
Emerald Tablets Exercise – Restoration of the Internal
Structure using The Emerald Tablets – Documented
Scientific Evidence of Energy Meridians In The Human
Chapter 8 – PAGE 80 - Earth and Solar Forces and Their
Interaction with the Emerald Tablets - How This Energy
Enters and Restores The Earth - Using The Power of the
Sun With The Emerald Tablets - Geomagnetic Energy and
its Restorative Effect upon the Body - How The Body’s
Life Force is stimulated by the Sun - When the Cells of
our Body Become Stimulated By Our Sun
Chapter 9 – PAGE 105 - The Biorhythms of Planet Earth
and Time Anomalies

Part 2 –PAGE 111 - Advanced Study

Chapter 10 - Page 112 - The final Cycle of Revitalization
Chapter 11 – Page 120 - Energy from the Stars
Chapter 12 - Page 140 - Celestial Positions of
Constellations and Stars and Their Effects on Healing and
Chapter 13 – Page 148 - The Condition Yellow Period
Chapter 14 – Page 155 - Instant Healing from Celestial
Chapter 15 –Page 167 - Simplified Explanation of Rising
and Setting Constellations & Online Real Time Sky Maps
Chapter 16 – Page 176 – The condition Yellow
Visualization Exercise
Chapter 17 – Page 188 - How to Properly Perform The
Condition Yellow Exercise
Chapter 18 –Page 215 - How to Find the Condition
Yellow Period
Chapter 19 – Page 219 - The Grand Cycle and the 12
Chapter 20 - Page 225 - How the Ancient Egyptians
tapped the energy of the Stars

Chapter 21 –Page 232 - Tapping into the Constellation


Chapter 22 – Page 248 - Daoism and QI Energy. Studying

the regenerative energies contained within the ancient
Taoist Texts

Chapter 23 – Page 275 - QI Gong and the Moon Cycles

Chapter – 24 – Page 301 - The 60 Year Chinese Zodiac

Chapter 25 – Page 323 - The Restorative Energy Emitting

from the Cygnus Constellation

Chapter 26 – Page 328 - Understanding Taoist Nine Star

Astrology and Its Restorative Energetic Celestial Positions

Additional Astrophysics Links- Page 340

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean deal with
retarding the aging process through a simple exercise in
which you lay the body aligned with the north and south
positions of the earth. The information in this book is the
result of 3 + years of performing the exercise on average
every 2 days. From doing the exercise for such a long
time, a special overall "wavelength" was observed that
corresponded to the body's aches and pains disappearing
almost instantly after the exercise. These "waves" vary
according to the time of the year. When the "wave" is "off
key" and you perform the exercise, illness and disease
occurs, however when doing the exercise at the right
times, the body feels absolutely refreshed and revitalized
and you can really get a feel of what the Tablet is talking
about, "cheating death".
So the effects felt are quite real, however it does take
experience to know how to do the exercise properly. That
is what the purpose of this book is about, is to show you
the proper way to perform the exercise, from an
experienced insider. You will see a term in this book called
"life force" period. This is a period when the cosmic ray
count has climbed higher for 3 or more days and the
earth's geomagnetic energy is at high levels and the solar
wind speed is at 350, and the X-Ray Background Flux
levels are below 4.0.
X-Ray Background Levels are available for viewing
courtesy of NOAA at:

These special periods will be discussed more in detail later

on throughout this book.

The Emerald
Tablets Exercise

Chapter 1 – Explaining the Energy that Comes From the
Emerald Tablets
The Tablet Examined in Closer Detail
Here is part of the Tablet Translation
Deep in Earth's heart lies the flower, the source of the
Spirit that binds all in its form. or know ye that the Earth
is living in body as thou art alive in thine own formed
form. The Flower of Life is as thine own place of Spirit
and streams through the Earth as thine flows through thy
form; giving of life to the Earth and its children, renewing
the Spirit from form unto form. This is the Spirit that is
form of thy body, shaping and molding into its form.
Know ye, O man, that thy form is dual, balanced in
polarity while formed in its form. Know that when fast on
thee Death approaches, it is only because thy balance is
shaken. It is only because one pole has been lost. See ye
not that in Earth's heart is the balance of all things that
exist and have being on its face? The source of thy Spirit
is drawn from Earth's heart, for in thy form thou are one
with the Earth. When thou hast learned to hold thine own
balance, then shalt thou draw on the balance of Earth.
Exist then shalt thou while Earth is existing, changing in
form, only when Earth, too, shalt change: Tasting not of
death, but one with this planet, holding thy form till all
pass away.
List ye, O man, whilst I give the secret so that ye, too,
shalt taste not of change. One hour each day shalt thou lie
with thine head pointed to the place of the positive pole
(north). One hour each day shalt thy head be pointed to
the place of the negative pole (south). Whilst thy head is
placed to the northward, hold thou thy consciousness
from the chest to the head. And when thy head is placed
southward, hold thou thy thought from chest to the feet.
Hold thou in balance once in each seven, and thy balance
will retain the whole of its strength. Aye, if thou be old,
thy body will freshen and thy strength will become as a
youth's. This is the secret known to the Masters by which
they hold off the fingers of Death. Neglect not to follow
the path I have shown, for when thou hast passed beyond
years to a hundred to neglect it will mean the coming of

The "force" or "spirit" discussed in this tablet is referring
to 2 periods and 2 sub-periods. The first is the period of
higher geomagnetic energy, the 2nd period is when the
2mev electrons, which come from our sun, are
higher. These are the 2 most powerful periods that the
"wave" of revitalizing energy flows strongest. The 2 sub-
periods are when the moon is headed towards or in
perigee and when the cosmic rays are rising or increasing.

I believe that high 2mev energies are a form of spirit, and
it takes magnetic energy to turn it into matter. Another
interesting discovery is that the energies from The
Emerald Tablets Exercise stay strong in the body for about
10 days afterwards, so if you don't perform the Emerald
Tablets Exercise for a few days, the "charge" stays in the
body. I believe that the geomagnetic energy "lingers"
upon the earth after strong KP activity in some sort of
atmosphere, possibly being the soil. Quite simply put if
there is higher KP activity, along with high 2mev energies
(especially above 8.0), than The Emerald Tablets Exercise
energy is stronger. As long as these 2 conditions are
present, high X-Ray Background Flux levels above 4.0
don’t cause a negative injury to the body.
Another interesting fact is that when geomagnetic energy
levels are higher, it tends to result in an increase in
“ghosts”, which are really events from the past.

Quote from Long Island Paranormal Investigations:
“That is, it does appear there is frequently an increase in
paranormal activity observed and paranormal readings on
instruments collected during periods of higher solar
and/or geomagnetic activity.”

One of the most significant discoveries I have made to

date, is knowing when the white light energy is strongest.
Using this graph below, you will see a graph of boxes.
Here is the link:

When this graph line has just turned recently higher, or

risen within the last 24 to 48 hours, the white light
rejuvenative energy is much stronger, and will remain for
a little longer if the KP levels are higher than normal. So
the amount of time to pole balance can take a little less
time if you are experienced. If the line has been "flat" or
there has not been a "spike" for some time, the white light
rejuvenative energy will be much less. I have also had
success using the Lunar Phases of the moon to know
when this energy is stronger. Usually 3 to 4 days before a
full moon and 3 to 4 days after a new moon (the first
crescent moon), this rejuvenative energy is stronger. If the
moon happens to be in perigee, than the waning crescent
phase is also another power point.
Does this mean that geomagnetic energy is bringing
energy from the past to the present, allowing it to “linger”
in our present time for a short period, before “fading out”
again? If the earth has memories than surely our muscles
have memory.

Quote from Women’s Health:

“Scientists have discovered how to jog your muscles'
memory and get fit fast. When you teach your body how
to do something—ride a bike, surf, strike some yoga
poses, run a few miles—it creates a physiological

What is This Light of Restoring Energy?
Many of us have seen the power of karate experts who are
able to break wood boards with their hands, or even their
heads, and QI Gong masters that are able to heal others
by projecting intense heat generated by focusing their
minds. This same energy can be generated by anyone with
the right skills and knowledge. This "chi" energy is
contained in the air all around us, and rises and falls at
various times.
In this book you will read conditions called “Condition
Green” or Condition Red”. These are terms of higher or
lower X-Ray Background Radiation Levels coming from
the Sun. Condition Red is Danger, Condition Green is
Healing and good for the body and Condition Yellow is
when the "wave" of restoration energy flows
strongest. You can visit to learn more
about the condition colors.
After the Emerald Tablet Exercise, when the X-Ray
Background Radiation Levels are above 4.0 my reaction
and speed time are significantly enhanced. This also
occurs more often when the moon is in its last and first
phases, such as just before and after the crescent moons.
This would complete the theory it is an illusion that time
is not speeding up, but we are gaining the ability to do
more in less time. This explains why so many Olympic
Records keep getting broken at the Olympic Games. It
also means when the magnetic poles of your body are re-
balanced, your body has adjusted to this new "frequency"
where you are able to do more in less time. Compared to
people who are older or have not done the Emerald
Tablets exercise, they fall victim to "missing out" on this
newly emerging frequency.
The most common and well known of the life force
exercises are the QI-GONG and TAI CHI techniques,
however I myself, have had really good results doing The
Emerald Tablets exercise. The Emerald Tablets Exercise
comes from The Emerald Tablets of Thoth. Tablet number
XIII: The Keys of Life and Death. The history of the
Emerald Tablets is strange and beyond the belief of
modern scientists. Their antiquity is stupendous, dating
back some 36,000 years B.C. The tablets were translated
by Dr. Michael Doreal.
They are called the "Emerald Tablets" because during the
right conditions, the restorative wave of energy, which I
will refer to in this book as "The White Light" turns to a
beautiful emerald green during the most powerful periods
of restoration. This period is when the 2mev Protons are
at 9.0 or higher and the KP (geomagnetic energy) is at
higher/stronger levels. The energy that enters the body is
coming from the sun. In a simple summary, a CME also
known as a coronal mass ejection ejects solar wind plasma
from the poles of the sun. When the CME energy results
in between 4 and 8 C Class Solar Flares (sometimes the
number may be higher, other times it may be lower, but
this key "frequency" is between 4 and 8), it causes a
maximum stimulation of the body, which feeds this
fountain of youth energy within.

The period just before and after a new moon the white
light energy is strong and is at its maximum if this moon
period is when the moon is in Sagittarius, which you can
find on any moon void of course calendar.
Here is one link to a moon void of course calendar:
We will go more into detail about these scientific
measurements later on. The “revitalizing power” of

Emerald Green is reflected in biological organisms deemed
The color of the Hydra is an Emerald Green. It is a
freshwater dweller thought to be biologically immortal
since they do not experience senescence or the aging
process. Hydras are a voracious animal that is located in
many uncontaminated fishponds, lakes and tributaries in
moderate to tropical areas.
As you can see in this
photo, the Hydra is a
beautiful emerald green
and is one of the few
living organisms thought
to never die.

The Bristlecone Pine, the world's oldest species of trees,
lives for 7,000
years or
more, has
emerald green
To the left is
an image of a
Pine Tree
with its
emerald green
There are
already some types of Tai Chi and Martial Arts Exercises
that tap into this energy flow and use it for various
purposes. Here is a quote from the website explaining the process of
a type of Qi Gong called "internal chi".
“The energy pressure comes from an internal intrinsic
energy of Chi; Chinese call it Yuan-Chia, the original life
energy that is inherent with our birth. It is a mix of
chemical energy, is highly concentrated, and exists inside
the body. Mental awareness is required for the
pressurization of the energy; this combination and
interaction is very important to us: without it we cannot
think, talk or walk. Life would be like a living death e.g.,
(a coma or vegetative state).
When we are sleeping, the body has no energy pressure
inside; it is like a flat tire; if anything crashes down, the
body will be easily crushed. When we are standing up or
walking around, the energy pressure inside the body is
moderately relaxed. Stress causes the energy pressure
inside the body to over-expand and the person becomes
The way the energy pressure changes in the body is
controlled by the mind as a progressive awareness. When
awareness is sharply escalated, it can result in powerfully
quick punches and kicks. It is called iron shirt by Chinese
martial artists.
The pressure force begins from the center of the body in
the lower abdomen, which connects the bottom base of
the foot and to the tip of the fingers. This center of the
energy is known as Tan Tiena, which literally translates as
Field of Cinnabar. It is located two inches below the naval;
this is the field to be produced or cultivated for
nourishment essential to the sustenance of life. It is a very
important point.
And there is another tremendous benefit from abdominal
breathing: The lymphatic system, which relies on
respiration and muscular action to work (it has no pump,
such as the heart pumping the blood), will work much
more efficiently. The lymphatic system contains vital
elements of the immune system, such as the bone marrow
the blood factory and the thymus gland, which kicks out
T-cells, the body’s natural killer cells which destroy cancer
and other invaders.
The lymphatic system does many things, such as
producing lymphocytes that fight disease and removing
toxins from the cells. If you are fighting cancer or another
serious condition or disease, abdominal breathing is a
crucial element in helping you win your fight.”

This is why when you do The Emerald Tablets Exercise
during a condition red, the first part of your body that
suffers is the lymphatic system, and you can physically feel
it. However when you perform the Emerald Tablets
Exercise during a Condition Yellow or Green, just the
opposite effect occurs.

What is the Emerald Tablets Exercise?

The Emerald Tablets Exercise is a simple process where

you lay down with your head pointed north for between
20 minutes and 1 hour and then rotate the body into the
south position for the next 20 minutes to 1 hour.
I have a video on YouTube titled
New Book Release Deciphering Tablet XIII The Emerald
Tablets by Thoth the Atlantean
Which you can find at this link:

Overdoing the exercise when the X-Ray Background

Levels are above 4.0 has led to illness. But doing the

exercise properly I never, ever get ill. The other danger
period is the season of Spring. I usually watch the flux
levels and perform it less during this time.
Source for X-Ray Background Flux courtesy of NOAA:
In The Emerald Tablets exercise, the energies work like
this. Think of a person in a canoe going down a fast
flowing river of water with waves all around him or her
and the waves representing the flowing passage of time.
The canoe in the middle of the fast flowing river appears
to be moving slowly. As this energy is flowing all around
you, time appears to slow down, and you don't appear to
age as fast. If you were one of the waves floating by, you
would be in that more rapid "time zone" and affected by
faster flowing atoms of time.
When you perform the Emerald Tablets Exercise, this is
exactly the same effect that occurs. You create a "no
zone" of time, where the cells are no longer "hooked" onto
the faster flowing wave of time, but appear to slow down
enough to "overtake" the faster flow of time by outliving
the faster flowing energy in the long run. Your body now
matches the same resonance as a newly forming cell. The
miracle of the Emerald Tablets Exercise is that it causes
your body to match this restorative frequency that is
occurring and “grab” it. This same "slow down effect" is
also seen when you see people practicing Tai Chi or Yoga.
Their movements are very, very slow, precise and
We can see this same effect occur in the zoospore fungi.
One species called Ulothrix sonata is found in alkaline
waters such as springs, brooks, and rivers. It is bright
green emerald and attaches itself to sunny stones, another
species is found in stagnant ponds, and rain-barrels. If
they are placed under a stream of running water, they may
live for a couple of weeks and may produce zoospores
every morning. If the material is merely put into a jar of
water with a 2 to 4 per cent cane-sugar solution, the
production of zoospores continues a little longer. So here
we have a simple illustration where bacteria producing
zoospores under a "stream" of flowing water.
The body is always seeking restoration and repair and it
occurs much faster when the mind has increased its
awareness and is in the proper state of mind. The main
energy source for any chi energy exercise is focus
combined with an increased amount of oxygen brought
into the body. Beneficial side effects of generating chi in
the body include increased awareness, a more balanced
outlook on life and a stronger immune system. This new
expansion of awareness brings with it the power to heal
ourselves. This in turn causes us to subconsciously heal
others in the process (change yourself to change the
world). From this we can conclude that performing life
force exercises affects 2 parts of the body, the spiritual and
the physical.
The Emerald Tablets Of Thoth exercise uses what I call
the “multiplication” energy formula. Just as the sun's
solar flux can be used to multiply matter using the power
of intention, (as shown on the ez3dbiz website article
Multiplying Money, Food and Other Pieces of Matter with
the Sun's Solar Flux) the earth also has its own form of
intention, which creates growth, using geomagnetic energy
as the intentional fuel source.
I believe that all life and ideas have "phantom
templates". These templates are like small "seeds" of
energy waiting for the right "push" or intention to allow it
to manifest into reality when the right periods of energy
are present. From personal research rising sunspots and
increased geomagnetic energy, along with other minor
variables, are the energy that drives this intentional force.
For physical restoration of the body, this growth occurs
using amino acids and alkaline proteins as the "seeds",
which when a condition yellow is present, and you take
these foods high in the 9 nine essential amino acids, when
you do The Emerald Tablets exercise, and the geomagnetic
energy levels are higher or the 2mev proton levels are
above 8.0, it has incredible restoring effects.
As mentioned earlier, this perfect example can be seen
when there are more sunspots, applying intention to
matter, such as seeds, proteins or money, it
multiplies. Think of earth's KP levels (higher
geomagnetic energy), as the higher solar flux of the
earth. When geomagnetic energy encounters these amino
acids and alkaline proteins, it restores the body quickly.
When doing The Emerald Tablets Exercise, the body is
strongly renewed during the first geomagnetic storm after
the March equinox and again around the summer solstice.
This period covers 3 to 4 days when everything restores
itself back to its perfect state of original health; it is also
accompanied by an expansion and increase in
consciousness. March is a time the suns energy has
"matured" after the winter solstice.

Explanation of The Fountain Of Youth Renewal Energy

Once you have performed this exercise properly for about

2 years, you will feel this energy naturally gather at the
base of your abdomen, when facing either north or south,
especially when the 2mev Proton energies are above 9.0
and the KP Values have risen.
2 MEV real time and Forecasting courtesy of NOAA:
KP Levels Real Time
As mentioned earlier, and I'll mention it again, because it
is so important that if you want to know when this energy
flows strongest, it is when the KP energy (also known as
earth's geomagnetic energy) is higher, which has a
capacitor type effect. When there is higher KP activity,
and the 2mev electrons are higher, the KP energy will
store that as energy for up to 72 hours after the KP storm.
If there are high 2mev electrons and there is very little or
no KP activity, there will be no charge built up. This
means that if you do the Emerald Tablets Exercise when
the KP values are flat and the 2mev electrons are flat, you
will receive little to no refreshing white light rejuvenating
charge. If on the other hand, the 2mev levels are around 8
or higher and there is higher to KP activity, the refreshing
white light energy is substantially stronger.

More science links are at the end of this book under the
Real Time and Space Weather Prediction Resources
When you feel this you have opened what I call the
“gateway”. In Daoism it is known as the Tan-T-Ien. The
tan-T-Iem gathering point is located 3 inches below the
navel and 1 inch back into the body. When this gateway
is opened, it is forming a spiritual fetus, much like the
reproductive fluids in our body. It is this beginning state
that activates and facilitates the flow of life. This opening
of the gateway also goes by the names Jen Mai or central
Channel, as named by Wen Kuan Chu. This is a result of
a revival of the youth gland of the abdomen.
I personally stop the exercise in spring, as the energies are
too overwhelming for the body. When you are
experienced to this level, as you feel this revising energy
fill the lower part of your abdomen as you breathe in, hold
it in, than slowly like a balloon, and let it out. As you
slowly let out this energy, you will feel the rejuvenated
energies flood your body. It feels just like an “internal
spring” or the sensations of a fresh mountain spring,
springing forth from within. This energy comes from the
earth and is stored in the Kidneys, and is stored for longer
periods during fall.
This “fountain” energy is maximized and at its strongest
from late fall to early spring, and at peak levels during
sunspot minimum. I have discovered from experience, that
this "energy" holds a charge upon the earth for some days
after higher geomagnetic storms (also called KP Values)
and when the 2mev proton levels are around 9.0.

Why is This Energy Stronger from Late Fall to Early

The reason the energy is stronger during this period is

because there are a high number of cosmic rays entering
earth, ionizing the atmosphere. Because we know from
working with the sun, that by looking directly at it at 20
minutes after sunrise and 20 minutes before sunset, in the
science of sun gazing, that it promotes healing. We know
that from looking towards the sun, but not right at it at
the hours of between 10:45 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. and again
between 12:45 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. it has been shown to
create miracles, when we are open to them. And from our
research showing that the "life force" restoration energy is
higher from the months of October and November. So if
the rays coming from the sun are part cosmic ray in
origin, than the rays coming from outer space during
October and November, must have special
significance. Let's take a look at the positions in
On October 30th in the late afternoon, when this energy
is strongest, the constellations Scorpio, Sagittarius are in a

southwest direction and are almost on the horizon. The
constellation Cygnus is also at the same time directly
overhead. These constellations are the 3 most powerful
emitters of cosmic rays and during October and
November are in favorable positions mirroring that of our
sun. Our research has shown that the "restorative" light is
strongest when the cosmic ray count is higher and there is
higher geomagnetic energy. Also this "restorative" light is
strongest when facing south, the same positions that
Scorpio and Sagittarius are headed almost on the horizon
during this time. When you do the Emerald Tablets
Exercise, you are facing directly at the Zenith (the top of
the sky), and facing into Cygnus, the most powerful area
of our sky that emits cosmic rays.
Article: Did Cosmic Radiation change evolution and kick-
start religion. "Ever since the discovery in the 1920s that
radiation can cause gene mutations, scientists have
speculated on the role that high energy cosmic rays might
have played in evolution."

I have noticed that when I don't do the exercise, and the
cosmic rays rise for a longer period of days than usual, the
body will significantly feel and display the effects of aging
much more than at other times. I believe that this “light”
that occurs during the exercise is a form of information
that is entering not only the cells of our body, but our
consciousness as well, causing "jumps" in evolution to
occur. Does this mean that our immune system is linked
to evolution as shown in the Programmed Variability
Quote from Dr. Sean D. Pitman
"The overall structure and function of the immune cells
does not evolve over time and neither do the types of
antibodies that are produced. All the major types of
immune cells and antibodies are produced before any
functional selection takes place. Only after the T-cells are
formed do they go to school to be "selected "."
Does this mean that by receiving new information, we are
also receiving new "anti-bodies" for future pathogens?

A few days after a solar flare the cosmic ray count usually
increases, and the "white light" energy grows stronger. Is
it possible that evolution jumps faster after a solar flare? It
is interesting to note that the Internet Boom cycles occur
at solar maximums, and that computers are also
electromagnetic in nature like our sun. When you do the
exercise, you get the awareness first, which is why shows some of the most cutting edge
technology and information ever seen anywhere.

Once Learned the Technique Remains With You Forever
Once you have learned to open the gateway (the
automatic flow of this energy), the energy flow is just like
typing or swimming. Your mind and body never forget
how to manifest this energy. All you do is relax your
body and enter the "QI" state of mind and the rest
automatically takes over. Even after not having performed
the emerald tablets exercise for over 3 months, and then
re-beginning the exercise again, I was still able to manifest
and absorb the white light energy without fail. All I had
to do was put myself into the "QI" state (focusing my
consciousness between my head and chest) and the energy
automatically flowed towards me, all I did was direct it.
During these times I have also discovered as well as after
confirming this in some ancient texts, that after the
gateway has been opened, as long as you lay north or
south and keep your thoughts or consciousness between
your abdomen and feet, you will absorb the energy
naturally. This means I can just lay south and allow the
energy to flow into my abdomen. I like to do this just
after spring, than go back to the thoughts between chest
and head as summer approaches again. During spring and
summer, I like to "burn off" excess generated white light
energy, as this is a period of more expelling or energy that
is flowing outwards. The storing of this energy in the
body is more abundant during Fall and Winter.

The energy points in the body gather in 3 main areas. In

the center of the abdomen, 3" below the naval. The next
one is between the chest. This spot is located in between
the nipples, around the location of the sternum. The 3rd
position is in the center of the eyebrows on the forehead.
The chest and eyebrow CHI locations, when you focus
your concentration on these areas will raise blood
pressure. While the abdomen area will lower blood
pressure. Gathering and increasing CHI energy in the
abdomen area is good for older people who want to keep
their blood pressure lower.

Effects of the Restorative Emerald Light in Daily Life
This "internal light" can change at times from being a
green color to black to angel white. I have noticed from
experience that when the light is darker, things don't go as
well, and my health may need a tune up, but during times
of white light and green-emerald light, things go much
smoother and I am able to fulfill my purpose easier, and
there is much less resistance to daily activities. We can
think of the colors associated with The Emerald Tablets
Exercise as being forms of information, as mentioned
earlier, guiding you through future events of the day,
enhancing intuition, and best of all relieving aches and
Each year during the months of late February until just
after the March equinox, is the time the sun has finally
"warmed up". By this I mean the sun has become more
active since its quiet period from November to January.
Because intentions are related to the sun, this is a perfect
time to renew our intentions to stay young, healthy and
keep a positive mindset and outlook.

The Tibetan New Year is Losar and falls from January

through March, the same period the suns energy re-
emerges. Maybe this is the secret to their never being fully
assimilated into the Chinese culture. We have a lot to
learn from their example of using intention to remain free
and independent.
This energy can be felt flowing through the soles of the
feet, flowing along the inner legs and feet, which is
accompanied by a feeling of joy and pleasure, similar to
the drinking of good vintage wine. Other people have
described this as a line of force moving through the inside
of the pubis, rushing up through the abdomen and
circulating with the Chi in the body. The energy runs
stronger when you remove your shoes and is more intense
during certain lunar phases, hours and seasons.

Fast Fact: You must be able to experience the feeling of

restoration just as you would feel like you are sitting in
the woods by a pristine clear stream flowing through the
forest. When you feel this after the QI generation, you
know you have done the exercise correctly.

It takes practice, but once this energy field is circulating

through the QI channels which are called the 8 subtle
meridians (these are not the acupuncture meridians), you
now hold the energy in the abdomen, which I call the
“critical mass”. Once you can attain critical mass (after
about 2 ½ years of practice), you literally feel your body
restored after each session. The energy is sometimes
accompanied by a re-generative yawning effect.
(See chapter Stage 1 - The final Cycle of Revitalization for
information on how to advance to the second stage for
complete revitalization. )

Chapter 2 – How the Exercise is properly Performed

How to Properly Perform the Emerald Tablets Exercise

As mentioned previously, The Emerald Tablets Exercise
comes from The Emerald Tablets of Thoth. Tablet number
XIII: The Keys of Life and Death. In this book it is
referred to as “the Emerald Tablets Exercise” representing
the recharging of the body’s magnetic poles.
This information has survived for over 36,000 years, so
there must be something special about it. Truth has a
matter of staying in the present. People who meditate or
practice Yoga will find The Emerald Tablets Exercise
extremely easy, fun and beneficial, because they can
already readily relax and focus their minds. When doing
The Emerald Tablets Exercise, the energy worked with is
always going to feel different each time you do it, because
energy is never destroyed, it returns in a different renewed
Here is a simple explanation of the exercise: To begin, lay
down with your head facing north and start focusing your
consciousness between your chest and head for 15
minutes, than face south for 15 minutes and imagine your
thoughts between your stomach and feet. When faced
south, during intermediate pauses, you imagine both the
north and south poles of your body coming together at
the same time, balancing out perfectly, independently of
each other. You will than feel a "connection" start flowing
from both these poles. This energy "bubbles" forth like a
"fountain or spring" and feels restorative to the body. In
your mind you will feel a white electricity occurring and
during periods of high activity, the light will be a beautiful
emerald green. You can also tap your abdomen after
holding in the white light. Other positions that help
increase the flow of this energy are to hold your arms
above your head, similar to the image shown on the next
page, than bring your arms outwards, returning to both of
sides of your body. The image on the next page is known
as the “starry one” and is shown on some ancient
Egyptian tablets.

Stress can renew or destroy the
body. Knowing the right amount
of stress in the right
angle/position/place for the
proper amount of time leads to
regenerative effects. Overstress
usually occurs when the X-Ray
Background Flux Levels are at
high dangerous periods and are
felt in the Lymph Nodes.
An excellent example of how this
occurs in nature is when a rod of
iron is magnetized. This occurs
because when you apply a body
that causes the atoms in the iron
to align them north, you are
creating a beneficial form of stress
in the iron, which creates a
north/south pole. When the
magnetism in the rods begins to
fade over time, it can be recharged
using the same method, by re-

stroking the iron bar with a magnet. When you are faced
north and trying to keep your consciousness focused
between your chest and head, it is very hard, but just
trying to do it creates the right type of stress on the body,
leading to a powerful restorative effect.
As mentioned earlier, once you have performed this
exercise properly for about 2 years, and there are periods
of when this energy is at high levels, you will feel this
energy naturally gather at the base of your abdomen,
when facing either north or south. When you feel this,
you have opened what I call the gateway.

Chapter 3 – After Performing the Emerald Tablets

Food Combinations to Take After The Emerald Tablets

After the Emerald Tablets Exercise, take raw organic apple
cider vinegar with spring water. When you do this during
periods of higher cosmic rays, or the "life force" period,
the body attains a fantastic "glow" and you only need take
a little apple cider. This glow is magnified considerably
around the "life force" period. If you look at Apple Cider
Vinegar you will see that it is made up of acetic acid,
which is formed only by the Acetobacter family of
bacteria, which are found everywhere in food, water, and
especially the soil. Soil happens to become "charged"
during higher geomagnetic activity. Apple Cider vinegar is
also full of butyric acid, which is loaded with hydrogen
ions, of which the sun is made up of. I believe the
expansion of consciousness that occurs during the
Emerald Tablets Exercise is related to the hydrogen ion.
"An excess of hydrogen ions (acidosis, hypercapnia) may

also affect consciousness"

Another mix that works after The Emerald Tablets

Exercise: Lemon Juice + 2 Drops Food Grade Hydrogen
Peroxide in Distilled Water + 1/2A Avocado. Next wait 3
mins and take Apple Cider Vinegar. Next take an apple +
1 pinch of Himalayan Salt + 2-3 tbs of Canola Oil +
Drinking Water. 4-6 hrs later take Borage Oil.

Here is another method I used to use to help recharge the

body using thought and sunlight: Mix - 1/3rd white
mushroom, and drinking water, + 3 Tbs Hemp Oil + 1
Slice of Potato + 1 Tbs Spirulina + 1 Tbs Brewer’s Yeast +
1/2 Shiitake Mushroom + N. Pole Water + 4 hazel nuts +
1/2 Brazil Nut + 3 drops of Food Grade Hydrogen
Peroxide. Next lie down in the sun, and allow the sun’s
rays to penetrate your body and visualize all ingredients
working synergistically together to rejuvenate the body.
Next take Cumin Seed, Banana, 2 Sesame Seeds + Flax Oil

Raw unpasteurized honey can also increase the physical
energy in the body.

The Phenomenon of “Time Imprints” from the Future

I believe that these energy peaks which occur from higher

2mev proton periods and higher KP periods are
“compressing time”. This explains the “future imprints”
received when the Emerald Tablets Exercise in the early
mornings, especially during the period of spring. As a
side note The Tibetan New Year also begins around this
same time of year. So it appears that Late February and
March is the best time of year to put goals into action, and
start new ventures, because you have "time on your side"
this time of year. Time possibly flows more slowly around
this time of year.
My theory is that when the 2mev protons are at higher
levels, the photons come back to the present from the
future, and “holding in the white light” “freezes” or
compresses time. This “freeze” or compression of time
“brings forward from the future” new renewing energies at
a higher cycle rate of renewal, rather than the standard

rate of decay and aging. This is because at the DNA sub-
molecular level every living bio organism is constantly
going through a rate of renewal at the tiniest molecular
level. It is only the passage of time that causes aging. That
is why time travel and anti-aging methods are so closely
As shown in the article "Using The Sun As A Time
Machine" on, the "emotional" timeline
destabilizes more when the X-Ray background flux levels
have risen for 3 or more consecutive days and the moon is
headed towards perigee. This means that the different
light colors may be associated with emotion. With dark
representing more negative emotion and white,
representing more positive happy emotions. So by
knowing the period when the emotional timeline is
unstable, it can be easier to predict future events based on
what the emotions from the future are telling us. The
article on "Using The Sun to Access
Alternate Realities" also shows that electromagnetic energy
can be used to affect our subconscious.
This has already been proven in the lab where molecular
time travel is occurring.
Quote from a paper published by The University of
Chicago Medicine
"Evolution of complexity recreated using molecular time
I believe that the ultimate renewal energy comes from
amino acids.
Quote from Discover Magazine: "In 1953, chemist Stanley
Miller tried to duplicate the conditions present on the
primordial earth in laboratory flasks, and while some of
his results were published to great acclaim, other results
were packed away and forgotten–until now."
This means that during the "life force" periods, when
taking the proper amino acids and alkaline proteins, we
are accessing the "life restoration window" and delaying
A geomagnetic storm is nothing more than a "shaking" of
earth's north and south magnetic fields. The following
paragraphs shows proof of how proteins and amino acids
are affected by magnetic fields:

"This amount of energy should be readily available from

longer-range interactions and demonstrates how relatively
small changes in energy can have a large effect on the
conformation of protein molecules"
Ref: http://class.fst.ohio-
"Chemical shifts can be observed by sending nuclear
magnetic energy onto the protein sample"
"This process, which was first used to determine the three-
dimensional structure of a protein in 1984, relies on the
fact that some atomic nuclei, such as hydrogen, are
intrinsically magnetic. In a magnetic field, these magnetic
nuclei can adopt states of different energy. Applying radio-
frequency radiation can induce the nuclei to flip between
these energy states, which can be measured and depicted
in the form of a spectrum"
The Source of Cosmic Creation
At 5:08 p.m. In California, U.S.A., during late October
(the start of Autumn) Vega, one of the brightest stars in
the sky is directly overhead. There is only one other
period of the year Vega is directly overhead, and that is at
7:00 a.m. in late March (the start of Spring). This is why
the refreshing energy from the Emerald Tablets exercise is
stronger is the mornings in Spring and stronger in the late
afternoon in Fall/Autumn in California. Another anti-
aging exercise that works extremely well is what I call the
“Celestial Deltron” Anti-Aging exercise. This only works
well at the start of Spring and Autumn in California. This
is the time the bright star Vega is directly overhead. You
can find the times for your location here.
My theory is that when the 2mev protons are at higher
levels, the photons come back to the present from the
future, and “holding in the white light” “freezes” or
compresses time. This “freeze” or compression of time
“brings forward from the future” new renewing energies at
a higher cycle rate of renewal, rather than the standard
rate of decay and aging. This is because at the DNA sub-
molecular level every living bio organism is constantly
going through a rate of renewal. It is only the passage of
time that causes aging. That is why time travel and anti-
aging methods are so closely interrelated. This has already
been proven in the lab where molecular time travel is

"Evolution of complexity recreated using molecular time

travel. Scientists find that small, high-probability
mutations can produce complex system "

Photons affecting time is already regarded as fact in the

scientific community as this physics lecture shows: “In a
classic experiment to demonstrate time distortion uses

observations of cosmic rays. Cosmic rays are protons and
other atomic nuclei from far outer space. When a cosmic
ray happens to come the way of our planet, the first earth-
matter it encounters is an air molecule in the upper
atmosphere. This collision creates a shower of particles
that cascade downward and can often be detected at the
earth's surface. One of the more exotic particles created in
these cosmic ray showers are the muons (named after the
Greek letter mu, μ). The reason muons are not a normal
part of our environment is that a muon is radioactive. It
lasts only 2.2 microseconds on the average before
changing itself into an electron and two neutrinos.
Muons can therefore be used as a sort of clock, albeit a
self-destructing and somewhat random one! .”
So in conclusion the more photons you have, the more
power you have to compress time or send energy from the
future to the present. In this case, the increased photons
are re-balancing the north and south poles of the body,
returning them to pristine health, through forces that
travel through time. It also explains the negative effect
that occurs when you try to regenerate the body by
holding in the white light when there are less cosmic rays,
the x-ray background levels are above 4.0 and there are 8
or more C Class Solar Flares.
Because paramagnetic materials boost this "white light"
considerably when the photons are at higher levels, this
explains why placing granite on the chest and "holding in
the white light" during higher photon periods amplifies
the rejuvenative energy considerably. As shown in the
image in Chapter 2 of “The Starry One” she also has 2
disks placed on her body in the same positions. These
may also be granite.
Paramagnetic materials come from the soil, so they have a
natural affinity for holding ground like charges and
"discharging" them into the body when the proper
exercises are used. From experience I have placed
paramagnetic materials on my chest, such as granite,
which has boosted the “white light” renewal energies. This
is because photons are attracted to paramagnetic materials
as this Purdue University Article shows. “A single photon
carries enough energy to excite two O2 molecules

simultaneously”. 02 is water, of which our bodies are
made up mostly of.
Because paramagnetic materials boost this "white light"
considerably when the photons are at higher levels, this
explains why placing granite on the chest and "holding in
the white light" during higher photon periods amplifies
the rejuvenative energy considerably. Paramagnetic
materials come from the soil, so they have a natural
affinity for holding ground like charges and "discharging"
them into the body when the proper exercises are used.
From experience I have placed paramagnetic materials on
my chest, such as granite, which has boosted the “white
light” renewal energies. This is because photons are
attracted to paramagnetic materials as this Purdue
University Article shows. “A single photon carries enough
energy to excite two O2 molecules simultaneously ”.

02 is water, of which our bodies are made up mostly of.

Because pole balancing involves resetting the body’s
natural magnetic fields, is attracted to magnetic fields.
Because pole balancing involves resetting the body’s
natural magnetic fields, is attracted to magnetic fields.
I believe that this renewal energy comes from proteins.
Because this rejuvenative white light is much stronger at
higher KP periods (or when geomagnetic energy levels are
higher). As the above article shows, geomagnetic fields
cause chemical changes in the body which are occurring
from protein interactions.
The first structure that is affected by geomagnetic energy
is our eyes. Therefore geomagnetic activity and light are
both interrelated, which is why geomagnetic storms cause
the aurorae borealis lights. Because proteins are sensitive
to geomagnetic fields, it makes sense that certain
geomagnetic fields can create new proteins. And because
the muscles in our body are sensitive to geomagnetic
energy (astronauts have muscles that “fade away” when
they are in space for too long), than doing The Emerald
Tablets Exercise at the right times re-builds the muscles,
which is why the tablets state that your body will look like
that of a man in his prime when the exercise is done
Quote from U.S. National Library of Medicine: "The
plasma content of 17 free amino acids of the Commander
and Flight-Engineer of Salyut-1-Soyuz-T was examined
before flight and on post flight days 1 and 7. The amino
acids were measured in an automatic amino acid analyzer
Hitachi KLA-3B. Both cosmonauts showed a decrease of
most amino acids, particularly essential amino acids."

The method of the Emerald Tablets Exercise not only

causes these changes to occur, but speeds up the process
of renewal in the body. This is experienced as a
‘stimulating’ effect, where fatigue and aches and pains
vanish completely after the Emerald Tablets Exercise.
Maybe new forms of information awareness are linked to
healing. This increase of photons also occurs when cosmic
ray particles have been increasing upon the earth for 3
days or more. This has the same effect as higher 2mev
particles or higher proton flux levels.

Photons affecting time are already regarded as fact in the
scientific community.

Quote from: U.C. Davis Physics Wiki. Title: Distortion of

Time and Space
“A classic experiment to demonstrate time distortion uses
observations of cosmic rays. One of the more exotic
particles created in these cosmic ray showers is the muon
(named after the Greek letter mu, μ). The reason muons
are not a normal part of our environment is that a muon
is radioactive, lasting only 2.2 microseconds on the
average before changing itself into an electron and two
neutrinos. A muon can therefore be used as a sort of
clock, albeit a self-destructing and somewhat random
Don't get scared thinking that more muons entering out
atmosphere is causing more cancers, it is when they react
with our atmosphere and there is higher geomagnetic
energy, is when the energy is beneficial.
It's not the actual increased cosmic rays that create the
rejuvenation, but their interaction with a so far
undiscovered layer in the sky, possibly the charged
ionosphere, which is common after high solar activity. Just
as we now know that the F1 and F2 layers exist above us,
so too is this other layer, which has yet to be discovered. I
believe the cosmic rays interact with this layer forming a
type of ozone similar to the positive singlet oxygen that
boosts the T cells in our body.
So in conclusion the more cosmic rays you have, the more
energy you have to send energy back from the future to
the present. In this case, the increased cosmic rays are re-
aligning the north and south poles of the body. It also
explains the negative effect that occurs when you try to
regenerate the body by holding in the white light when
there are less cosmic rays and the X-Ray Background Flux
are above 4.0. This would mean that time is speeding up,
and there are many accounts of people experiencing
sensations of “trying to catch up” or “not enough time”,
when there is a solar flare present. It is my opinion that
the "back from the future" energy is strongest is during
Condition Yellows.

Interesting facts about cosmic rays:
Cosmic rays are composed of over 90% hydrogen protons,
similar to the hydrogen content in sea water. When you
water plants with a 12% solution of seawater, you get
significant growth. Cosmic rays striking the atmosphere
are high in the minerals beryllium-10, carbon-14, and
chlorine-36, which are deposit themselves in rain and

Time Distortion Effects when Performing The Emerald

Tablets Exercise
Quote from Preston College Cosmic Ray Group -
“Cosmic ray muons are created when highly energetic
particles from deep space collide with atoms in the Earth's
upper atmosphere. The initial collisions create pions
which then decay into muons. The muons then travel
down through the atmosphere and arrive at ground level
with a frequency of about 1 cm-2 min-1. The high count
rate can be explained using relativistic time dilation.
Einstein showed that time ticks slowly for particles
moving at speeds close to that of light”.
Because paramagnetic materials boost this "white light"
considerably when the cosmic rays are at higher levels,
this explains why placing granite on the chest and
"holding in the white light" during higher cosmic ray
periods amplifies the restorative energy considerably. The
type of radiation emitted by granite is called “corpuscular
radiation”. Therefore we can conclude that very small
amounts of corpuscular radiation can be good for the
Paramagnetic materials come from the soil, so they have a
natural affinity for holding ground like charges and
"discharging" them into the body when the proper
exercises are used. From experience I have placed
paramagnetic materials on my chest, such as granite,
which has boosted the “white light” renewal energies
significantly and have been doing this for over 2 years
with no ill after effects. This is because cosmic rays are
attracted to paramagnetic materials.

Another interesting fact is that higher Geomagnetic
Activity as well as Moon headed towards Perigee has been
shown to boost emotions. An increase in emotions has
been shown to boost the body’s level of Superoxide
Dismutase, the powerful natural anti-aging substance.
Because emotions are not ruled by time, this means that
during times of the right amount of geomagnetic activity
or Moon in Perigee, we can use exercise and other forms
of natural circulation to help create vibrant health and
wellbeing in the body.
Research Paper:
"Increased Serum Cu/Zn Superoxide Dismutase in
Individuals with Anxiety"
Also excessive stress will cause the Superoxide Dismutase
levels to drop.
"In animals, slightly higher dosages of superoxide
dismutase were also not protective—the brain actually
swelled more. The paradox was that the protein was not
toxic even at much higher dosages in animals. I was
puzzled about how a good protein could go bad."

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