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New Zealand and Ireland, two incredible and wonderful countries, can be your best choice to
travel and have an excellent experience.
New Zealand is an island country with a geographical area of 268 thousand square kilometers.
It’s a little smaller in size than Japan but it's bigger than Ireland.
New Zealand has two large islands, the North Island and the South Island.
The food and its culture its beautiful, people is so friendly and has scenic landscapes, travel to
this country can have a price of 13.000.000 (Colombian pesos) in only tickets, and the lodging,
the food and the tour, maybe 12.000.000 (Colombian pesos). (PER 2 WEEKS).
You can visit the hobbit (a futuristic house of movies), the Waitomo Caves (at night), the view of
Milford Sound mountains and Auckland volcanoes, or see the penguins or kangaroos in the road.
On the other hand, Ireland located in the north of Europe, close to the island of Great Britain; Is
characterized by having fabulous landscapes throughout its almost 85 thousand km2 and It is
surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west and by the Irish Sea to the east.
Ireland has a lot of festivities and traditions, like San Patrick's day or the summer day, has
excellent dishes, cakes, dances, and educated and intelligent people. If you want to go to this
country, you can enjoy the Killarney and the ring of Kerr (a tour of castles), the Howth, (cliffs
north of Dublin) and make skydiving.
Travel to this country can have a price of 7.000.000 (Colombian pesos) in only tickets, and the
lodging, the food and the tour, maybe 10.000.000 (Colombian pesos) (PER 2 WEEKS).
This way we can see the differences between the two countries as New Zealand is more
geographically extensive than Ireland. Ireland has more inhabitants than New Zealand.
Another difference between the two countries is that New Zealand has the New Zealand Dollar
as its currency, and Ireland has the euro. Ireland it’s cheaper than New Zealand, But, New
Zealand is best in touristic places.



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