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On December 27, 2018, all tourists crowded the tourist area in Yogyakarta.

One of them is
Prambanan Temple, which is right on the border of the Yogyakarta area. Prambanan Temple, as one
of the temples in Yogyakarta. Besides that there are also Borobudur Temple, Boko Temple, Sewu
Temple, etc. However, for the holiday earlier this year I took the time to enjoy the beauty of
Prambanan Temple. Arriving there, it turned out that there were more visitors to Prambanan
Temple than ordinary days. Understandably, this is the end of the year and indeed is a holiday. I
happened to go with the group, and some of my other brothers. Holidays here are very pleasant. As I
experienced, the height and robustness of the temple made me amazed, how not, a building made
of rocks. The history itself has also been heard for many Indonesians. Not only local tourists who
enjoy the holidays early in the year here, but foreign tourists are enthusiastic to see the magnificent
Temple. Here I am not talking about the history of Prambanan Temple, but only tells the story of the
holidays early in the year and the semester holidays. It appears from the car park can describe how
crowded tourists who come to this place. Walking along the entrance, we can see residents who are
busy taking pictures in the green grass. Just behind it as a photo background is Prambanan Temple.
Many have perpetuated posing with cellphone cameras and digital cameras that they carry. The
average visitor who comes with their family. Hot weather can be shaded by renting an umbrella,
visitors can rent at a price of Rp. 5,000 to finish traveling. There is one of the most magnificent and
large temples compared to other temples, but unfortunately this temple cannot be entered like
other temples. Visitors can only see the solid, and take pictures. The atmosphere inside Prambanan
Temple, seemed crowded with visitors. (personal photo) Not only can you enjoy the beauty of
Prambanan Temple, here also tourists can enjoy other entertainment. Such as cycling that costs Rp.
20,000 for tandem bikes, Rp. 10,000 for bicycles per person, then there are still horse riding tours
that cost Rp. 20,000 per person. That is my experience while on vacation in Prambanan temple

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