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Chapter 1


1.0 Background of the Study

The University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines elections have

always been a yearly activity. It is an activity wherein each student is required to choose from
a set of candidates who will represent each position from the student council. For the student
to accomplish this, the student must go through several processes. The votes are collected and
are then counted, which could take to several hours to several days, depending on the volume
of votes.

Each department has also an election for its SITE in Information Technology
Department which is IT students can only vote. PAPE for the Education Department which is
education students can only vote. When we are talking about the Student Council Elections,
all registered students of the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
can vote.

In the past election, they used survey monkey site, then we found out that there are so
many disadvantages in using this site. We propose this system to make it easier in voting.

2.0 Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Only registered students of the University of Science and Technology of Southern

Philippines (USTsP) can vote. And to know that this student was registered to this school, we
are basing in the student ID number. We also used a student’s ID number to determine which
department he/she was enrolled in.

3.0 Statement of the problem

Ø In survey monkey you need to prioritize when you used it, you need to open only that site,
it can cause technical issues.
Ø In accessing or loading the survey monkey site there is a possibility that has a trouble
Ø Uneasy way on voting
Ø If we send the link of the survey monkey to the student, there’s a possibility that they
cannot receive the link.
Ø Some students email are inactive
Ø Within one day there is a limit to vote which is 1000 student can only vote in one day
Ø During election day students will be complaining about their Gmail that they didn’t receive
the link even though it was confirmed in the survey monkey.
4.0 Objectives/Research Questions/Research Hypothesis

Specific Objectives:
 To implement a fast, easy and systematic way of conducting a voters registration and
candidate applications.
 To properly manage the election in a well-organized manner.
 To secure the integrity of the votes of the student.
 To generate quickly a correct, accurate and reliable canvassing result.
5.0 Significance of the study

The main purposes of this voting system include:

Ø Provision of improved voting services to the voters through fast, timely and convenient
Ø Check to ensure that the members who are registered are the only ones to vote.
 To properly manage the election in a well-organized manner.
 To secure the integrity of the votes of the student.
6.0 Scope and Limitation

The proposed system includes login for the administration and login for the students. The
Admin has the only rights to access the administration area and authorized the access the
transaction such as adding, editing and deleting of information inside the system.

The system is designed for the Department and Student council election of the University of
Science and Technology of Southern Philippines, Oroquieta campus, and could append
instantly voters and candidates. It is not applicable in other school elections.

It is focused on studying the past ways of voting in this university and to make sure that
the people's vote is counts, for fairness in the elective positions.
Operational Definition of Terms
Administrator – The one who administers or manage the voting system.

Candidates – The one that aspires to or is nominated or qualified for running in a certain
position. Also, the candidates must be a student at this University.

Computerized – To enter, process, or store the information in a computer.

Nomination – is part of the process of selecting a candidate.

Voting Area – This area pertains to the form inside the system. This is the area where the
voting process happens.


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