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Team 7: Marketing Campaign

1. Description of project:

Team 7 has begun marketing a new product that will outsell its competitors. We believe
that we have the correct marketing strategies to promote this product and spread the word. Our
core focus when it comes to marketing is to boost its sales. Our team consists of many talented
individuals who all contribute different skills to make our marketing campaigns happen. Now,
Team 7 has begun to market a new product, “The Jacket”. Team 7 believes that we have the
skills to promote this product better than any of its competitors. This jacket will provide the
wearer with more than just a 2-in-1 styled jacket that our competitors have promised.

2. Reasoning for project:

Team 7 choose this product because we see that it has potential to become the next big
thing. We see this product and want to be the first marketing and advertising team to start its
promotion. The target audience for such a product is younger people, especially those who are
active. We believe we can promote this product better than any other competitor out there. For
example, Many of these two in one jackets are very bulky and are heavy. We plan to promote
our products as a lightweight and easy to use Jacket. Once our marketing campaign is finished,
we plan to engage the target audience, build brand awareness, and increase product sales.

3. Research for project:

Our first step for researching our product is to use surveys and questionnaires to find out
what exactly our target audience is looking for in such a product. Not only will we use our own
research for our marketing campaign, but we will also look at other competitors. There may be
some marketing techniques that other competitors have done well, and we would like to know
about it.

4. Outline for Project:

Team 7 plans on splitting our skills up to maximize productivity. Our individual skills will
give each other insightful ideas and make the marketing campaign feel very organic.
Name Responsibility Due Date

Ronald Gentempo Draft and outline marketing campaign proposal 2/21

and powerpoint

Nelson Gonzalez Research competitors and their previous 2/21

marketing campaigns

Joel Allende Come up with questionnaires and surveys for our 2/21
target audience

Aadhitiya Parab Create taglines or slogan for our campaign 2/21

Jay Dave Pinpoint our target audience and how to reach 2/21
their market.

Michael Research what makes a marketing campaign 2/21


Thank you,

Team 7

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