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GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA DRAWING GRADE EXAMINATIONS INTERMEDIATE GRADE EXAMINATION—2nd PAPER FRIDAY 29th NOVEMBER 2019 (Toee—2-90 vm, 10 480 Fae) MEMORY DRAWING Instructions for Candidates — R (1) Dont use any mechanical instruments for drawing. @) Drawing in small size will not be considered. (8) Composition of drawing should be created by you. It should not be « copy of any other drawing. (4) Use of other suggestive factors and suitable background should be included to suit the given subject. (6) Pay attontion to the factors required for drawing, movements of the situation and suitable colouring. Based on the events given below, Do a rapid drawing using a pencil on any one and colour ik with auitable colours -— 1) Soldiers protecting nation’s border. 2) _Ahelping fally for the flood effective victims. 3) Jumbled in the weekly market due to abrupt (sudden) rain. Proposed Colour Medium : Water colour (opaquo/transparent), colour poncils, wax crayons, oil pastels, photé inks, colours available in the environment can be used independently or combining togother many acco 10 your liking. ere Pes attertterd) qt (9) ahd ais a ATT Ah. (3) err arama Rea Rrarera era TEM ATA. (3) Rereern ePffer aren, gam Rare srewet arg 72 (8) Bearer anger Rone ee Ger mee say rer eager weer sree. (9) Rraner aeotd tare, ereraefce Reh x ur teres we aT caret aie cea retmree renter Prater qe are whore er ae carer 8 tea tora geet :— 9) tert wa wet shaatia Se 2) Fertterdt sea BA, 2) Sra omer TEMES areas aT Sarit wigs. ‘afta eres : verin (aeissoreds), dfs arch, ian daira, sida era, fe ert ent, afterrtey soot Or atareen Generar vote eta frat Ponte orem smear arediger, ovat wea afc. eae e

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