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I've never expected the supernatural God because he doesn't do things like this my way of

thinking is it something that I would even believe some of his we were in a different place in
our marriage our marriage was very very difficult and it was full of hurt and disappointment to
a place where I didn't know if I even want to go on so when you went to the church what
happened and this is she walked by me I could smell that same Sensation that you smell when
you're in a dental office and and they start drilling your teeth.

so well God gave us gold teeth hold on did you hear that God gave us gold teeth I should
probably stop at here and explain a few things you're probably wondering who these people
are well I can assure you they are crazy in fact that's Aunt Patsy and that's Uncle Bob no I'm
not the type of person who just believes everything he hears but when your own family who
you've known your whole life and you know is on the up-and-up tells you that this happened
to them in church let's just say it makes you start to question a few things so I began to
wonder what God puts gold teeth in somebody's mouth what else was he up to I decided to
travel the world to find out and let me tell you if you think this is weird it's about to get a
whole lot weirder everyone no matter who you are and what you believe has a kind of grid of
understanding usually this grid is based on your experience or upgrade my crib is pretty
simple. I can do Miracles if you wants to but I never saw any so you know it must be pretty
rare kind of like an invisible friend who's Greatest Hits happened a long time back then people
needed Rod displays of power because they're the allergy wasn't as sophisticated as ours is
now there was one thing that I was pretty sure of no matter what God did he was very very
normal and he always makes perfect sense being new to all this miracle stuff I figured the best
place to start would be the one place that I knew best church so I started taking my camera to
churches where I heard God was doing so well interesting things I was already willing to accept
the whole gold teeth thing because of my aunt and uncle even though I still thought it was a
really stinking weird but apparently I had wanted to make sure I got the point

if my teeth have been in a kind of a disaster situation it's so it with the dentist are so expensive
and I'm a senior and Irene I really need some dental work and he did it for me. He's got a
flashlight flashlight report if you can see it let's see I'm a bottom look at that it didn't take long
for me to realize the gold teeth or just the tip of the iceberg but even though so many people
were getting these things I couldn't shake that nag and question of why why teeth why would
a guy who's so normal do something so abnormal will certainly it's a sign and a wonder and
when it started happening here I got in touch with unbelief that I didn't know I had why would
people ask that question God's going to show up and do Miracles why doesn't heal that lady in
the wheelchair forget about goalkeeper somebody and you know it's it's an unanswered
question I don't know why God does what he does sometimes I do know we had a lady in a
wheelchair get a gold tooth one time and she was very very happy she didn't say I don't want
this I want my heels she just was really honored and thrilled that God did that for but it wasn't
just gold teeth Gold Dust started showing up to its basically little flecks of gold that show up on
random people or Bibles or whatever or this guy Joshua Mills when he speaks he literally gets
covered in Gold Dust an intern told me that when he picked him up from the airport he didn't
have a speck on them by the time they got to the church this is what he looked like one night
at a church service where I was filming Harold and Kate buyer you'll meet them soon I called
forward to receive prayer now the prayer itself is simply a prayer nothing fancy just God loves
you and so will be blessed kind of thing while this is happening they both get knocked out by
the power of God once they go down the strangest thing happens do you see it I didn't see it
either until the people around them started pointing then I saw it right there right where it had
been just 30 seconds earlier was a pile of gold dust the whole scene was pretty amazing but
also kind of weird and it wasn't there a minute ago and now it is and we are cool but we're also
all creating our next trying to catch a glimpse of a man's well you know Jeff Jansen who is the
speaker that night so it was a prophetic sign of reproducing well that's probably true I still
think it's proof that God's got a killer sense of humor so let me introduce this to this is Harold
& K buyer the sweetest Lutheran couple you ever want to meet for the past thirty-six years
God's been giving them a gift that they never asked for but are more than happy to receive
here's an eye witness to what happened to them right before I begin filming

it is her talking to me or seeing how holy this was girl was standing right next to me and I've
been with him before when this happens and you just feel this shift pain is Wade shows up in a
pan and it almost comes by the power of God so what is it that comes to them quite literally
out of thin air this manner that's right the same man I God provided the Israelites when they
were in the desert for 40 years it either shows up in Harold's hands or in his Bible always on
the same page Revelation 2:17 he who has an ear let him hear what the spirit says to the
churches to him who overcomes I will give some of the Hidden Manor now I never would have
believed this if I hadn't seen it happen but I did see it happen twice and a parrot turn this stuff
has some incredible healing properties of its own which makes sense seeing as it's healthy for
40 years and this is pretty much all the eight now this is Canon Andrew White and you'll hear
more from him later but right now you need to know that he's the official Anglican priest over
the whole of Iraq and is intimately involved in the political and diplomatic process between the
Pentagon and the Iraqi government during my interview with him he dropped this little tidbit
on me we've had that incredible experiences with our colleagues at the Pentagon who seen
angels in pictures protect me some soldiers into had experiences of being manic coming to the
hands now I wonder why I've never heard that on the evening news one night when I was
filming at a church service where the mannequin my friend Nancy walked past me and said
that there was some kid outside was having a serious problem and an ambulance it just
showed up to take him to the hospital she said she was going to give him some manners and
see what happens this I had to see so I grabbed my camera and walk through the mass of
people to get outside where the ambulance was there was Nancy trying to talk the paramedics
into letting her in to see the kid they thought she was nuts but they let her see him as long as I
turned off my camera obviously this wasn't normal hospital procedure he didn't respond this a
good show me to give you some communion and put my hand on I'm prayed for him and then
when I prayed for him he opened up his mouth suck out his tongue I put it on, and he just took
it opened up his eyes a little bit and they said okay you need to leave now Sophos what's
wrong with him he had a complete mental breakdown 2 weeks ago you know and he had to go
to the hospital for over a week tonight he said he didn't react so quickly he he left after the
workshop and said the same thing was happening was had that he forgot like me but then
when he was in there cuz equilibrium when he came in and when the night was over and I was
packing up my stuff Nancy told me she just received a call from kids being released from the
hospital that moment he was absolutely and totally fine nose if gold teeth gold dust and Mana
weren't enough there was still one thing left to come that completely wrapped my mind and
I'm not this what you're looking at are 50 carat gemstones that have appeared out of thin air
these things are falling all over the world apparently Jewelers that looked at some of these and
they can't seem to figure out what they are the main problem they're having is that they're
simply too perfect they contain no flaws they are cubic zirconia they aren't man-made and
they lack certain features that most gemstones have some of growing others have multiplied
in front of people's eyes and some have fallen already set in gold now it's one thing to hear the
stories but quite another when I'm filming and I got a tap on my shoulder telling me that some
gemstones just fell in the front so I grabbed my camera trampled over people yet again and
there they are

now I know what you're thinking how do I know all these people are telling the truth well I
don't but if you look at it logically everyone lying seems even more rational than if they're
actually telling the truth I mean why lie about gold teeth specialist most people just think
you're nuts why would someone go around sprinkling Gold Dust on random unsuspecting
people are in their Bibles why would these people lie about Mana the obvious answer is simply
to try and trick people but to what end I mean no one's trying to sell these gemstones no one's
making money off gold teeth are gold dust and something that helps us get in touch with The
Importance of Being childlike you know unless you become like little children you cannot even
enter into the kingdom of God and so you know just like Luke chapter 10 there we don't want
to be too sophisticated movies things are kidding why is a blur and revealed to little children
and I hope you have to throw your brains away and just be gullible and all that kind of stuff but
I think we were expected to have faith in God nothing is impossible with gold what's the big
deal. That's gold in your mouth it's all in heaven isn't it the gates of pearl in the jewels and
gemstones all through the walls and sometimes things that happened at a weird but one must
remember that the word weird and the word normal only makes sense within a framework it's
only with our Paradigm or a grid that the word normal make sense and it's only when they're
Paradigm are good that the word weird makes sense I think God has been giving myself and
the people in our church on new a new normal which means he's been reshaping our Paradigm
he's been giving us a new lens by which to view reality through and we're finding this very very
exciting and very very moving and sometimes difficult and challenging if we have trouble with
this stuff it might just be because it's way outside our grid of understanding but that doesn't
necessarily make it not true if there is one thing God was showing me and all this that as far as
grids go he doesn't really have one know the signs and wonders that I had seen obviously
raised certain questions if they were real and I had no reason to believe that they weren't
these people didn't want anything they weren't asking for money they just wanted people to
know how amazing God is that I had some adjusting to do in my own personal analogy I guess I
always knew Miracles happened but I always thought they were simple clean things that didn't
challenge me in anyway but then when I look at the life of Jesus when he challenged
everyone's way of thinking especially religious people but more than being willing to accept
The God Who is more unpredictable and quite frankly more fun than I ever imagined it being
was the nagging question that now consumed my every thought could there possibly be more
to this Christian Life and what I've always know could there be more to it than simply going to
church trying to be a good person trying to talk people into believing in Jesus could the power
of God actually be expected of me well we've been seeing some great size and how Mighty are
his wonders final make you wonder sometimes Jesus certainly didn't die go through his
suffering so we could do Church minutes face it he had more in mind than us meeting once a
week and tithing Jesus made a very profound statement many but one in particular he said you
will do the same works that I have done and even greater either he is a liar or he's telling the
truth American Church in the western church is going to become normal wear ordinary people
openly display the raw power of God so these miracles signs and wonders and and stepping
out in faith and in Sharon with people aren't with the superstars but it's for the normal
believer it's for the average believer and he's talking about something I kept running into over
and over again if each person I met on this journey we're call to power I realized I was now
looking for people who actually act on what they believe that God is a god of power and he's
called us to live our lives accordingly now this is radical thinking for me and it required a radical
shift in Microsoft teams of God I needed to see and hear how this worked in real life I needed
someone to testify

I believe he's about ready to do something spectacular it's not going to be a few select people
that have gifts of Miracles and Gifts of healings it's going to be messiah in us the hope of glory
shouting well last night got healed my eyes but a year ago and Miley was broke 3 years ago
and it healed incorrectly in crooked in this Texas City chondromalacia in both kneecaps if the
cartilage is soft and hers that crackles when I walk it hurts I couldn't leave my apartment for
about six months and now that has healed me so I can dance and leave Sun Prairie I was out of
place and inspection place normal 10 years ago this month October 22nd I had neck surgery
and it was quite extensive chronic back pain is gone God is moving in power today and rather
than trying to tell him how he should do it and say look I'll I'll accept it but I might Turner why
don't you say I'll take this on any terms so long as it's you Lord and let him do it his way and so
his way you know can be using flamboyant teenagers I really don't know all that much perhaps
but they've they're going for it and got using them and he loves to do that he loves to take the
least likely sometimes the least qualified he uses the foolish things according to the 1st
Corinthians chapter 1 to confound the wise if anyone right now at you if you need healing in
your body for anything just come over here don't care what people think if you need healing in
your body for anything come over here right now I don't care what's a bad back of shoulder
shoulder allergies your ankles are nice whatever it is don't be afraid God loves you so much
this is Jason Westerfield I visited him at his home in New Haven Connecticut because I had
heard that he was Radical for Jesus I wasn't prepared for just how radical he was we went to
the campus of Yale University are one goal to find people for God to heal it didn't take long if I
do want to even though you you're waiting for disability if you were to be healed in your mind
would you be more happy than that then a few little bucks if you are well in your mind would
you be would you be more happier than I'm getting a few bucks even would cost you mean
you couldn't get my disability medication to medication Jackson on the flight what it is you
want do you want to be welcome. Though I walked up a bit if you want to be well that I pray
for you right now yeah yes yeah oh yeah but your mind cause people like this sometimes it
also your ear by your knee right here going to spank that so I understand right there okay
father God in Jesus name

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