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268 MEXICO Words by FRANCISCO GONZALEZ BOCANEGRA (1824-1861) | Musicby Translated by elke har JAIME NUNO Miss B. ROMERO fhe. Adve 1824-1908) Versitied by ¢ JE. HALES Marziale ‘CHORUS aa pp 1.Me - xi-ca - nos al gri - to de gue - - rra | El a- 1. Mex - i» cans, when thetrum - pet__is call - = ing, Grasp your z ce roap ad el br Y re- sword and yourhar - ness as Let + os ++ #4 = ks ht ety = ara + bleen sus cen ~ with theirthun - ia from a goverament competition. formed Leth September, 18ehyat the National Theatre in Mexico, aglish words copyright J.B.Ceamer & Co.Ltd. 269 — =m - ro ru-gir del ca- fi Earth's deep foun-da - tions to aS -tiem - bleen sus cen - tros guns with theirthun - der -mo = ro Earth's deep 270 pVERSE Ci-taiOh pa - trial tus sie - nesdeo- li - va De ta May “the an - gel di- vine, © dear Home land, Crown thy paz «l ar- cin - gel row with the o - liv a cie - Io tue- ter - no des- ti - no Por ef des - ti - ny, traced by. God's own hand In the de- - do de Dios sees - cri - bid Mas sio- hea - - vens,shall e - ver in - crease, But should reun ex-tra - fioe - ne- mi - go ver the proud foe as - sail b con su plan - ta fo Pien- saiOh so-lent_ foot pro thyground, Know, dear pa- tria que-ri- dal quel cie Coun - try, thy sons shall not fail —_—~ —— j ——4 == —. Fr 2 —— -da-doen ca-da hi - jo dio Un sol - one thy sol-dier shall be. found, Thy sol - dier -da- doen vw ca ry. da - jo te dia. shall be found. 2, ;Patrial ;Patrial Tus hijos tejuran Exhalar en tus aras su aliento, Stel clarin, con su bélico acento, Los convoca a lidiar con valor. (Para ti las guirnaldas de olival iUn recuerdo para ellos de gloria! (Un laurel para ti de victoria! iUn sepulcro para ellos de honor! CORO; Mexicanos, ete. 2, Blessed Homeland, thy children have vowed them If the bugle to battle should call, They will fight with the last breath allowed them Till on thy loved altars they fall. Let the garland of olive thine be; Unto them be deathless fame; Let the laurel of victory be assigned thee, Enough for them the tombs honoured name, CHORUS: Mexicans, etc.

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