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Is good grammar necessary in case of spoken English or it may scare away the non-native English

language speakers in the beginning?

Some people believe the first point to be true while some others share the second one.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

When mentioning learning English for communicating purpose, many people feel that it is
necessary to be good at grammar in order to speak well. Others nonetheless think that grammar is
unsignificant for spoken English. Both sides of the arguement are discussed in this essay. Then I will
express my own point of view.

On one side of the argument, they argue that even those who merely wish to use English for
speaking need to learn grammar. The main reason is that having a concrete foundation of grammar makes
it straightforward for leaners to communicate well. As grammar demonstrates how a language functions,
it enables learners to create meaningful expressions or sentences rather than a group of disodered words.
As a result, they may convey their ideas clearly. One more reason is that grammar is the uniqueness of
each language, even English. Hence, learning and understand grammar help leaners to communicate
successfully as they absorb the English culture.

On the other hand, people argue that learning grammar is time-consuming if they wish to be able
to speak English in a short time. Communication is conveying ideas and ideas are conveyed mostly by
lexical words. Therefore, as long as learners know the vocabulary of the idea they and their partner want
to convey, it is pointless learning grammar. They still can communicate with their pidgin English.
Besides, even native speakers do not use grammar perfectly when speaking. Learners thus do not
concentrate much on their grammar.

In conclusion, both sides have their merits. On balance, however, I believe that it is essential to
learn grammar in order to communicate well. This is because the more learners understand the language,
the more successful they are in speaking.

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