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Written Analysis and


Submitted to: - Prof. Vibhor Kataria

Submitted by: - Shubham Kumar (19PGDM166)
Section: - C
Format of Business Proposal

1. Introduction- It should Include:

a. Company Name
b. Title of the project
c. Proposed for- to whom this proposal is submitted
d. Date

2. Executive Summary

a. Overview of your services.

b. Purpose of the proposal.

3. Problem statement

a. Problem of the company for which company is hiring.

4. Services

a. Similar projects handled in the past

b. Achievements

5. Strategy and Implementation for the project

a. Market analysis
b. Product analysis
c. Future projections

6. Financials

a. Costing or pricing
b. Assumptions
7. Terms and conditions (Legal framework for the proposal)
a. Contract
b. Deadline
c. Legal obligations

8. Conclusion

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