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Endocrine System Script

Narrator: Once upon a time, in a land deep deep deep down the anatomical surface of the body,
lived the kingdom of HORMONIA ENGLANDIA. Where hormones lived HORMONEously, led by
King Hypothalamus and Queen Pituitary. Together, they contribute to the regulation of a lot of
things inside a girl’s body whose name is Isabela.

Cue scene 1

Everyday, Queen Pituitary is producing growth hormones which are responsible for the growth
of Isabela’s body including her organs and bones, and it helps in her body’s metabolic

When growth hormone is released, it “tells” the liver to release a second hormone, called
insulin-like growth factor-1 to help them.

Growth hormone: Good morning Liver! Tell Insulin growth factors to come and help us here.

Liver: Copy that! (Whistles to call the IGF-1) Time for work!

Together, growth hormones and IGF-1 build the blocks that will help Isabela grow.

(So ari nga part mag build build na mo haha)


Narrator: The kingdom ordered all the hormones to work hard for Isabela, from the day she
was still growing, until she became a mother of her own child.

Cue scene 2: (Stimulating Hormones/Receptors will enter the scene)

SH/R: (acts like reading a scroll) House of Prolactins! The nipple area is being sucked and we’re
running out of milk! We are in great need!

Proclactins: Yes Sire. We will do our best!

Scene: One guy in charged sa mixing of milk in the jar. Then the other will fill the bottles

Prolactins: READY FOR RELEASE! OXYTOCIN CIN CIN CIN (echo echo effect)

Cue: Oxytocin will enter the scene, get the bottles, muwalk in line while singing

(Repeat a lot of times)

Scene 3: Melatonin being disturbed by caffeine

*Day time: only a few melatonins can be seen*

Melatonin 1:

“Good Morning! It’s time to wake up!”

*Melatonin 1 wakes his/ her friends up*

Melatonin 2:
”Good Morning to you as well! Did you have a good night sleep?”

Melatonin 1:
”Yes, I did! Did you?”

Melatonin 2:

“That’s great! I had a good night sleep as well.”

*Melatonin 1 and 2 plays, time passes*

*Afternoon time: more melatonins begin to enter the scene*

Melatonin 3 and 4:
”Hi guys! We’re here”

Melatonin 1 and 2:
”Hi guys! What took you so long?”
Melaonin 3:
”I wasn’t really feeling the sun today, that’s why I stayed in the entire morning.”

Melatonin 4:
”Same! I’m not really a number 1 fan of the sun either..”

Melatonin 1:
”I see, it’s okay. Come on let’s introduce ourselves to our fellow friends.”

*Faces crowd*

Melatonin 1:

“Hi we are the melatonins, we are incharge of the body’s sleep-wake cycle. We appear
to be few in the morning because the light inhibits us from multiplying. When the
darkness comes, we multiply and calm the body, readying it for sleep.”

*Night time: a lot of melatonins line at the back of melatonin 1 as he/she speaks*

*As Night time approach. Melatonins begin to sway side-to-side, others yawn.*

*Night Lullaby in the back indication that the body is about to sleep*

*Inhibiting Hormones appear*

*Music stops*

Inhibiting Hormones:

“Melatonins! You did a great job today. You can now take a rest and sleep.”

*Melatonins began squatting and sleeping*

Inhibiting Hormones:
”Just Kidding! It’s time to celebrate! I brought some caffeine!”

*Melatonins jump and start dancing*


“Once the body consumes caffeine, it enters your blood stream through your stomach
blocking adenosine receptors, raising up dopamine levels, and inhibiting melatonin
production. When melatonin production can’t pass, your body will be wide awake.”

*Dopamine joins the party, other melatonins leave”

*cue party sound effects*

*long pause*

*back to the kingdom, King and Queen will go out and walk towards the throne,
reminiscing the past*

King H:
”I can’t believe we’ve been leading this kingdom for so long. I had a lot of unforgettable

Queen P:
”Yes I agree, we’ve kept our kingdom in quite and order thanks to the hormones that did
their job very well. I think it’s about time to give them the recognition they deserve.

*cue graduation song*

*characters involved gather*

Queen P:
”To the growth hormones, you all did a great job. Your determination and perseverance
in gene expression made Isabela into a grown up woman. You’ve all played a part in
keeping Isabela’s system well regulated from body fluids, composition, heart function,
and more and I am truly honored to have you in this kingdom with us.”

*applause and giving of reward*

King H:
”To the prolactins and oxytocins, your teamwork has sufficed a great amount of milk.
You have proven that teamwork truly makes the dream work. Thank you for supplying
milk for Isabela’s baby. Without you, we would never have the job done.”

*applause and giving of reward*

Queen P:

“And lastly, to the melatonin. For so long you’ve been incharge for the sleep and wake
cycle. You have contributed so much to the relaxation Isabel has, is, and will
experience. Without you around, we wouldn’t be able to function as a whole. Thank you
and to more sleep wake cycles with you all.”

*applause and giving of reward*

* everyone bows down and exits*

*Back to Micro

Isabela sitting in the chair while waiting for her nurse

Nurse enters the scene

Nurse: Good morning Maam Isabela. I am ______. Your Nurse for today.

Isabela: Oh thank God you've arrived. I've been worrying alot since this morning when I heard
that i have this disease called "Osteoporosis". I didn't understand the Doctor well because I've
been overcome by my emotions. Can you tell me what is it again? (worried expression)

Nurse: Don't worry Maam Isabela. Actually, I've prepared a little and simple presentation to be
able to explain Osteoporosis to you today.

So, Osteoporosis is a bone disease that occurs when the body loses too much bone, makes too
little bone, or both. As a result, bones become weak and may break from a fall or, in serious
cases, from sneezing or minor bumps.
Osteoporosis means “porous bone.” Viewed under a microscope, healthy bone looks like a
honeycomb. (Shows a photo of a healthy bone) When osteoporosis occurs, the holes and
spaces in the honeycomb are much larger than in healthy bone. Osteoporotic bones have lost
density or mass and contain abnormal tissue structure. As bones become less dense, they
weaken and are more likely to break. (Shows a picture of a bone with osteo) Can you see the

Isabela: Oh, I understand now. (nods) What should i do? Will it stop me from doing the things I
usually do? I'm scared. (still worried)

Nurse: Dont worry. I promise to help you.

First, you need 1,200 mg of calcium daily. Getting enough vitamin D is equally important as
getting enough calcium because vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium and improves
muscle strength.

Adequate exposure to sunlight to prevent vitamin D deficiency is also important. Oh, the sun just
rised up. Do you want to walk outside?

(Isabela nods, the nurse assists her)

Nurse: (while walking with Isabela) We can do some gentle exercise too. Exercise can help
build strong bones and slow bone loss. It helps in bone and muscle strength. Shall we start?

(Does gentle exercises like opening arms wide then closing it again etc.)

Lastly maam Isabela, you need a balanced diet. A diet high in nutrients that support skeletal
metabolism. So expect to eat alot of foods that contain alot of vitamin D, calcium, and protein.

Isabela: Thank you so much Nurse. I feel a little less worried now. I will make sure to always
keep in mind everything you said and follow everything you will ask me.

Nurse: Thank you so much too. Shall we go back inside?


*All members will enter the scene and sing the Endocrine Song*


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