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Corn Snakes

Corn snake is a species of rat snake which is mostly found in North America. Although the
poisonous copperhead looks superficially like this and is often killed due to this mistaken
identification, corn snakes are harmless and useful for humans. Pet corn snakes are typically
docile and relatively easy to care for and don't get very big, so new snake owners have an
excellent choice. But also because of the wide range of beautiful colors and patterns, they
are favorites of seasoned keepers.

Pros and Cons

1. Small in Size: The small size of a corn snake is another benefit that I have often seen
on different places. The length of corn snakes is only three to six feet long. This may
vary as high as humanity, but the typical dimensions of a Corn Snake are three to six
feet long. The majority of snake owners regard this as ideal for easy treatment with
smaller snakes. Corn snakes are still large enough for easy handling.
2. Cool Temperament: Corn snakes are great snakes if you wish to hold your snake,
rather than just looking at it through their terrarium glass. They are easy to handle
with the docile attitude, so long as you treat them correctly. But this trust in
handling must be established over time, just as with all other Snakes.
3. Long Life: Corn snakes may be up to six to eight years as opposed to hamsters or
other small animals. Although they do not live as long as other snakes like Ball
Pythons, who are sometimes thirty, they have been in captivity for several years.
Corn Snakes were known to live up to 12 years on a number of occasions.
1. Infections: They catch different types of infections very soon. Corn snakes are
subject to fungal diseases and respiratory diseases, like all other snake species, that
might harm your snake's overall health. You may not wish to lose your pet but, in
extreme cases, you may not want to invest in medication.
2. Proper Environment: Corn snakes need complex habitats like most other snakes.
Corn snacks are required for their environment to thrive with specific beds,
temperatures and moisture levels. Your snake can get sick and even die if such needs
are not met.
3. Not Very Playful: Unlike other species, snacks are very cautious and do not make a
lot of improvement in the relationship between owners and animals. Dogs often
have an energetic influence, for example, and they can play for their owners and
show affection. Normally, a maize snake won't be fond of its owner and won't play.
Corn Snakes need a' thermogradient.' This ensures that a covered heat light is mounted on
one end of the vivarium and that the rear end is cold. The resting area of snake should vary
between 28 and 30 ° C and the cool end should vary between 20 and 24 ° C. Digital
thermometers track temperatures daily at each end. The overhead heat light is favored, but
snakes are made from temperate climates so tropical temperatures are not required. Make
sure your box is not too warm.
Corn snakes can be provided with mice that are pre killed or with tiny rodents, although this
is only appropriate for bigger maize snacks. The prey of these snakes can be as wide or a
little broader than the head of the snake.

A range of materials can be used for your pet corn snake as a substratum. Newspaper is the
user-friendly choice because it is easy to clean, but it's a little desired in the cage. You can
use indoor or outdoor carpeting, and you can move the two pieces when you clean it, turn it
clean and clean it and dry it thoroughly.

The humidity measures approximately 40% to 50% of the moisture required for maintaining
a healthy skin of your maize snake and preventing breathing problems.

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