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Location Recce

Location Recce Sheet

Film Title: split
Client: Mr Morgan and Miss Wellings
Director: Leo stone, Liam Coote
Writer: Asa bray, Ben Cheeseman

Access: Potential filming problems

We will be filming in a few different  Camera equipment breaking while
locations and one of the locations is filming
going to be someone house so will  Weather could stop us from
need to ask their parents if it ok to filming outside for example if it is
film there for a couple of weeks, and to dark or it is raining
also to see if it is ok to move a few  Losing footage while filming
 Cars driving past will ruin the set
things around. We will shot
downstairs because it is going to be
 People walking by may affect the
easier to move things around to get back ground noise
better shots and angles, but we will  Family affecting the filming
need to get permission to film in the  Dog will also may affect the back
down stairs for a few hours without ground noise
being disturbed for other family  Equipment not working while
members or any unplanned accidents. filming will stall the filming

Health and safety problems Name and number of location contact:

Actors/crew being allergic to dogs Biggy road, no.6
Liquid being spilt on equipment Ravenswood School
Wires on the floor and tripping over 01689856050
Actors hurting themselves while
We will be using many different locations in our video to make it interesting for
the reader to keep them engaged. All the locations have been picked for different
purposes for example ravens wood school because we are going to show how the
characters split. Gravel road, a House, a Park, Ravens wood school.

Ravens wood school

The first location we will be using is going to be ravens wood school this is because
we are going to show how the characters get in to different friendship groups and how
the characters change over time and become interested in different things compared to
what they were interested in and how close they were in primary school. We will use
long shots and close up shots to show the location of the where the characters are in
the school so the audience knows where they are and we will use close up shots to
show the emotion. Using a school the short film will help explain the story better
because it can show the audience the different life choice the characters take, which is
relatable to a majority of the audience member’s real life. This location also has many
different areas to film which relate to the storyline of our film, these being
classrooms, playgrounds etc.

Gravel road

We are going to use gravel road in our film because it’s not too far away from school
meaning it won’t take us too long for us to get there and film for a video. We will also
film walking up and down the road with the different cars surroundings the characters
to add to how realistic the film feels for the audience members. To add to the effect
we will have wide and long shots and a few close up shots. The long shots will show
the audience the location and the scenery of what is happening and what characters
are doing in the shot. The close up shot of the cars and the people in the car will add
to the suspense of the illegal things going on this will therefore create tension for the
audience and make them wonder what is going on and how Liam is getting in with the
wrong crowd.
A park
The reason why we are going to use a park is due to the fact that we are going to film
one of the character playing football. The reason for this is because it will show a
stereotypical boy playing football and doing things you would do when you’re a
teenage boy. It shows that this character is being sporty and the other character is easy
influenced in to doing bad things. We will be using different shots like wide shots to
show the location of the character in the park playing football with his friends and
having a good time. The wide shots show the audience where the character is which
shows the different between the two characters.


We will be using a house as a filming location for our piece, the house will be Liam’s
house and will be used when Ben rushes back to Liam’s mum to tell her everything
about what has happened. This location will be used at the very end of our film and
will be where the film actually finishes. In this scene we are going to use close up
shots to show the emotions of all the characters involved. The emotions will be
clearly shown in this location and will also show the characters in a calmed down

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