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1. Communicating at the case’s level of understanding:

 Avoid technical terms and jargon:
special words or expressions used by a profession or
group that are difficult for others to understand. Lay man language
should be use for the convenience.
For example:
If a counselor is talking to a client from Pakistani culture so
the counselor should use urdu language or the languages that are
used in Pakistan i-e lay man language should be used.
 Limit the amount of information shared:
To ask for the type of information which is required
for the sake of information or that’s need to be known.
 Clearly explain necessary medical and technical terms and concepts:
Medical terms and technical terms should be explained
and cleared by the counselor so that there will not be any difficulty
to understand the things which need to be understand.
And if the client is illiterate so counselor should at least
give him/her the general concept.

For example:
In rural areas of Pakistan, the people are not much educated
so, they are not much aware of such terms or illness. In such
condition counselor should explain at least general concepts.

 Repeat important information:

To repeat the important points to clear them for the 2nd

2. Give factual information:

Avoid the information which is not relevant according to

Pakistani culture and correct the myths, irrelevant concepts and
information. Provide comprehensive information about the problem
which need to be discussed. Information which is based on facts
should be shared only.

3. Use reinforcement:
 Verbal technique:
counselor can reinforce verbally by giving clues like uhh-huhh,
tell me more about this, etc. so, the client fell comfortable and
continue talking.
 Non-Verbal technique:
Like verbal reinforcement, counselor can also use non-verbal
reinforcement by giving positive facial expressions, nod of a head,
use smiles, etc.
Moreover, sincere compliments or acknowledgement of
case after hearing intentions to use, or descriptions of healthy
behavior can also reinforce the client.
4. Summarize conversation:
1. Throughout the conversation, periodically summarize what has
been said.
2. Summarizing gives the case an opportunity to correct
information that you may have misunderstood.
3. Give the case an opportunity to summarize the conversation,
for example:
 We have covered a lot today. In your own words, review for me
what we have discussed.
 Please tell me what you heard me say. This will help me provide
you with any additional information you need.
4. Avoid phrases such as:
 Do you have any questions?
 Do you understand?

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