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1. Introduction
2. Buttons
3. Change HTML Content
4. Change HTML Style
5. Variables and Data Types
6. Change HTML Using Variables - Activity: Random Color Generator
7. Functions: Activity: Swap the content of two divs
8. Objects
9. Create Objects using the "new" keyword
10. Object Contructors
11. Arrays
12. If and Switch Statements - Activity: Motorway Speed Control
13. For Loops
14. While Loops
15. Regular Expressions
16. Errors
17. Set Interval & Set Timeout - Activity: Create a simple counter
18. Window and Screen
19. Alert Boxes
20. Cookies
ES6- Modern JavaScript
1. Introduction to Modern JavaScript (ES6)
2. Variables & Scoping: Review of "var"
3. Variables & Scoping: Let Scope and Temporal Dead Zone
4. Block Scoping in ES6
5. Functions and Block Scoping
6. Functions and Block Scoping – use let
7. Let Scope vs Closures
8. Closures Challenge
9. Read only variables - const
10. New Features that make your life easier: Template Literals
11. New Features that make your life easier: Arrow functions – ‘this’ lexical scope
12. Destructuring - Arrays
13. Destructuring - Objects
14. Destructuring - Functions
15. Functions – Default Parameter Values
16. Functions – Rest Parameters
17. Spread Operator
18. Objects New Features
19. Iteration: For of loop
20. Iterators - next() - Generators
21. Maps - Iteration
22. Sets - Iteration
23. Sets – Challenge: Intersection and Difference
24. Symbols
25. Symbol.iterator
26. Array.from: collections, strings, arguments
27. Array.from: optional map, length property, Maps & Sets
28. Array.of
29. More Array Methods
30. ES6 Classes: Back to ES5 Constructors
31. ES6 Classes: Syntax
32. ES6 Classes: Static Methods
33. ES6 Classes: Getters & Setters
34. Class Inheritance – extends - super
Node.js- Let’s Dive in (using ES6 + ES7)
1. Your First Node Application
2. File Exports
3. HTTP Built-in Module (1)
4. HTTP Built-in Module (2)
5. HTTP Built-in Module (3)
6. Fs Built-in Module - Blocking Mode
7. Fs Built-in Module - Non Blocking Mode
8. Fs Built-in Module - Use ES6 Promises
9. Fs Built-in Module - Use ES7 Async Await
10. Fs Built-in Module - More Features

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