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19th Nov 2013

Technique 1: Unpublished Bhrighu Saral Paddathi

BSP No- 34: ‘Saturn Implements Itself in the 32nd Year where He Sits or in the 10th House from

Technique 2: From Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra

“ An important quote from BHRIGU NADI ददददददद दददददददददद ददददद दददद ददद दददद
दददद दददद ददददददददद ददददद दददद ददद दददददद;

Meaning – when Jupiter transits the sign identical with the Navansha occupied by the 7th lord or a trine
thereof on the degree of that sign lord, marriage will take place. Just to illustrate this dictum I am giving the
example of Mrs Indra Gandhi – in her chart Saturn is 7th lord is paced in cancer at 21.47 degree in
Capricorn Navansha. She got married on 26 March 1942 when Jupiter was transiting through Taurus sign at
22 degree which is trine position of 7th lord Navansha sign. This technique can also be applied taking 7th lord
degree [lagna +180 degree] and its Navansha sign lord and its trine. The technique gives very satisfactory
result. Members can test and give feedback. This technique has wide range of application and reveals many
secrets of Nadi astrology –which I will discuss later.

It is mentioned [the Sloke] in c s patel book Nadi Astroloy but i got it from a nadi reader from Bihar way
back in 1989--the rule has wide range of application and is the base principle of TRANSIT in Nadi.

20th Nov 2013

Technique 3: Mars and Gemini

This is a work in progress so nothing definitive as yet and maybe in future we might discard it. There are
several layers to this, one layer is presented below

Step 1 - Mars: Observe where (sign/house) Mars is placed in a chart and see where Gemini is placed (house)

Step 2 - Common Factor: If both these houses (where Mars is placed) and where Gemini is placed have a
'common factor then

Step 3 - Effect: One aspect of it would be spoilt/destroyed/badly effected atleast once in lifetime.

21st Nov 2013

Technique 4:
Planets in 6 8 or 12 from Saturn can cause downfall in career
22nd Nov 2013

Technique 5: Retrogression - A

When it comes to retrogression not much is known and each principle seems to work in some charts and not
work in some charts. Those who know some secrets they also do not come out with it. Below is a half baked
method or rather not aggressively tested like say over 100-150 charts and at the same time people do not give
honest feedback when it comes to certain houses. This technique has several layers, the 2nd layer i had shared
with brother M Muhammad Imran

Step 1: Observe any planet that is retro, for now ignore which house it is in (that is another method)

Step 2: Observe the houses this retro planet is owning for eg Saturn retro it owns Cp and Aq , so observe
which house Cp and Aq is sitting in

Step 3: The houses this retro planet owns will be very very karmic houses with dramatic events or sometimes
damaged or would be houses where the native excels well or .............

Always remember when we see others charts we never come to know what areas of life they suffered as the
client would not have talked about it to you.

23rd Nov 2013

Technique 6: Cross-position of planets in Rasi and Navamsa will bring important events in life.
Eg: In birth chart, Jup in Libra and Kumbha Navamsa. So cross position will be Tr. Jup in
Kumbha Rasi and Libra Navamsa.

We can take any planet for this technique.In example we have just taken Jupiter as a reference.
Important point to remember is that, slow moving planet cross-positioning may result in more
prominent events than fast moving planets cross-positioning as that may happen a lot frequently.
The events may take place keeping in mind the planet owned houses or where its sitting. Also,
check for multiple planets cross-positioning during any significant event.

We request all the members here to share their views on the above rule.

Technique 7: From Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra


One more method of timing of marriage [ it really works] --------Rahu- Ketu is said to be karmic
planet its transit over certain points in natal chart or Navansha triggers marriage or relationship
Rahu-Ketu must transit through any of the following position
A] Navansha lagna or its own Navansha axis
B] Natal lagna or its [Rahu- Ketu] natal position /axis
C] Natal Moon
D] Navansha position of Moon
E] Natal axis of Venus
This method along with the method posted earlier of Jupiter transit [Technique 2] gives perfect
Example -1 Indra Gandhi
19.11.1917 23.17 Allahabad
Marriage ---26.03.1942 Rahu –Ketu was transiting D9 Moon axis.
Example 2 Chart provided by Mauricio Avila in previous post
Date--2: August 24, 1973 at 12:15 , 52W21 31S46 tz. 3,00W,
Date of marriage – 20.05 1993 Rahu –Ketu was transiting over natal lagna axis

Example -3 data as per previous thread given by Yuvraj Ajay Singh

Date-- 06th April 1982 ,07:45 AM, Delhi..
Date of Marriage – 14.07.2010 Rahu –Ketu was transiting over natal axis. charts are there n the
group -not able to past it --if it suits you than post . Source own working

24th Nov 2013

Technique 8: 3 Planets play a leading role in destroying ones happiness:

a. Navamsa dispositor of Sat
b. Navamsa dispositor of Mandi
c. Navamsa dispositor of planet in whose sign the 8th lord is placed.
Weakest of the above there will destroy the native happiness during their DBA.
We request the members to test and share their views.

25th Nov 2013

Technique 9: Maturity of Moksha Houses

Houses and Maturity Years

Houses 4,8, 12 mature around 40 years of age

Similarly Cancer, Sc and Pisces mature around 40 years of age (not much experience in this

Kindly post your feedback and testing results.

26th Nov 2013

Technique 10: Great happiness will come to pass in the following sub-periods:
a. Navamsa dispositor of Asc. Lord.
b. Planet posted in the sign together with 7th Lord.
c. Navamsa dispositor of 5th Lord.

Need to watch the joint period of Rasi and Navamsa dispositor of Asc. Lord. It may be a warning
sign if afflicted.

Request all members to test these rules and share if they are working or not. Do check Technique
8 along with it and test judiciously.

28th Nov 2013

Technique 11: If the Dasa lord in transit is on sub-period lord’s natal position or vice-versa, will
prove significant in one’s life.Slow moving planet involved in DBA may have more significant
effect than fast moving planet.
Members are requested to share their views and relevant charts.

29th Nov 2013

Technique 12: From Sanjeev Ranjan Mishra

New technique to find month of marriage --Method to determine the month of marriage;
Previously in this group I posted two methods to determine the year of marriage
A] 7th lord Navansha position and Jupiter transit
B] Rahu –Ketu axis in transit in relation to natal position and marriage

In this post I am giving a simple method to determine the month of marriage or Sun sign at the time of
marriage. The rule is month of marriage usually corresponds to the lagna trine sign or D9 lagna trine sign, to
put it in another words sun is usually seen to be placed in lagna trine sign or D9 lagna trine sign.
For example if one is cancer born and his D9 lagna is Scorpio –most likely he will get married when Sun is
transiting through Cancer or Scorpio or Pisces because these signs are trine to D1 and D9 ascendant. I tested
this rule in number of charts –summary is presented here in a Doc –some of the charts are taken from
previous post of this group.It is amazingly simple.. and surprisingly accurate as long as mahadasha/antra or
other factor promises marriage.

Birth details 2.docx

30th Nov 2013

Technique 13: Age of Maturity of Capricorn

Capricorn ages are 18,30,42, 54, 66

1) Note if an event concerning capricorn happened at that age or

2) An event concerning a planet who is placed in Capricorn happened or

Explanation: If the house where Capricorn is placed got activated at that age e.g if 10th lord is in
8th house of Capricorn (Ge Asc) then in 30th year (or 18,42,54,66 age) there was transformation
(8H quality) or downfall in career or depression in career or high sadhana.

Commonsense: Other factors which alter results cannot be ignore

Technique 22:
Unexplored P_s_I -Part 4

Does anyone have

Part a) Malefic in the 5th house from lagna
Part b) Malefic in the 5th house from Guru

If so pls let us know if their was loss of children or harm to child or a dramatic or harsh general
incident that happened in the 33rd or 36th year. (count zero months to 12months of birth as 1
year of ones life - indian method of counting)

I just have one chart where Part A is fulfilled completely and Part b is partially fulfilled by the
5L from Guru being aspected by malefics (whereas the 5H from Guru is vacant though aspected
by Sun), loss of child in 33rd year exact

Technique 21: In Cancer Asc, if Venus is situated in its exaltation in first house, the married life
of the native gets destroyed and he or she will have to get married again, irrespective of the
position of the 7th lord i.e Saturn. The reason behind it is that Venus is the lord of the seventh
house of the zodiac and it is giving an aspect of fall on seventh house in the kundali and thus the
married life is being damaged. But since Venus itself is in exaltation, it gives the native second
marriage also - Page 53, New Rules and Dimensions.

(for the uninitiated in the techniques of Late S K Mehta, he used exaltation and debilitation
differently) . Kindly post your observations on the above rule mentioned by him

Technique 22: A Rare Bad Transits from Classical Literature (similar verse in all 3 - Jataka
Parijata/Phaladeepika/Prashna Marga) Which has been ignored. This is also from Late C S Patels

Can we test this in our charts and that of our friends etc. No transit is totally bad or totally good,
some good or bad events happen at the same time

Step 1: Take any chart and see if any 2 of these three conditions are satisfied almost
TOGETHER. Either all together or one "Immediately" after the other

Step 2/Condition 1: Note if Transit Saturn is over Natal Saturn or in 2nd house from Natal Saturn
but going retro

Step 3:/Condition 2: Transit Jupiter in 3rd house from Natal Jupiter

Step 4/Condition 3: Transit Rahu in 9th house from Natal Rahu

Note: Any two of the conditions esp 2 n 3 should be simultaneously happening / pls note the
basics to judge transits the natal position of the planet under consideration should have the yoga
to give bad events, if it does not have then no adverse event, this is oft ignored point.

Technique 22:
In a Leo Asc if Mars is located in 1H or 10H, the native will not stay in his birth place and he or
she will have to leave the birth place in childhood. Page 59 from New Rules & Combinations in
Hindu Astrology.

Mehta Saheb later adds

a) If Mars is placed in Asc, native leaves birth place in childhood.
b) Native often meets with an accident at a T point, but he or she is not injured but the vehicle is
badly damaged.
c) He says that as per his observation when Mars is placed in the 4H for a Leo Asc, the natives
leaves his birth place after 35-40 years of age.

Technique 3: Mars and Gemini

This is a work in progress so nothing definitive as yet and maybe in future we might discard it.
There are several layers to this, one layer is presented below

Step 1 - Mars: Observe where (sign/house) Mars is placed in a chart and see where Gemini is
placed (house)

Step 2 - Common Factor: If both these houses (where Mars is placed) and where Gemini is
placed have a 'common factor then

Step 3 - Effect: One aspect of it would be spoilt/destroyed/badly effected atleast once in lifetime.

Technique 24: Retrogression

This was sent by a lady astrologer from the group, this technique is well known among the
elderly generation of astrologers is what i have noticed since few years. Has anyone tested this
aggressively, their is Part 2 to this same technique which i will post in the next lot

1. All retrograde planets are of immense importance in a Natal Chart. The number of days after
which the planet goes direct reflects the time in terms of years when the qualities of the
retrograde planet come to fructification.
So, if Jupiter is retrograde at the time of birth for a person and it becomes direct after 40 days
from birth, the 40th year of the person is most likely to show the Jupitarian qualities at its best.

In the above technique some say that when this person reaches the age of 40, then the house
where Jup is placed gives specific Result or just after that age and/or the house which is ruled by
Jupiter gives specific fructification


Thanks Sapta Rishis. The forecasting technique, you mentioned is effective. Here I want to add that the
REVERSE criterion of this methodology also works. That is, Direct to Retrograde after birth.

Mark the direct planets (i.e. planets who are not retrograde) in birth chart. Open ephemeris of year of
birth, or generate ephemeris via software. Notice if any direct planet (in natal chart) is going to
retrograde within 90 days after birth. If yes, then calculate the difference between "date of birth" and
"date of start of retrogression". Assume the difference of dates, as year (1 day = 1 year). This year
denotes unusual events related to planet (who has turned retrograde).

Example: Suppose a native was born on October 1, 2013. Jupiter is direct in his chart in Gemini. But
Jupiter turns retrograde on November 7, 2013. The difference between two dates is 37 days. It means
native will encounter unusual event related to Jupiter in age of 37 years. The outcome will be related to
signification, ownership and/or occupation of Jupiter in natal chart.

For the same hypothetical native (born October 1, 2013), Mercury was direct at birth in Libra. However
Mercury goes retrograde on October 21, 2013. The difference between dates is 21 days. Hence native
will encounter Mercury related event at age 21 years (e.g. change in field of education, leaving college,
sudden interest in new branch of study etc.). Rest of the results will be according to lordship and
placement of Mercury.

Here Desh/Kala/Prastithi should keep in mind before delineating any prediction. Lastly, you can precisely
calculate this technique through SECONDARY PROGRESSION.

Technique 23:
A volunteer of SA has given this method, which she got from her Uncle astrologer in her village.
He says that if Jupiter is in the 7H then such a native should not get married between 21 to 27
years (readers can refer to my previous postings on Bhatkhandeji and similar methods, same i
had mentioned at the opening of Dr K S Charaks Medical astrology seminar in Jan Mumbai
2014, organised by SA).

Her Uncle says if such a marriage happens between this age then he has found that the marriage
faces difficulties. So far the girl has found 4 such charts and it is obviously inconclusive.

Does anyone here have charts where Jupiter is in the 7H and marriage happened between 21 to
27 age, if so how is the quality of marriage life, provided you know every intimate details of
such a chart holder.

For many of us such techniques sound immature but there has to be other keys to understand it
when they fail in practice.

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